No adult no problem | Teen Ink

No adult no problem

October 6, 2021
By ve0292895 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
ve0292895 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She was loved, adored and liked by all who meet her. Honor, a student with a bright persona is a kind hearted soul of a girl it maybe a surprise that her friends are the opposite.They violate rules of properties, scare who bats an eye on them, and go as far to be escorted by police on school grounds.Her friends; Rush, Punker, and Delinquent have trouble with authority including their parents, so they all commit to eradicate every adult figure by committing wars and riots driving adults out of existence basically killing them off.

  Honor woke up one day and found no adult on sight. Within eight months Honor’s friends caused mayhem, rage, and serious offences. Honor did not like this, so she talks to them about how the world is now. At first they didn’t, but Honor showed her despairing expression, of course they didn’t budge with their stubborn ways.

  Honor saw what her friends really are, and tried to hold back tears. From what little she thought of her friends she said to herself “As long as I live in this choas I have no friends.” Rush went on the intercom of the white house, and hacked all electronic devices to say their speech. “No adults and authorities, long live rage with no limits!”

  As soon as Rush made the announcement a large number of youths roared. Some in cries of freedom, and some in panic, Honor heard it all she was tired from thinking about where and why the adults are gone. Rush and the gang went to vandalize what was supposed to be private property, that is now a punching bag for the disobedient youths. Deaths are rising because of the lack of grownups to heal and keep the kids saf, and right now it is a world of destruction.

 “Did you see her face ah so priceless”, said Punker while throwing energy drink cans through a broken window, the can landed on a weak shelf, and the whole shelf collapsed to the ground making the whole mini store an echo of rumbles. “Honor is so adorable, her emotion of hopelessness is funny.” Rush added.

 Delinquent stared dozed off looking at tall buildings ahead of him.”Honor” Delinquent whispered to himself, it came out like wind calling her name. Honor got a fire going in her backyard to cook instant pizza from a box, she had water saved up in five gallon water jugs they are separated by: drinking, cleaning, and bathroom purposes. Minors who lived in neighborhoods of poverty are struggling to live without Mother or Fathers. What's worse, some feel disappointed that the parent they waited for couldn't wait to know who is not coming back. Some become reckless, misunderstood, some kids fight outside of homes until one collapses, months later if you were twenty in this world you were to be executed by law.

  If a teen turned twenty or older by law you were to be executed or given a supplement that reverses pituitary glands to go back and start puberty all over again, but the process is slow so you stay in doors for eight months to  go back to a kid or teen like body.Honor listened to destruction of houses, automobiles, and jobs; her eyes sore with salty tears along with a burning sensation in her face from being too close to the fire. She keeps herself warm, she also longs for the need of an adult in her life.

 Rush parkours in chemical plants with Punker to see who can sustain stamina without falling in the tanks of gasses and other pollution. Punker finds a resting place “You know this reminds me of when the both of us ran away from home one time.”Rush looked at him and said “I’ve seen the missing posters and man they did us dirty with weight and height.” Punker laughed, “Right, but we had to return home or get sent to juvy.”

 “I mean could they blame us we were exhousted from our home life, not one of us could handle it; not Delinquent, not me, nor you Rush.” Punker looked up at Rush. “We are siblings not by blood, but by our rebellion like nature is what makes us feel okay.” Rush looked at Punker and smiled, “Now we don’t have to apologize or be punished, being free to break things and trespass is what makes me happy the most.”

   Delinquent ran toward Punker, and Rush with full speed avoiding chances of falling into the tanks of chemicals. “Death rates are growing, survival for people under eighteen is low, the supplement that reverses our body is harmful, what do we do Rush?” Rush stepped toward Delinquent, Punker’s eyes followed him. “Are you questioning  my leadership skills Delinquent?”

  “No, but we need to figure out something to keep others around the world alive, babies are dying, siblings and cousins are dying off;and I ask you again Rush what do we do?” Rush looked at Punker. “I think we should come up with a plan to live without adults.” After Rush’s statement, Punker and Delinquent ran off to the PA system to set up for Rush’s speech. Rush walked around the neighborhood surrounding the chemical plant, then he saw her, she looked at him with eyes of rage and ran at him. 

  Honor saw Rush, she bolted towards him with her dagger. Rush smirked, and pulled her armed hand. “Hello Honor what a shock to see you angry and I thought I did a favor at least to keep your sanity before you snap at an authority figure.” Honor looked up at Rush with her hand slowly being twisted. With shock and horror he looked up at him.”You and your sadistic friends need to stop this madness right now Rush” 

  Rush looked down at her.” Well if it makes you upset, learn how to adapt then.” “ Adapt! Don’t you hear yourself, you're sadistic, horrible, and selfish!” Rush let her hand go; pushed her, and walked away out of sight.

  Five years later Honor formed an underground secret society for minors who privately look for traces to find out what happened to the vanishing adults. Meanwhile, Delinquent is the chief in command to find existing grownups and kill them, especially the minors who smuggle them. Punker found ways to make sure that reversing supplements are safe to take and run by genius math-science whiz kids. Rush ruled earth like always, anything was least legal except the existence of adults or becoming one can put you to prison or death row.

  A once friend group that had a bond, are now enemies. Honor is excited with new information she gets everyday about the survival of adults, and has always wanted to interact with them including her parents. She gets a report; about their whereabouts, where they live, home, how they hide, what they survive off of, etc. Honor is very proud of herself and the illegal research team from prison, she even has older generations who go to other places of adult hideout and save them to gather up for war, maybe a peace revolution that can populate them.

  Delinquent was told by Rush to find Honor to join them, and the younger generation alive. He found her, but she refused his offers; bribes, and deals. Honor kept her head held high wanting to start a peaceful union or a war that would end them all. She knows that if war starts both adults, and youths would die, it wouldn’t matter no one would win, but she was willing to take that chance.

  The three world leaders that are Rush, Punker, and Delinquent are wanting to force Honor to give in to the adult free world, or be executed. “I think it should be her choice.” Said Delinquent, “It has been five years Delinquent she should’ve been adapting like maybe months after we murdered the adults.” After Punker was done adding Rush said, “Maybe she did adapt, and is probably hiding something.” There was silence, “Are saying she is hiding a secret, because if so a goody-two shoes like her aren’t great at sneaking things.”

Delinquent added, Rush looked at both of them and said, “Sometimes good girls become bad.” Punker glanced at Rush, “Honor is too amiable to disobey laws she knows what she is doing.” “Exactly Punker, she knows what she is doing, and our laws that we made say it’s wrong, or course she can do whatever she pleases, but she needs to watch out.” After that the three split ways to work or lay around like usual.

Rush went to Honor’s place, now a thing Honor didn’t know is that Rush and Delinquent know her secret research lab on adult life. “Delinquent has been acting protective of Honor lately, oh well wouldn’t be the first time he went soft on her.” Rush went to her front door and knocked,”Anybody home?...Honor I know what you are hiding, Delinquent can be easy on you, but you know me I’m merciless open the door or be executed.” Honor didn’t answer, the house seemed vacant, Rush found a shiny deadbolt key from under the carpet.

He grabbed the key and found the basement door beside her house the darkest part. He unlocked the doors, and found adults getting nourishment, other minors helping them out, some running with papers of documents. Rush’s eyes widened from what he saw, his jaw dropped when Honor came out. “What are you doing here Rush!”

Honor said demandingly, Rush stood there stiff, “I wanted to talk about an arrangement.” Honor nodded “very well.” Honor, and Rush talked for hours about their past and the deal Rush rambled on about. “I don’t agree Rush, no amount of money or favors will persuade me.” Honor said, “If nothing persuades you Honor, then a war might start between adults and youth right?” Rush added. Honor then replied “If a war will settle this I’m down.” I hope you know it’s a war you will lose to.” After Rush’s comment Honor declared “I am willing to take that chance, I hope Delinquent joins my team though.”

With time closing near to war Honor gathered surviving adults with armour, weapons, and medical needs. While she is preparing, Rush and Punker speculate about Delinquent’s behavior towards conversations about Honor; he always seems protective about her. Delinquent admits to himself that he is seeing how different he is from Punker, and Rush, knowing that he is changing for her.

Rush is also preparing for war just a day away, he enlisted youths ready to battle other youths around the world who oppose him. Punker and his team are prepared as well, he is just worried for Delinquent. War is today and everybody has been feverish about it since it began. Rush's team attacked now it is Honor’s turn. 

In the middle of war, Delinquent dropped his weapon and walked in the middle of opposing teams. “Enough is enough Rush we need to stop this war, adults matter into our lives, yes we were treated badly by them, but the youth can’t live without them it’s not about Honor, but about the world.” Done with his speech Rush walked up to him and apologized especially to Honor. Four years later adults repopulated, and lived longer. Honor, Punker, Rush, and Delinquent made amends to not give adults trouble, listen to one another and no more demolition to the friendship.

The author's comments:

No adult no problem is a dystopian atlernate universe of a story about a world run by raging youths.

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