Forever Frozen | Teen Ink

Forever Frozen

October 6, 2021
By Basketball16 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Basketball16 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

      One early morning Shadow woke up for school thinking it was going to be a normal day.

However, he starts getting ready at about 6:45 a.m. and gets in the shower. Once he gets out the

shower he continues to get ready by getting dressed as fast as flash because he was running late.

While he’s finishing up his mom shouts “OH MY GOSH WE’RE GOING TO DIE!!!” Shadow

sprints downstairs to see his mother in tears, they sit on the couch together and watch the news.

According to the news the sun had exploded into millions of pieces. Shadow then goes upstairs

to call his friends Shade, Livvy, and Star to check up on them. Livvy and Star were both bawling

their eyes out terrified and worried that the world was ending. Instantly the world turned cold

as ice and went numb. Shadow and the three others all meet up and they soon found out that

everything was dying such as plants, animals, and even humans. The government built a huge

bunker so the world could meet underground, However the bunker rapidly  ran out of supplies

for everyone. Star end ups getting very sick so the government runs a couple test on her and

 turns out she had a virus called Covid-19. The virus spreads quickly killing thousands of people

which lead to more space in the bunker. Shadow goes outside for a walk and sees a dim light in

the distance so he stands up concerned and runs inside and yells “THERE’S  LIGHT!!!”

Everyone then runs outside but quickly turns back around because they realize it was the supply

truck doing its weekly run. Shadow stands there in disbelief then begins to walk back

up the mountain like a hiker while thinking about life and what the world is coming to. Shadow

meets up with the others at the bunker and they talk about what to do next. They come up with

the idea to go into the city to look around and hopefully find some supplies they individually

need. They all four begin walking, Star suggested that they should stop by the food market to see

if they have anything left since the rioting that happened when everyone first found out about the

sun breaking into millions of pieces. While the kids were searching for food and clothes like

detectives search for clues to take back to their familys suddenly an armed man approached the

four of them and begin asking what they were doing out in the city by themselves. Livvy begins

to tell the suspicious man that they were just looking for supplies and then going back to the

bunker. The man laughs and slowly reaches in the back of his pocket and before Shadow can yell

out “RUN!!” the man fires away and hits him in the back…

The author's comments:

my awsome teacher inspired me to write this story because it was really interesting. I also got inspired because if the sun realy vanished i wanted to know what would really happen

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