Goodnight Sun | Teen Ink

Goodnight Sun

October 6, 2021
By Anonymous

    Sol woke up early like she always did, but there was something strange about today. It was still dark she thought it was cloudy or the sun hadn’t rose. She started getting ready for school until her phone started ringing it was her friend Estrella. She sounded really distressed “Have you looked at outside” sol responded “No”. Estrella shouted, “Look outside!”. Sol went up to her window and looked outside and saw darkness there was no sign of the sun it was even snowing. She ran into her mom’s room and woke her mom.

    Her mom jumped out her bed bewildered and went outside then she said, “The end of the world is coming”. They went back inside because it was freezing and pitch-black outside. When they went inside, they turned on the TV and saw how every channel was talking about how the sun isn’t coming back. And how the end of the world was coming and how everyone should be prepared. Sol’s mom didn’t want Sol to get more scared, so she told her to go to her room. When Sol got to her room, she instantly called her good friends Estrella and Cometa. They were all in the call and were all scared about what was happening. Then they decided to meet up at Cometa’s house.

When Sol started walking to Cometa’s house she ran into Luna. Luna then asked, “Where are you going” Sol ignored her and kept walking. Luna said “If you don’t tell me I am just going to follow you. Sol hates so she started walking faster, so then Luna walked faster. Luna catches up to her and follows all they way to Cometa’s house. When they get there Cometa opens the door baffled when she sees Luna. “Why is she here” said Cometa “She followed me all they way over here “whispered Sol. Both Sol and Luna go inside Cometa’s house and sit down. Suddenly the phone rings it’s Estrella “HELP!” she shrieked my car stuck and I don’t have a light.

     They all look at each other Luna said, “We can’t go for her its gotten colder plus it started to snow more”. Sol looks at her and says “We need to go for her if you don’t want to go then go home “said Sol. “Well, y’all need to take me to my house” said Luna “You came here by yourself you can walk back” said Sol. “Guys calm down we need to go for her” said Cometa “Let’s just take Luna home but we are going for Estrella first”. “I change my mind I want to go for Estrella” said Luna. They all prepare to go outside they get the biggest sweater that they find and put them on. They take some flashlight with spare batteries and some things that could keeping them warm. They tell Cometa’s mom what they were doing, and she said, “NO WAY!”. “It’s freezing plus you can barley see” said Cometa’s mom “But mom we need to go help Estrella out” said Cometa. “Your friends can go, but you are staying here go to your room!” shouted Cometa’s mom. Cometa, Luna, and Sol go to Cometa’s room “Just go without me “said Cometa. “NO!” said Sol “We can’t go without you and I don’t want to go by myself with Luna”.

     “What if you just sneak out” said Sol “I can’t do that” said Cometa. “Well, you need to go” said Sol “Fine I will just leave and wait for me outside”. Luna and Sol walk out of the house and wait for her at the window the window slowly opens screeching the whole time it’s going up. Cometa come out and meets up with both girls. They start there walk in the dark with flashlights looking for Estrella “buzz” buzz” a phone was buzzing it was Sol’s phone. She looks at it a message from Estrella “Half of my car is in snow it just shut off hurry 911 won’t answer”. The dark clouds poured lots of snow and ice. The girls never stopped until they saw that the flashlight reflected on something it was a car. Could this be Estrella they approach it slowly and look inside the could barley see because the car was getting ate up by the snow. When the got a good look it was Estrella she was in there she was unconscious they bang on the window nothing. They need to get her out of there they start digging out the car Luna’s flashlight died. That’s when they notice they forgot the batteries they have forgotten the batteries. They start digging faster and finally enough space to get the door open.

    They struggle to open the frozen door they’re all freezing and can barely get enough strength to pull. They finally get it open and get to Estrella they check on her she died. All three girls look at each other shocked and can’t believe it. At that moment the girls realized they don’t really know where they are it’s to dark. When they try to turn on their flashlights, they start flickering they’re dying. There only source of light is now gone how will they get home who will help them. The three girls are now alone with no light and they don’t know where.

The author's comments:

I decided to write about a story of a group of friends in the first day of the sun not coming up.

Sol is the main character with her friends named Estrella, Cometa ,and her least favorite of Luna.

This story takes them on a journey about how the world has no sun.

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