No Signal | Teen Ink

No Signal

October 6, 2021
By Anonymous

The room was empty, lights out, no communication, no signal dead silence in the streets of New York City. No one knew what to do. Teli had a panic attack and started gasping for air because she had no one to comfort her. Pho soon came to her room to calm her down. Teli and Pho tried to contact their parents but had no way in doing so. Teli asked Pho “What do we do our parents are out of town?” Pho replied with “I don’t know but we have to stick together” Both Teli and Pho stayed together in their apartment for 2 hours and then boom they heard screaming. The neighbors running downstairs to exit the apartment complex. Sooner than later, they heard a quiet thump on the door than it eventually became louder and eventually they broke the door. Teli and Pho were at the other side of the apartment, so they stayed hidden in the late-night moon. The people that came into the door were 2 people, but they couldn’t analyze the appearance of them. Both bizarre characters roaming the room were talking and one of them said “Hey do you see anyone we can help?” and the other one responded with “Nope it’s pitch black I wish I can see.” They both proceeded to leave the building.

Pho and Teli stayed in the corner petrified by what just happened. Pho asked Teli “Why didn’t you say anything?” Teli said “I don’t know I was scared. I’m sorry I’m really clumsy.” They soon darted out the room and ran straight downstairs to leave and all of a sudden it wasn’t just them. Cars wrecked, people screaming, and people injured. Pho and Teli just stood there in shock and couldn’t move an inch and that’s when they knew society devolved.

It’s been 5 years since the worldwide disappearance of electricity. During the remaining time, Pho and Teli lost contact with their parents.

“Wake up! Wake up!” Faintly in the background “Wake up!” Teli startled by the voice she soon than realized the voice was just her sister Pho. “Oh, it’s just you” said Teli. Pho responded with “Yeah you slept in were you staying up late again? We need to go find parts for the town.” Teli groaned and replied with “Ugh I completely forgot let’s head out now!”. Teli dashed to the door and out of nowhere Pho yelled ‘You stink like a skunk get ready first’ Teli with a stuck-up expression responded with “Who cares no one thinks I’m that important” Both sisters soon left to go find parts for their town in need.

Soon both sisters walked to the abandoned streets of Times Square. The once was tourist filled attraction spot was now an empty void of what it once was. “Why here out of all places?” said Teli. “Times Square still has a lot of life left in it and we were asked by Cig and Cell to clean up and loot the area so we can rebuild this place.” They both proceeded to walk to all the vacant stores. “Hey, is that a skate shop?” asked Teli. “I think it is, seemed like it was a local store.” Teli ran to the store while Pho walked normally. The store still had a lot of materials left to take. “Hey, I’m going to take this skateboard it still looks new” Teli yelled. “Alright just don’t do anything stupid” said Pho. “Yeah, yeah whatever I’m going outside” Teli said obnoxiously. Wait you still must help me. Ugh whatever she won’t listen to me. I guess it’s just me today as usual.”         During the 30 minutes, Teli has been skating around the city and being reckless as she always is.                                                                                                                                            30 minutes have passed, and Pho is doing what she was assigned to do and Teli is still messing around with the skateboard.  Sooner than later, they heard a snarl from the bushes where Teli was. Teli as reckless and careless as she was decided to check out the noise that appeared from the bushes. “Holy crap“ Teli shouted. What she saw was a dog not just a normal dog. Both sisters happened to be in its territory, and it wasn’t messing around. “Come here good boy.” Teli shouted. She proceeded to get closer and closer. The Dog attacked her arm and wasn’t letting go. “Let go you big mutt!” She shouted. Teli started to kick the dog and it finally ran away. “Ahh crap I’m bleeding bad!” she shouted. Pho heard all the ruckus and she ran straight to her. “Jesus Christ what happened to your hand” Pho asked. “Uhm I don’t know I got bid by a dog” Teli said obnoxiously. Pho said “Calm down I just wanted to know, and we need to get you patched up. Luckily, I finished most of the cleanup and looting for today. I’ll ask Sig and Cell to clean up the rest.” Teli said nervously “ha ha can I keep the skateboard?” Pho said, “Sure just don’t be reckless with it I don’t want you to get hurt again!” Teli responded with “Sure thing boss”. Pho replied with “Don’t call me that ever again.”

Teli rode her skateboard carefully while Pho walked all of the way home. Soon when Teli got patched up, her and her sister went right back to sleep.

The author's comments:

Something I love about this piece is the Idea of trying to fix a city that is already destroyed.


Something about me is that I love skating and reading comics.

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