One Perfect Family | Teen Ink

One Perfect Family

September 12, 2022
By Anonymous

TW// murder, violence, death

Bailey Jameson was helping her son, Paul Walker, with his project while her husband, Johnnie Walker, was late from work. 

Bailey asked her son, ”Where is your father, sweetheart? He should be home by now.” 

He replied, ''Mother, I think he might have gone out to get me a present since it will be my birthday a week from now.” 

Bailey voiced, “Yes, you are right, baby. I'm sure he will come home soon.” 

Despite what Paul told his mother, she could not shake off her worries as the hand of the clock clicked every second. Her warmhearted and loving husband, who used to come home early just to spend time with the family, has been getting home late for the past months. It was time for Paul to go to bed for school tomorrow.

The doorknob turns as Johnnie steps into the family home, worn out from a tedious and excruciating day of work. 

“My love, where have you been? You were supposed to be home an hour ago. It’s 9:30 pm currently.” Bailey questioned him.

”I have been busy for the past few months. There is a new coworker I was assigned to teach.” 

“ Is this coworker a female or male?” 

“She’s a female. Her name is Hennessy Miller. Why are you asking me this question?” Johnnie asked. 

“Oh really, are you sure about that? I’m starting to doubt if she is just a coworker. Her name seems oddly familiar.”

“Are you questioning my loyalty? Everyone in this town knows each other besides she is just new here. It would not hurt to introduce her around, you know.” Johnnie ranted.

I apologize for that. However, you have not been coming home early to spend time with the family for a while.” Bailey told Johnnie

I will be home later. I need to clear my head.” Johnnie sighed as he slammed the door and drove away without eating dinner.

Bailey was overwhelmed by her emotions after the quarrel between the couple, so she called her closest friend, Mai Tai, to come over.

“I need help. I just feel so lost! Johnnie has not been coming home to spend time with us anymore. I think Johnnie has been cheating on me with his worker. Her name was familiar to me, so I wanted to ask if you knew her.” 

“What is the coworker’s name Bailey?”

“Hennessy Miller, I think.”

“Oh, I know who she is. I think I had her in college for a few classes.”

“I’m just astounded at how capricious Johnnie’s attitude is. Like Mai, one second he loves his family, then the next, he doesn’t even spend time with them. I think I should divorce him. He does not even care about his son anymore.”

“I agree with you. Johnnie was very dawdling about taking care of Paul. But does anyone else know about this?” Mai questioned.

“No, it’s an esoteric topic for people I only trust.” 

After Mai consoles Bailey, she goes home to make dinner for her boyfriend. Bailey calls her soon-to-be ex-husband. But the call went straight to voicemail. It was like he was trying to avoid the black plague back in 1346-1352. At the same time, Johnnie had his location open, so she followed and eventually came to the Royal Oaks neighborhood. Once she arrived, the houses in the Royal Oaks looked like Elon Musk got every real estate around the corner and remodeled everything. As Bailey shows up to where Johnnie is, Bailey sees his car outside someone’s house. At that very moment, she sees a glimpse of a familiar figure with another woman at the window. Blinded by her emotions, she barges into the home and begins to record on her phone.

“What are you doing here?! Did you stalk my location to find me here? Johnnie asked

“I knew it all along! You were keeping quiet something all this time. What about our son?! Do you want him to have a broken family with his dad cheating on his mom? Wait, does Jim even know about what’s going on? Who else knows that you are cheating on me with a 20-year-old?! She would not even be capable enough to take care of Paul.” Bailey yelled.

“No, why would my close friend know about this? In his eyes, he thinks we are a happy and perfect family who has absolutely no complications going on.” Johnnie stated.

“Well, news flash, we will never be a perfect family, considering how this family is gone because of you.”

“I’m sorry, but I have to say this, I’m not fulfilled with us anymore. Ever since I met Hennesy, everything has been bliss to me.”

“How could you do this when we have a 10-year-old son sleeping peacefully at home?! How would he react when he finds out that his deadbeat father can’t even enjoy a simple dinner with his family for one night? But you just want to get into your coworker’s pants.” Bailey said.

She ranted out of her resentment towards her husband. Out of impulse, she uploads the video on Facebook for everyone to see her husband’s true nature. Meanwhile, on the other side of town, in Bailey’s house, Mai goes inside the house and wakes up Paul from his sleep. After a moment of silence, the couple’s phones began to get calls from their friends and family. Bailey answers the phone call from her sister Bacardi. 

“Hey, what’s up? Why did you call me? I am a little busy right now dealing with Johnnie.” Bailey asked.

“Bailey, you just did defamation on Johnnie! Everyone knows what is happening with you and Johnnie.”

Before she could even say another word, Johnnie came behind Bailey and ended the call.

“I can’t believe you did this. I will kill you for this little stunt you just pulled.”

“You ruined our family for good and they will never go back to the way they were.”

“ I’m glad it won’t go to the way it was. I hate it when you try to walk all over me like I am some pushover. It gets very exhausting that you try to make it a perfect family when it was never one, to begin with.”

As soon as those words came out of Johnnie’s mouth, Paul and Mai showed up at the front door and watched everything that occurred.

“Why are you here, baby? You should be asleep right now. Don’t you have a project that is due tomorrow? How did you even get here? We are on the other side of town.” Bailey asked

“Mom, Auntie Mai woke me up and drove me over here because she told me there would be a surprise waiting for me. Why were you and dad fighting? Was it because he missed eating dinner with us tonight? Paul questioned.

Bailey comforted, “No, sweetheart, we were arguing about something little things. It was nothing too terrible. I promise you. 

Wait, Auntie Mai, what was the surprise that you told me you had in store for my birthday?  

“You just reminded me about this Paul, but Hennessy and I used to be close friends back in college. She also told me to bring Paul to witness what would occur very soon.” Mai answered.

“Why are you doing this, Mai? I thought I could trust you with my secrets. First my husband and now my close friend? Why are you so determined to ruin my life? What did I do to you, huh?” Bailey said, all bewildered and disoriented.

“Because you threw me aside as soon as you got married. You left me when I needed you the most, Bailey. I had a miscarriage when I was with my ex-boyfriend. You were too busy working all the time. You had my dream life don’t you see? You have your dream job, a family to love, and people who care about you. I had nobody when I was going through some difficult times.” Mai exclaimed.

“Why did you not tell me? You left me in the dark. I did not even know anything about your miscarriage.”

Bailey apologized, “I’m sorry. I should have told you from the start. If I did, then none of this would ever occur!”

Before Mai could say another word, Hennessy pulled out a gun from her purse and aimed at Bailey’s skull. Mai and Paul let out a sharp piercing cry as they watch Bailey’s lifeless body drops. 

“This time, I’m stepping over you now.” Johnnie chuckled as he walked away from Bailey’s bloody figure.

The author's comments:

This story was required by my English teacher for a big grade. I genuinely enjoyed writing this story and some of my classmates helped put the story together.

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