My Dream | Teen Ink

My Dream

September 27, 2023
By 4jarvis GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
4jarvis GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last night I had the weirdest dream. 

It was 2013, and I was sitting below the Statue of Liberty in New jersey. My light-navy blue shirt drenched in thirty-three degree blue gatorade. Suddenly, clouds erupt in the distance, and Nicki Minaj skirts in on her new orange dragon. She begins telling me that the dragon cost her $1,246,903 but she didn’t pay a cent because Drake bought it for her after what happened in her Maybach. She begins to trail off and asks me if I need anything. “Yes,” I say and tell her exactly what I am craving. She flies away. 

I look around for something familiar other than the giant statue in front of me and I see a man with white locks trotting toward me on a horse wearing sandals. What the heck?  Why was the horse wearing sandals? He comes closer, George Washington? It couldn't be, it was. I have never been this excited. Wait. There was someone riding the horse with him. I hear in the distance, “For all the times that you rained on my parade” Oh my goodness, I can't believe this. I scream like a fangirl. I ran towards them. I was so excited. Justin sees me and says “Despacito, baby” I cry.

Nicki came back back and I smelled the Giant belgian waffle with whipped cream that I asked for. I can't see her but I think she got rid of her dragon. What was that? Is she riding on winter the dolphin? “Sup,” she addressed me. “Thank you, Nicki,” I told her. She gave me a giant hug “Sorry miss Muffet,  I have to go back to my life as a stay at home mom in the hamptons.” I cry some more as Justin Grabs my hand and we ride a dragon back to Pewaukee Lake. 

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