The Wildest Dream | Teen Ink

The Wildest Dream

September 27, 2023
By 5zehner GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5zehner GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am in Naples Florida,

I’m swimming with 10,000,000 swordfish.

I’m failing at trying to throw spears at them, I throw spears better in Lake Michigan.

Kanye has come to help. 

I asked what he’s doing in Naples, he says he’s off the grid.

Just then, it starts to rain, and a thunderstorm is on the way.

This is no ordinary thunderstorm, though. This thunderstorm is made of red gatorade.

The rain is close in color to vermillion.

I bet not even a chemist could explain why the rain is how it was.

After the rain stops, Margot Robbie and Emma Watson bring me a plate of 2 eggs and hashbrowns, dubious I would finish the whole thing.

I tell them that on god I can, and they shout “Hurray!” When I eat it all.

I think the two of them amor me, probably more than Napoleon, because they keep telling me “You’re so handsome.”

After all of this, a gargoyle wearing flip flops told me it was time to wake up.

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