Evanescent Ecstasy | Teen Ink

Evanescent Ecstasy

March 20, 2024
By DaffodilsBlxssom BRONZE, Bangalore, Other
DaffodilsBlxssom BRONZE, Bangalore, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was delving into the deep metaphysical thoughts of my existence as I drowned in the depths of a marine abyss. It felt like a surreal dreamcore that was impossible to elude. I sank further, not caring even a little about the perils awaiting for me. The only thing I was seeing was the effervescent bubbles floating towards the rim of the ocean, unfettered about the diverse elements besieged around them. Just as I closed my eyes, I felt a rather strong current acting against me. When I opened my eyes to see the disturbances, I realised that I was teleported to a floating castle in the sky! But my time in this cloudy utopia was ephemeral. Within minutes, I was accelerating at warp speed as I witnessed the aerial kingdom distorting, the void that teleported me to the kingdom was nearing again. It was within no time that I lapsed into another unworldly location. But, as I gazed to recognize where I was, everything in the vicinity started dissipating. I closed my eyes to be safe. I heard a cacophony of voices as I was about to shut down, but a part of me yearned to be aware, so I trusted my instincts. I witnessed a myriad of phantasmagorias that were arduous to fathom. This feeling was ineffable, but something greater arose as the voices around me started to dwindle, as well as my vision. It was hazy and vague, but all I knew was that my mind was not oblivious. Suddenly, all the voices convocated and came back, and my auditory system was strong enough to discern those sounds. I leisurely opened my eyes, just to realise that I was late for school!

The author's comments:

I am Dhriti, a student of the 9th grade, residing in Bangalore, India.

This story was made to cope with boredom, and some of my personal interest in the study of dreams and different fantasies. 

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on Apr. 18 2024 at 9:36 pm
On_A_Journey SILVER, Sparks, Nevada
7 articles 3 photos 126 comments

Favorite Quote:
Not all those who wander are lost- J.R.R Tolkien

You use such good words!