fallout | Teen Ink


January 6, 2012
By poper BRONZE, Ocala, Florida
poper BRONZE, Ocala, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I hear the agonizing screams of my wife as the explosion tosses me to the ground, I hit with a noticeable thud. Shocked and half blind from the flash I turn to see my wife and my eight year old son Jacob crushed by a car that had been chunked through the air. Shocked I run to the car in tears pulling and tearing ripping off three of my finger nails just trying to free them. With no use I fall to my knees and then collapse. as I awake My eyes crack open and I foul smell invades my nose I tilt my head to the right only to come face to face with a dead man missing half his head, in shock I start to jump but catch myself as I notice five soldiers no more than 30 yards away searching through bodies and shooting the dead, to make sure they were dead. Then one soldier made his way towards me my heart began to race thousands of options filled my head on what to do as he drew closer I decided to just held my breath and not move a muscle. He searched my pockets jacket and shoes when he found nothing he drew a pistol from his holster my heart began pounding knowing that this would be my fate playing dead at the gunpoint of a soldier with not even a chance to fight back. Then suddenly a sharp crack came left of me then much cursing erupted as a the soldier searching me jumped up and ran in that direction allowing me to tilt my head just a slight bit enough to see a young looking soldier clutching his foot with much blood pouring out. The soldier searching me was already over there screaming, you stupid idiot I told you to watch were your pointing that gun u could of killed any one of us. He then Said something to another soldier off to his left the solider then replied with a firm yes sir and ran off, coming back three or four minutes later with a medical kit and began bandaging the young soldiers foot up, once this had been completed the young soldier limped away along the side of two other soldiers. Then the soldier who search me witch I now believed was the commander was walking away then turned and looked back as if he were forgetting something he then seemed to shake it off as if it were nothing. Once they had all left I still sat there for twenty or thirty minutes more just to make sure they were gone. Then I slowly tried to get up and an aking pain came over my body stiffening my muscles to the core. Slowly but surely I managed to get up once I was on my feet I gave a quick look around for any sign of danger and what I saw was horrific. Body parts strewn every were limbs scattered across the hard road blood stains covered the road. People were dismembered and rotten I felt light headed I then glance back down at the chap who lost half his head and vomited. I started stumbling away then I looked back at the car that crushed my wife and son, tears brimmed in my eyes as I stumbled away crying knowing that they were gone forever. I walked through my home town Ocala looked like no more than a piece of ruble. Cars were burning and buildings were destroyed. As I walked further through the town the site became more horrific as I passed by I concrete wall with blood stains splashed across it, at the bottom lay a shroud of body’s, they had been lined up the executed to my observations. After walking for hours nighttime starts to fall and I then seek shelter in a local eatery. I stumble in the walls are rittled with bullet holes broken glass is thrown amongst spilled plates of food. Surprisingly no bodies are strewed throughout the restaurant. I walk through and into the kitchen opening the door that leads to the back and I see I mountain of bodies piled up at least ten feet high now I know why no bodies lay in the restaurant. I slammed the door and spun around to meet eyes with a soldier at the other end of the kitchen I froze and so did he we stared at each other for a moment he then quickly drew his weapon and let loose a hail of bullets ricocheting off pots and pans, I quickly dodge behind the counter witch sat in the middle of the kitchen. I crouch down low and crawl the ways of the counter to the other side I peek around to see the soldier aiming in that exact same spot, I quickly duck back down something shiny catches my eye a kitchen knife sits right beside me I grasp it in my hand. I had never taken another man’s life before but I was prepared to do so if it meant keeping mine. I jumped from behind the counter quick as lightning I stuck the knife through the soldier’s neck he swayed for am moment and then fell. Stunned not believing what I had done I dropped the kitchen knife, and then my eyes then turned towards the bullet hole in the soldiers boot. I slowly kneel down and remove the boot from the soldier and there was a bloods stained bandage wrapped tightly around the soldier’s foot. I turn towards the face of soldier young smooth he could have not been more than 16. I then gently place my hand over his eyes and close them, I pick up his gun his pistol and his knife I then search him for whatever ammunition he has. Taking his backpack off of him and stuffing the ammo inside. I sat there staring at the door gun aimed right at it waiting for another soldier to burst in yet none came. As the morning sunlight peeked precariously through the windows of the kitchen I stood up and took another glance at the dead soldiers’ body, then a raging pain crippled my stomach as I yearned for food. I then began tearing through shelf’s cupboards pantries and closets finding whatever I could I found some steak and grabbed a pan turned on the burner of the stove I was next to, once it was fully heated to perfection I gingerly place the steak down in the pan the wonderful sizzle hit my ears and my mouth began to water. The meat soon turned a cinnamon colored brown I then grasp the meat but quickly dropped it back in the pan as the juices had burnt my hand. I rummaged through the draws and found a fork I then stabbed the meat hungrily and took a humongous bit out of it. It was the best steak I had ever had, and then I crouched down in the corner and tore at the steak like an animal occasionally looking up as if someone were going to snatch it away. Once I had finished it I great sense of tiredness befell me and I strained to keep my eyes open but slowly and surely they shut. I awoke in the middle of the night to a loud crashing noise I jumped up with the gun preparing to blast whatever came through that door I slowly reached down into the backpack and found a flash light. I held it up with my gun the assault rifles grip became slippery in my sweaty hands as I slowly approached the door. Finger on the trigger I burst through the door shining across the room my light falls upon a set of eyes belonging to a dog face buried in a spilled platter of food, my nerves begin to relax and I slowly loosen my grip on the weapon and start to laugh laughing so hard the dog frightens and scampers away I then turn and stroll into the kitchen then a painful memory hits of my family my son asked me to play catch but I told him no and ran off to work this happened quit often back when things were normal and a deep feeling of anguish settled over me. I turned and punched a metal covered putting a dent in the frame cursing myself for all the mistakes I had made. All the wrong I had done to my family my friends I didn’t even show up to my grandmother’s funeral because of some party, I shouted at myself screamed to the top of my lungs destroying every in the entire kitchen once my fit of rage had ended I looked around at the destruction I had caused then stumbled to the door of the kitchen and laid down and sobbed until I fell asleep. Once I woke up I gathered my things and walked out of the restaurant after many mile I came upon some more soldiers standing in a clearing the had ten or twelve people ate gun point and I knew exactly what was about to happen. Then I fiery flame struck light inside me and without thinking I loaded a clip in the magazine jumped up from the car I was behind and let loose all I had gunning down the six or seven soldiers but not without cost a quick sharp pain hit me in the chest and everything seemed to slant all the color started to melt together and I fell to the ground the people who the soldiers had been holding ran over to me a man bent down and said we have to save him, but I cut him off with a quick no all the people looked at me in disbelief. The man exclaimed what I then mustered the last bit of strength to say there is no use my time has been filled the man starred at me in shock. He said we must but I shook my head no friend no I said do not worry about me just promise me this, promise me that you will rebuild and learn from our own societies mistakes the man looked at me and said yes I promise . I then said with a weak voice thank you and shut my eyes.

The author's comments:
a great thriller

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