Mairy Island | Teen Ink

Mairy Island

December 16, 2012
By misiu21 SILVER, Palm Bay, Florida
misiu21 SILVER, Palm Bay, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mairy Island

The low, steady rumble of the monstrous machines could be heard in the background. In the dark room a woman shrieked in pain and you heard the encouragement of the nurse beside her, “Push! Everything is gonna be alright come on one more time, PUSH! Ok, shush now it’s going to be ok breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out, PUSH!” Suddenly the cry of a baby could be heard for miles around; it was a miracle that life could be brought into the world of destruction.

The rumble of the yellow grimy machines grew through the hole in the wall you could see them approaching. The baby was quickly rushed into cleaning the doctors all around were rushing around the crying woman on the bed. The nurse stood besides her watching silently waiting for the doctors to finish, even though she could have been helping she could not leave the woman’s side. The noisome machines were even closer than before and the noise grew louder and louder. The baby finally returned into the room and was handed to the mother who gently sobbed over it. The doctors gathered around the bed as if in some formation and lifted the bed all at the same time like they were trained. They all flew out with four nurses following behind with supplies out of the hole in the enormous tree. The woman turned her head slowly and saw the destruction of her old home as a mountainous arm come clobbering down on to the hospital.

They flew for hours and you could see the struggle in the doctor’s wings as they struggled to continue flying. The nurse flew beside the bed whispering instructions into the woman’s ear, “Keep the precious thing warm ok. You need to relax yourself, ok.” The woman nodded and took a deep breath and made a final nod indicating the nurse to continue. “Breath in slowly, and breath out continue breathing at a steady rate keep the baby’s head close to your heart ok, make sure it knows you’re there.”

As they continued into the middle of nowhere it grew dark, and the nurse went to help the doctors carry the bed. Even as she helped the doctors she kept shooting glances back toward the baby. The woman could see all the struggle and pain the doctors and nurses were going through. They all would have made it if it weren’t for the baby. The baby and the woman were just a huge burden.

The evening turned to night and stars floated in the sky above. The reflection of the moon rippled in the ocean. The woman and baby fell into a deep sleep while the doctors continued flying. The nurse kept shooting quick glances at the baby and the mother.

When the sun began to set the second day of the long, mysterious voyage land crept into view. The mother looked up with tears of joy flowing out of her eyes. She knew at that moment her little baby was going to be ok. The Island grew as the doctors flew closer. By the time the sun had completely set the hospital bed was plopped down on the wet sand of the island. All around the landing was chaos everywhere people were carrying wood and hammering nails. You could hear the rhythm of the hammers hitting wood. Exhausted from the long, dreary voyage the doctors and nurses went for the nearest lump of dry sand and fell asleep. Except for one nurse the one who was there the whole time stayed and encouraged and reassured the mother. She whispered to the mother, “You need to rest now ok.” The mother too tired to say a word just nodded slightly. After a moment of silence the nurse turned and left to join the rest of the doctors.

The next morning the woman woke up sore. All around once again people were already at work cutting and nailing. She felt useless not doing anything to help and when she finally decided to try to get up the nurse rushed up and made her lay down with much refusal. After the tiring night most of the doctors were still well and fast asleep, while the rest were tending to people who were ill.

Unlike the day before a few houses were scattered here and there and some had people scurrying around in them. Amongst the few houses was one larger building that was used at the moment to house some people. The thing that didn’t change about the day before was all the noise and ruckus that was created by all the people surrounding the woman. The woman looked around quite bewildered and then realized something horrible. Her baby had disappeared from her view. She rotated her head all around much like an owl searching for her baby. The obvious thing was to go looking for her baby, but she hesitated. Then realized the longer she waited the farther her baby could be.

The woman begins to descend from her bed when the high, shrill voice of the nurse rushing over says, “STOP!!! What do you think you’re doing you are supposed to be resting.” She ended with her hand on her hip and her head cocked to the side.

The woman answered as quickly as she could, “Umm may I use the restroom?”

Quite relieved the nurse chirped, “Of course!” Then led the way to the largest room in sight and pointed to the far left and corner and said, “That’s the bathroom now get back in bed soon you need all the rest you can get, do you understand me?”

The woman answered with a nod and a, “Thank you,” barely escaped from her mouth before the nurse interrupted.

“I have to go help the others now they’ve all been complaining that I spend too much time with you and not enough with the others. Well, bye now.”

“Bye,” the woman said merely.

The woman did use the bathroom, she checked her hair which was in a wild array from the long trip, and once she was in order she slithered out the lady’s restroom door to the back of the building and made an escape out the back door. She looked around nervously not wanting to get caught. To her left was what they considered the “main” road and in front of her and to her right was the crazy forest of palm trees. She slowly crept into the shadows of the trees. The woman had no idea where to look and ran for her life.

Many believe the sun made her go crazy, or she ate some bad food, or drank too much salty sea water, but one thing for sure is that that woman ran and ran hard away. She was missing for a week before anyone found her. She was bundled up on the edge of the water on the opposite side of the island. Once they found her the doctors took her to the newly built city and fed her scrawny, grimy body. A few days later the nurse that was by the woman’s side from the beginning came into the room and interviewed her.

The nurse began with the first question, “Did you have a plan when you ran away?”

“Sort of not really,” replied the woman

“Why did you run?”

“In search of,” the woman stopped and pondered, “something.”

“What were you in search of?”

Now in a sort of rage the woman yelled, “What do you think I was in search of? Are you all completely blind? Do you see my baby with me? Do You? No, you don’t so stop asking stupid questions when you’re the one responsible for all the chaos.” Then relieved to get it all out she sunk into her bed waiting for some sort of response.

“I’m sorry for the inconvenience I thought…”

“Well you thought wrong!”

“I really am sorry but, we have your baby.”


“We have your baby, she was resting in your arms and started breathing very hard and we took her inside to cool off and to get out of the sun.”

“And you didn’t care to tell me that!”

“We assumed that you would ask once you realized.”

“Well you were there with me when I was getting out of my bed and went to the bathroom you could have at least told me!!!” The woman roared in outrage, “Where is my baby?”

“Ma’am we cannot give her to you just yet.”

“Why not where is my baby?”


“Don’t you dare give me another little stupid excuse for why you can’t give me MY baby you have exactly five minutes to retrieve my baby before I take off to look for her!”

“We can’t give her to you she is asleep right now with an oxygen tube connected to her throat. We have no idea what might happen if we disconnect her and that is why we cannot get her for you I’m sorry. Her lung collapsed and she has a difficult time breathing if we hold on to her she might survive, but for now she has to rest and can’t come to contact with harsh fumes and polluted airs.”

The woman shocked at the news sobbed into the fluffy, white pillow she cried for hours and the nurse didn’t leave her side once. Eventually she drifted off into a deep sleep from the exhausted days.

The next morning the woman a woke to a nurse scurrying around the room quietly she sat up and whipped the hair out of her face and took the warm wash cloth on the side of her bed and wiped her face.

The women still wasn’t totally sure where she even was so she spoke to some people in the main hall where fairies all over the place where munching on muffins and berries for breakfast. They told her that they were on Mairy Island where mermaids and fairies can live in harmony. Because they have both felt the impact of human destruction, for the fairies it was the cutting down of the tree’s they lived in and for the mermaids it was the oil spills and over flows of pollution into the oceans. This was to be a permanent move and there was no hope of ever returning to their original homes so they have to make the most of the island and the creatures around it.

The tired women still quite tired from the trip and now very bewildered by the news needed some sleep so she found a nurse who helped her to her room and she lay in bed wondering how she is going to make a life for her and her newly born baby. Eventually she fell asleep laying there; until a big boom from somewhere else in the building woke her up.
To be continued…

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