Payback | Teen Ink


January 8, 2013
By Dpage BRONZE, Wendell, North Carolina
Dpage BRONZE, Wendell, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


In the year 2001, September 11th terrorism took the spotlight .The people of the world needed to make this their top priority to be stopped. Ten years later on May 2nd the man that did these crimes was brought to justice. Soon after that people started to forget that it had ever happen and it faded from the world for about 100 years.

This is where my story begins in the year 2112, My name is Daxson Fisher, but you can just call me Dax.

I lived in Wendell ,NC, Earth, which became a booming city for trade over the 100 years of exploration. My family and I had lived there for about 10 years. Then our water got contaminated with nuclear waste. My family did not have much money so I had to make the decision to help so I joined the Navy.

Two years later, “Give me ten push ups son “,shouted the drill sergeant
to Daxson.
“Sir yes Sir,” I proclaimed, as the rain fell I begin to become a new man with a bright future in the Navy.

I had met my best friend Rico,he had an outlook on things that many people looked down on him for. One thing that always strikes me was on just a random day he came up to me and asked me if I knew what happened on September 11th 2001. I kept trying to think to myself, but for the life of me could not remember what had happened. Rico explained that it was the day terrorism became known, and how the world had forgot.

I have been training for about 3 years now getting ready to become a Navy Seal. I constantly asked myself about the question Rico had asked me and if terrorism was forgotten. While I ran a mile each day I thought how to answer and still could not get it off my mind. The day I had been waiting for had come, the day I became a navy seal. The next thing I remember after that is being launched from a navy ship. I was sent just outside of the atmosphere. I was coming in hot and had to deploy my shoot about a second early so that my drop pod wouldn’t burn up.

We had been briefed before and the only thing they told us was that our mission was to secure a clear landing on the Plant Onyx. As we fought gigantic apes ,we set up a comms station where the pods had hit. I set up base camp using electric fences to keep the aps off us as we slept. The next day we surveyed the area for fresh water and food.The next few days were rough as we ran short on food and power for the fences. So we had to have someone on stag every night so that we were not killed. I found a bunker about a mile away and set up a camp there. Rico tested the area for radiation and found a lot of it in one room. Everyone decide to brush it off and said it was from the civil war.

We found out the gigantic apes were normal aps that had been transformed by the radiation. They were not the only thing that had gone through that transformation. Most of the wildlife had changed, giant fish, birds and three head worms that spit acid. Even though the others had brushed the radiation off I kept thinking to myself that it was a little fishy. One month later we found a ship that was too new to be from the civil war.

I told Tom to radio up to base camp and tell them the news of our discovery. We received the news that it must have been raided by space pirates or the engine had been blown. They told us to keep away from the ship, but my gut told me disobey this order.

”Hey Rico, lets go test this ship for radiation”.

“I don't want to disobey a direct order from the fleet admiral,”Rico whispered.

“You said you loved to explore new things,Rico this is your time to see new things.”

“Fine! lets do this fast,” Rico replied.

The first thing that hit me was that the whole ship had lights on, and there was sounds of footsteps everywhere.

”Dax lets get out of here before we get KILLED”.

“We are navy seals this is routine for us”,Dax said with a smile. “

We moved silently to the cargo hold of the ship and found what I had know that was going to be there. I counted a total of 85 nukes primed and ready to be launched. Rico lets get out and warn command that there are nukes down here.We were sprinting out full speed nothing in our way,until I ran into a rebel.

It was like running into a brick wall, and I mean it hurt like crazy. The only thing he did not know was that I had beaten bigger. I uppercut him right in the jaw and broke it, then I delivered two punches to his chest knocking him to his butt. To finish him off I kneed him in the face knocking him out cold, Rico got his arms and I got his legs. We carried him to a closet and locked him there. When we got off the ship we ran into a patrol but they were no problem for us trained Navy seals. When we finally got to the FOB,and told command it had been 8 hours.

We entered the main tent, the Fleet Admiral was there waiting. He reached for the file on the desk and said that I had disobeyed order and will be court marshelled for my crime.It made sense now, the whole time we had been here, we were a cover up for the rebals hinding there. Me and Rico were shipped back to earth and put in prison for about six years.

I spent long days in solitude in prison waiting for the minute the day i was released.I

had not seen the bright of day in 6 years,The first thing I did was try to find Rico, but they told me he had been murdered about 2 years back and the murderer had not been found. I knew I was next on the list ,so I ran to the nearest gun store and stole a 44 mag. I got on a train for my home town of Wendell, NC. I made sure my family did not see me, and always kept my distance. I had to make sure they were ok,with that out my way my next mission was to find the fleet admiral and kill him.

Chapter 2: A New Beginning

My name is Rico and I was released from prison 2 years ago and had to fake my death so I would not be hunted down. I am trying to find Daxson with no luck. I still have one place to look and that is Wendell, NC. He would always talk about his family so I remembered where he said they lived. So I got a little house near the city and got a job as a repairman. It had been almost 6 years since I had last seen him . One day I got a job to repair a diners oven. I walked in and there he was sitting there looking at a newspaper. I told the dinner manager that I had to get something out of my truck, but when I went back he was gone without a trace. I fixed the oven and decided to talk the day off just in case he came back. He did not come back until the next day, I decided to walk up to him. I asked him if I could sit there, of course he said no. I told him that I was a friend.

room. Everyone decide to brush it off and said it was from the civil war.

We found out the gigantic apes were normal aps that had been transformed by the radiation. They were not the only thing that had gone through that transformation. Most of the wildlife had changed, giant fish, birds and three head worms that spit acid. Even though the others had brushed the radiation off I kept thinking to myself that it was a little fishy. One month later we found a ship that was too new to be from the civil war.

I told Tom to radio up to base camp and tell them the news of our discovery. We received the news that it must have been raided by space pirates or the engine had been blown. They told us to keep away from the ship, but my gut told me disobey this order.

”Hey Rico, lets go test this ship for radiation”.

“I don't want to disobey a direct order from the fleet admiral,”Rico whispered.

“You said you loved to explore new things,Rico this is your time to see new things.”

“Fine! lets do this fast,” Rico replied.

The first thing that hit me was that the whole ship had lights on, and there was sounds of footsteps everywhere.

”Dax lets get out of here before we get KILLED”.

“We are navy seals this is routine for us”,Dax said with a smile. “

We moved silently to the cargo hold of the ship and found what I had know that was going to be there. I counted a total of 85 nukes primed and ready to be launched. Rico lets get out and warn command that there are nukes down here.We were sprinting out full speed nothing in our way,until I ran into a rebel.

It was like running into a brick wall, and I mean it hurt like crazy. The only thing he did not know was that I had beaten bigger. I uppercut him right in the jaw and broke it, then I delivered two punches to his chest knocking him to his butt. To finish him off I kneed him in the face knocking him out cold, Rico got his arms and I got his legs. We carried him to a closet and locked him there. When we got off the ship we ran into a patrol but they were no problem for us trained Navy seals. When we finally got to the FOB,and told command it had been 8 hours.

We entered the main tent, the Fleet Admiral was there waiting. He reached for the file on the desk and said that I had disobeyed order and will be court marshelled for my crime.It made sense now, the whole time we had been here, we were a cover up for the rebals hinding there. Me and Rico were shipped back to earth and put in prison for about six years.

I spent long days in solitude in prison waiting for the minute the day i was released.I

I got a job as a carpenter to buy myself a small house in the country and supplies for my mission. I got weapons, food and camping supplies . The life was rough but it was the only thing that I knew that was real. The money was good , $10 an hour, with medical insurance. My job was just outside of Wendell, NC, Earth, my reason for doing this was so I could see my family. My family consisted of my mom Mary, dad John ,and my little bro named Jeff. The only thing my family knew was that I had died on Onyx and my body was not able to be recovered. My routine every day was to make sure that my defense around my house had not been triggered , I had a set of heat seeking wires that were at head level so that it would not get triggered by animals, and motion detectors, and last but not least was the match I put in the gate so if it was opened then it would break. Then I would head into work around 6 in the morning. I worked until around 4 in the afternoon. I eat in the diner right across the street from my parents house and watch them.

I was doing my normal until one day a man walked up to me asking if he could sit with me in the booth. When he said that he was a friend I told him I had none. I finally let him sit down, he pulled down his hood and I realized I had a friend. It was Rico, I told him how they told me he had been killed. He told me it was a long story and it could wait for later. I cut to the chase and asked him how are we going to get the fleet admiral back for what he had done. He said there is a time and a place for everything. I told him he could meet me at had done. He said there is a time and a place for everything. I told him he could meet me at my place at 9 o’clock. I waited at my house till the clock said it was 9. A van pulled in and I cut off my security so he could get through . I would soon realize that I had been lied to and that Rico had set me up. I had to kill ten trained soldiers and an armored car with a AT4 that one of the soldiers had dropped. The only thing I could see real was me and my family.

The author's comments:
This only the first and second chapter of my story.

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