The Most Beautiful Sight | Teen Ink

The Most Beautiful Sight

April 24, 2013
By steven goodridge BRONZE, Beverly, Massachusetts
steven goodridge BRONZE, Beverly, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Most Beautiful Sight

The skies were always a perfect shade of blue, and the clouds were always a wonderful white. It was the most beautiful sight. The town below it was the town of Aton and it had a population of about 500 people. But there were no children. Only adults. The adults all went to work and said hello to one another always being so kind. There were no arguments among anyone.

Then one day a man came home from work. His name was Brady. He walked in the door and called out “Lila, I'm home. Where are you sweetie?” and he walked upstairs to find his beautiful wife sitting on the bed waiting for him.

He had come home early because she had said she had amazing news to tell him. “Brady we’re going to have a baby! Aren't you excited?” she asked in a saddened tone when she saw his expression.

“ Of course I'm excited to be a daddy. Its all I have ever wanted to be since we had married.” It was true. He had built a nursery for the longest time, lions, elephants, giraffes, and many animals cluttered the walls. He had wanted to be a father for five years now.

As time went on, the news of a child got out and there was extra protection put on the family to keep the child bearing mother safe from the other citizens who had become jealous. It started off as just a policeman or two staying with them. Then the secret agencies began to step in. They had the house under lockdown twenty-four seven. After three months they got used to it, the never ending beep of a walkie talkie, the flashing lights outside of the house, and the always important security check. Then came the day that the baby was due.

Brady and Lila rushed into the hospital. Her water had broke and she needed a doctor right away. As the doctor brought her into the room, Brady had sat outside as instructed by the police. He was anxious, sweat on his forehead from the waiting and impatience that grew in him. When the baby had been born, Brady had felt a leap of joy in his chest. It had been a boy and Brady asked what they should name him. Right as he said that, the police took the baby away from them. Both screamed in pain as they watched the police beat the baby with their batons. The unexpected birth had broken one of the rules that the town had made to keep population low. The suffering was aired on the television sets of every citizen to show them just how important all of these rules had been, how this town was going to be perfect in their eyes. They explained how the towns outside of Aton would have killed them for having a baby unexpectedly, and how without cameras in each home they would have not been safe like other towns. The town of Aton was perfect in everyone’s eyes. Well almost everybody.

Nobody was allowed to think differently than one another, they were simply allowed to agree and compliment everyone. Nobody was ever criticized in a terrible way. The society was considered to be perfect, but in so many ways it was a flaw. All of the people hid behind fake smiles and acted like the perfect family that you would see on the Brady Bunch. But nobody had really wanted to be this way. Some of the people who leave Aton never come back. The government says it is because they usually die. Myths of mutants and cannibals scare most of the citizens from leaving their safehaven.

Brady and Lila left Aton hoping to find a better life or to just lay waste to the land where they could be happy in death.Now that their baby was dead they could not trust the town anymore. The town had no clue what would happen to them, so they performed a ceremony to honor the couples descend. This ceremony had been secret so that the police would not find out. The town all got a newsflash as Brady and Lila had been found dead in the wilderness. It was all over the news, but they did not release the cause of death. Rumors were started by the wives of the policemen that the couple were Satanists trying to summon the devil to wreak havoc on their town to get back at the government.

As weeks went on the people began to think less and less of the couple. After the second week nobody cared anymore. They knew the cost if they had left, cannibals or mutants probably got them everyone said. As the towns people sat down for dinner with their families a very important new bulletin came on the t.v.

“Hello this is Cindy Flem on tonight's shocking story. Two people were found dead outside of our small town just a half hour ago. Both shot in the back of the head. Thirty year old Brady Barror and his wife Lila Barror have passed away this evening. Suspects are our very own policemen and leader of the town mayor Stan Griffith.” As the people heard this story their faces turned bright red in anger and their blood boiled like a pot of water over a bonfire. Everybody had left their houses in a riot going after the mayor, the true monster in the town.

As they got to the mayors building they began to throw rocks through the windows and flip over the cars, the city was full of chaos. They had enough of the mayor and his rules to keep everyone as his personal pets, to control and treat like scum. A molotov had been tossed through the mayors office window and the mayor ran outside into the crowd screaming in agony. Then the biggest of the men went over to him and put out the fire on the mayors fat body.

“Thank you sir. Thank you! Those monsters would have killed me if it was not for you.” as the mayor began to walk away the big man said

“Where you going? You haven't had enough fun!” A rock was whipped at the mayors head and he collapsed. The crowd of people came around and watched the man tie the mayor up to the tree. He picked up an axe and began to walk.

“COWARD!” the mayor yelled. Just then there was a whoosh and the axe left the mans hand and made connection with the mayor’s skull. The town began to roar as everybody yelled for their victory. Bottles of champagne were passed around, and everyone drank to the loss of everybody who had died during the towns riot and rules. The bottles were thrown in the air, and as the light hit those bottles they shattered into tiny pieces. Shining the most beautiful light.

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