Cops & Robbers | Teen Ink

Cops & Robbers

May 22, 2013
By sethdogg122 BRONZE, Bridgeton, New Jersey
sethdogg122 BRONZE, Bridgeton, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." -Mewtwo

Cops and Robbers

In the year 4057, advanced robotics and artificial intelligence are used to protect the people of Xenex. Iron Man-like suits of armor and cutting-edge vehicles made by Republicorp defend the city from those trying to harm it. However, recently, old and obsolete suits are being stolen, renovated, upgraded with the latest AI technology, and sold to criminals on the black market. This is the story of those trying to stop it.

This day started out like any day. Through the alleys of downtown Xenex, near the Republicorp HQ runs a man by the name of Clunker. He’s notorious for his handy work with heavily armored suits, and generally slow-moving vehicles. Chasing after Clunker is Nate McClain, the greatest cop the city of Xenex has ever known, despite his old-fashioned ways and outdated suit. He’s been a member of the XPA, or the Xenex Protection Agency, for a long time, and every criminal in the world knows that you’re in trouble once he’s after you. Clunker, on the other hand, was somehow increasing the distance between him and Nate, so Nate decided to go with one of his favorite techniques. He dove on the ground, rolled, and jumped over Clunker to cut him off. With his crimson and gray armor gleaming in the sunlight, Nate made Clunker come to a complete halt.
“Stand down, you’re outmatched.” said Nate. With a quick press of a button on his helmet, two plasma swords appeared on his forearm.
“Are you sure about that, old man?” asked Clunker, whose voice was like gravel in a blender. He stomped on the ground and a black Viso shield, complete with vectanium chain and Jack-blade, flew from behind Nate and into Clunkers hand. Within seconds Clunker was equipped with shoulder-mounted jetpacks, weapons, and the latest Republicorp armor. He gave a whistle and from the shadows came some sand colored human/insect hybrid with a stinger, make-shift dagger, and a spikeball cannon. From the rooftops came a black and red figure with a whip and blade-erang.
“I might need some back up.” whispered Nate into his tele-com. The hybrid started walking closer towards Nate, making weird clicking sounds with its pincers. It lunged for Nate but he rolled underneath it, only to be bashed in the face by Clunker on his way up. Nate was in mid-air when something snagged his leg and slammed him down. It was the black and red man’s whip, which was now pulling Nate towards him. Clunker was starting up his Jack-blade, and tested it by churning up the concrete ground beneath them. Before Clunker had the chance to do any harm, Nate severed the whip with his swords, and swiftly stood back up.
“Need some help?” came a voice from above. In came flying Raphael, the best shooter the XPA had to offer, wielding a light rifle and eco-claw.
“’Bout time you showed up,” hollered Nate, “I’ve been waiting for you. Where’s Kris?”
“Right here!” In a white blur came Kris, the fastest person in all of Xenex, with his trusted cryo-sword and razor shield. In his wake, he toppled over the hybrid, and even made sturdy Clunker stumble a bit. “You called for some back-up?”
“Let’s take care of these clowns so I can get back to my family.” Said Raphael.
“Got that right, Raph.” Said Kris.
Suddenly, there was a loud explosion. Nate, Raphael, and Kris ran out to the sidewalk to see what was going on. Out of the Republicorp headquarters came several hundred, no thousands, of people in suits, aircrafts, and several other types of vehicles. The white buildings were being scorched by lasers, light rifles, and mordor canons. Civilians were being captured, killed, and terrorized left and right. Banks were being robbed, stores burned down. This once quiet utopia became a war-torn battleground within seconds.
“What in the name—“ whispered Kris.
“Quick! We have to get to XPA and get to the weapons before they do!” yelled Nate.
“Heheh, too late, our soldiers have been tunneling under the city for months,” said the man with the whip, “we’ve had a base set up five feet below yours this whole time.”
“Many of your men have been taken hostage,” shouted Clunker over the din, “My guess is that there’re only six of you that escaped… alive.”
In that instant, ten more men in armor came from the ground, and two aircrafts blocked Nate and his friends from escaping.
“Raph,” said Nate, “Now would be a good time for—“
“Already on it.” said Raphael. He charged his rifle, which looked more like a crossbow, and took out the two aircrafts blocking their exits, and toppled over most of the enemies threatening them with a blast of air from the palm of his hand. “Let’s go!” he yelled.
The three bolted down the sidewalk, leaping over debris and dodging falling chunks of building. Kris gave a low whistle and about a minute later came his favorite vehicle, a medium sized, three-in-one Mechotech in airship mode. They hopped inside and took off, narrowly avoiding the hybrid, which could’ve easily torn it to shreds.
They flew to the outskirts of Xenex, which for once looked better than the rest of the city. They found their remaining friends who escaped the XPA, Kyra, Jake, Alice, Trent, and Cody, huddling around a fire in a junkyard. The looks on their faces were pained, and their armor was dented and scorched in several places. Nate, Kris, and Raphael set down their weapons, grabbed some scrap metal, and joined their friends around the burning trashcan.

The author's comments:
I intend to continue writing this piece but this is only the first chapter of an epic story.

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