Black Dawn | Teen Ink

Black Dawn

May 29, 2013
By Crazymonkey955 BRONZE, Ingleside, Texas
Crazymonkey955 BRONZE, Ingleside, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
May the odds be ever in your favor.

Black Dawn

137 days.
That’s how long a small party and I have been alive.
Before I go into details,
I have to tell you how everything happened.
It all started January 13th 2023.
Deep in the Canadian wilderness,
A secret laboratory had a malfunction and power loss.
This released hundreds of gallons of Y-27N,
A secret military biological weapon.
It became known to the public as mad people disease.
The disease made its way from southern Canada
All the way to the northern ice cap.
There it caught a current and went all around
The world causing global epidemic.
Taking out the weak countries like Ethiopia
And other small African countries.
Then it took out some Asian countries and almost all the island nations.
By this time the U.S. was in a rebellion and utter chaos.
So I, Bob Bobinson went to the
The Florida Keys were I owned a Cessna 421,
A small 2 engine plane.
While in Florida I turned the bottom of the plane
Into a small boat because landing on land was going
To be almost impossible.
I packed it with all the supplies could fit
And we were off to Australia, the only sickness free
Country in the world.
So we were on our way to Australia
And when we were about to be at the edge of the
Indian Ocean we were running low on fuel. We
Had to turn back to pirate ruled South Africa.
At first I went to Cape Town but when I was about
10 miles out we could see the smoke from almost
All the buildings being on fire.
Instead we went south to the Cape Point
Lighthouse were one of my friends owned a gas station,
There we could get our gas and more supplies.
When I landed he wasn't at the door like he said he would.
He was inside at the register being robbed of his supplies.
I went back to my plane and grabbed a pistol that I had.
At first I was going to barge in the front but I rethought
My plan and went to the back and sneak up behind them.
I opened up the door as quietly as I could but it was kind of
Hard with an old, rusty door.
From the back I went through the big coolers.
I hid behind the glass and a pile of 7up cans.
I waited for about 5 minutes before I planned out
How I was going to take them out.
All together there was 5 guys.
1 was holding Steve at gun point while 2 were talking to him.
The other 2 were wandering about eating candy and chips.
I decided that I was going to take out 1 of the guys
talking to him then take out the 2 walking around.
So I aimed and fired and instead of hitting him were
his heart was I shot him in the butt.
When I did that he shot the man holding him at gunpoint
and the guy next to him out of pain I guess.
Next I finished off the other 2 guys.
I left the cooler and went to go check on
Steve and he was alright so we gathered our
supplies and weapons from the fallen pirates
and headed on our way to Australia.
About 5 hours in we ran into a storm and I
had to put the plane in the water and if I
wouldn't have converted the bottom into a boat
we probably would have died out there in the
South Indian Ocean.
Even though we survived the storm we
couldn't put the plane in the air since we were on the
water not on land.
So we were on the water for 5 days before we reached land.
The land wasn't even land though.
It was coral.
The storm pushed us to the other side of Australia to the Great Barrier Reef!
So we took of the small sad excuse for an island
and headed to Australia.
Were we would make a new home away from disease.
Well, when we landed in Townsville, Australia
we were greeted by not people, but infected walking corpses.
Not what I would call a warm welcome so we
took off from there to Alice Springs to resupply and get some gas.
Before we landed we loaded our weapons and put on
some extra clothing for protection
and we landed as close as we could to the gas station as possible.
We had got into the gas station without
Any problems but when we were about to leave
was when the problems came.
We couldn’t take off because
All the corpses were blocking the way so we had to take off
With our fingers crossed that our wings
Wouldn’t be torn off.
We got out of the city with a few dents
And dings.
Now we had to fly deep into the
Australian Outback to Uluru.
Even though Uluru wasn’t the highest
It was the flattest so we could build on it.
We landed on the northeast corner of Uluru next to
A big cave were the plane could be
Parked inside.
Then we made our way up the giant rock.
When we got there though
We were embraced with a hail of gunfire.
We screamed and hollered until the gunfire
stopped and when we poked our heads out we saw
3 guys and 4 girls pointing at us with
Their guns.
We told them our story and they took
Us in as family.
At about 5:30 when we where eating dinner
We heard growling and blood curdling screams and
When we looked over the side we saw the biggest horde
Of the undead I have ever seen.
We fought them off for about 5 minutes but
We ran out of ammunition and were
Forced to run.
The undead were faster though.
We were being picked off one by one until
There was just Steve, Beth, and I.
We made it to the plane and we were able to take off and fly away.
That’s where we are now.
Flying and looking.
Looking for a home.


The author's comments:
I had seen the commercial for the movie World War Z after watching Red Dawn and i just thought that this version would be cool

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