Black and white rainbows | Teen Ink

Black and white rainbows

June 3, 2013
By Miss.OnlyGirl SILVER, Perry, Utah
Miss.OnlyGirl SILVER, Perry, Utah
5 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
The only predictable thing about life is that it's going to be unpredictable.

Chapter 1

"We live in a world where there are no colors, you guys have never heard of the rainbow or, or even a favorite color because everything for you guys is grey, and none of you have ever known anything different, except me."
"Well Coral that was a very interesting presentation. May I please speak to you after class?"
Shoot now I was in trouble.
I had been preparing my presentation the day she announce we had to do one. I knew it was risky but these kids had to know that every thing about how we saw the life around us was wrong. None of them had ever known any different but was high time they did. I don't know why I saw things different but I did, I could have had something to do something with my parents, my real ones anyway. when I was six a team of men from the government in uniforms I had never seen before dragged them away fighting and screaming not to hurt me, the memory was still so fresh in my mind it hurt. I skipped kindergarten and first grade i never learned the colors or numbers not even the alphabet, until third grade everyone made fun of me because i didn't know how to describe the shades of grey they saw, because I saw them in color..
My parents knew they would have to leave eventually, how I'm not sure. The day before they were dragged out my mom told me to keep what I knew a secret I can still see her navy blue eyes staring into mine, I knew my life depended on it too. After they left I spent two years in a foster home for girls, that's when I finally had to go into public school. Three years ago Bill and Sally adopted me, they try really hard but they'll never get me or the constant fear I live in because of what I know, what I see.
After I gave that last sentence I instantly regretted it the whole class laughed, but I was use to it they had been doing it ever since, forever. I had no friends, no real ones there was the rare smile in the hall way from the kids who felt bad for me. While they laughed I tried to debate if that what I just said was smart or would just get me into trouble.
It just got me into trouble. Mrs. Wickibee went over to the phone and press several numbers you could hear a male voice on the other end, the only words she said was, "we have a seer" what is that supposed to mean? After class I tried to move out to lunch with the mass of the class but she stopped me, "Coral you were to see me after class, and it's after class." Mrs. wickibee was a nice lady but you did not want to get on her bad side. I walked over to the front of the desk, "you wanted to see me Mrs. Wickibee" I tried my best to put on a smile but I wasn't fooling anyone including Mrs. Wickibee. I told myself I would say clam but that didn't last very long.
"Now Coral, where in the world would you get an absurd idea like that?"
"Mrs. Wickibee it's not an idea and we both know that. They warned you about me the second I walked into this classroom" My voice was raising slightly. She gave me a puzzled look but it was fake it change slowly into a look a disbelieve, she muttered under her breath, "I though they got all of you,"
"Got all of what?! Mrs. Wickibee!"
"I'm not the one to tell you all I can say is you will no longer be coming to this school."
"Or any where at all?! Am I right?!"
"You are just like your parents! Rebellious, oblivious to the real world!"
"My parents are dead!" I took a deep breath in and lowered my voice back down, "and you know why, don't you?"
"Coral, all I can say is what you just told the class was a bad idea," she lowered her voice, "and your life will never be normal ever again."
"My life was never normal to start with, and it only got worse when my parents were dragged away screaming and fighting for their lives!!" I broke into tears, my parents had the same gift I had they could see color as it really was, but these people didn't consider it a gift they looked upon it as a curse, "and for mine." Mrs. Wickibee stood from her desk and started slowly over to the door, she stopped and turned, quietly she said, "I wish that some day you will be able to live in a world where your kind is look upon as normal." There was a sharp tone as she said it, she left the room but it rang in my ears as she left the room, your kind? There was more of people like me? Where were they? Why wasn't I with them?
Minutes later two large men replaced Mrs. Wickibee, they were wearing the same uniforms as the ones who dragged away my parents all those years ago.
I didn't bother fighting, maybe it was because I was scared or maybe because I wasn't worried? They were going to kill me just like they did my parents but Mrs. Wickibee's word still stung in my mind, "your kind" my kind, did that mean there were more just like me, and part of me knew I was going to find out.
They blind folded me as we got into the grey SUV, they were trying to blend in nothing out of the ordinary, just another car on the street, but we drove for hours and hours. They didn't mind when I talked but I didn't have much to say except the actionable, "where are we going?" or "where are you talking me?" All they answered back was "you'll see"
But I never did see were we went. They put me in a room, took off my blind fold and as they closed the door behind them it disappeared and white windows and different door appeared in the room, and desk with a chair, and couch followed. An open door appeared next and I peered inside it was a room with a bed and a dresser. Did they expect me to live here? Everything was white, I went back to the center of the room and things kept appearing soon I could see a kitchen but nothing could hold in the tears begging to be let out, I slide down against the back of the couch and cried as new things kept appearing around the room.

Chapter 2

"Blaine your going"
"Why do I have to go?"
"Because your the closest to her age it said in her file she's 12 she turns 13 in a month and you turned 13 last month"
"Well I never got to see her file so for all I know I could walk in there and she could be like 26 or something"
"You can look and see, right through that window," I peered into the window she did look about my age she had light brown hair and was still in her clothes from the city but she was still crying just like she had been for the past ten minutes, "fine, but what do I even say?"
"Just explain to her where she is and how things work around here, ok"
"Ok," I opened the front door to her apartment and walked in, she didn't look up, I walked over to the couch and sat down on the floor. I took in a deep breath, "Hi I'm Blaine," she breathed in a staggered breath, looked up and pushed her hair out of her face, her eyes were amazing they were a deep navy blue but looked almost grey, "I'm Coral"
"Coral, that's a pretty name, it's a shade of pink orange right, like in the sunset?" She looked over at me with a puzzled look on her face, "yeah how do you know that? Everyone else thinks my name is the stuff fish live in" I let out a brief laugh, "your funny, I know that because I've seen the color before" her face brightened, "you mean I'm not the only one?"
"Nope, not at all, your now living in a whole community of us seers"
"A whole town?"
"Yep, and I was sent to teach you how we live," I stood up and put my hand out to help her up, "so listen close, Coral" and I winked because there was something about her that I liked.


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