Virus | Teen Ink


June 24, 2013
By Lukas Cogen BRONZE, Needham, Massachusetts
Lukas Cogen BRONZE, Needham, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It has been spreading for over 1 year now faster than a jaguar. The terrible oozing feeling starts in your stomach and, then your eyes begin to sting. This is just the start of the horrendous symptoms of H1r4. I was in the office mixing chemicals as usual until I mixed carbon dioxide and bacteria to make this gooey paste substance. Thinking it would help cancer patients I let my dear grandma try it to see what happens. The next day she felt her eyes stinging and I knew a made a big mistake. The feeling of this epidemic is like nails on a chalkboard. My slow Dell computer loads the information as soon as I think of the right set of words and numbers. I find the right patterns to the virus’ shapes but no thoughts rise up in my mind about how to put them together to make the vaccine. The fragile syringe soaks up the liquid as I test the quality of my new vaccine.
Thoughts are racing through my head as I decide whether to tell people or not. I feel extremely sad about my grandma. What should I do to my family? The cool breeze brushes by my head as I program the computer to design the vaccine. A vaccine would be possible if we made it affordable. The shot of fluid seems painful but I know it will protect me from the contagion. I rush to the headquarters to see if I can report my success. Observing the premises as I notice the lone security guard sound asleep and my colleague Ben is on the ground his eyes red and inflamed. The virus will spread.

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