Going To Mars? | Teen Ink

Going To Mars?

September 13, 2013
By SarahZane BRONZE, Florence, Colorado
SarahZane BRONZE, Florence, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
My goal is to live forever, so far so good

“I got a letter in the mail today,” Emma said to her roommate, Selene, as she sat down at the dining room table.

Selene glanced up from her bowl of cereal and said in disbelief, “Like an actual snail mail letter?”

Emma causally nodded, “It’s from M.E.C.”

“M.E.C.!” Selene shouted. “As in Mars Efforts for Colonization not like the outdoors equipment store, right?”

“Yes from Mars Efforts for Colonization,” Emma laughed at Selene.

“That’s amazing, Emma!” Selene spoke giddily. “When are you going?”

Emma muttered, “I’m not accepting.”

Selene frowned, “What did you say because it just sounded like you said that you were going to turn down a once in a lifetime opportunity.”

“Well I can’t turn down a ‘once in a lifetime opportunity’, can I?” Emma said sarcastically and then sighed, “If I go to Mars then there is a very good chance I won’t see you, or my other friends, or my family ever again.”

Selene looked startled, “I didn’t think of that... But Emma you can’t turn this down. You’ve wanted to be an adventure since we were little children. You used to fantasize for hours about how your discoveries would change the world, and this, Emma, will change the world.”

“Funny how in all those fantasies involved the ability to go back home,” Emma snarled.

Wincing Selene said, “Emma you could come back home if you wanted to.”

“Yeah after ten years,” Emma said, “It takes about a year to get to Mars,and a year to come back home. Oh, yeah and I forgot to mention that if I accept M.E.C.’s offer I will be under contract to stay on Mars for eight years.”

Selene glared at Emma, “So your going to throw away your dreams for people who want nothing more than for you to go for them! That’s insane Emma! You’re being a coward!”

“I’m not throwing away my dreams!” Emma yelled, “I choosing to find another one!”

“That’s a bunch of baloney and you know it! If you stay you’re going to regret it for the rest of your life!” Selene shouted.

Emma spoke softly, “I already regret my choices, like having you as a friend!”

Selene whimpered as Emma stormed out of their apartment. She started running down the stairs as if she were racing the tears falling down her face. After running for what felt like hours Emma found a park and sat down on the swings. That was the worst fight she had ever had with her best friend.

Selene knew how much Emma wanted to go on that trip. Emma’s first reaction to the letter had been identical to Selene’s, but how could Emma just leave her family and friends like that. Emma couldn’t do it.

Emma felt her phone vibrating in her pocket. She took it out of her pocket and held it to her ear, “Hello?”

“Hi Emma,” A woman's voice said.

Emma sobbed, “Momma.”

“I just got a call from Selene. She sounded just as bad as you do,” Emma’s mom scolded. “She said something about M.E.C.”

“I got accepted into M.E.C., but I said I couldn’t go so Selene and I got into a fight about it,” Emma said miserably.

Emma’s mom clucked, “Oh. Well why can’t you go?”

“Why can’t I go?” Emma said disbelievingly, “Mom I can’t just leave you or dad, or any of my friends.”

“Well to me it sounds like you won’t go, not can’t.” Emma’s mom stated. “You've always wanted to do something amazing, Emma. This is your chance. I won't tell you what to do but I will tell you this: chase your dreams, Emma. They only come once. Now I have have to go, can I expect you for dinner Saturday night?”

Emma smiled, “Yeah, momma, you can. Bye.”

The walk back to her apartment seemed a lot quicker than the run from it. Emma wasn't looking forward to having to admit her fault in the fight, but she wanted to patched things up with her best friend before she left for Mars. Selene and her mom were right. Emma needed to chase her dreams.

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