The Gateway to the Rich World | Teen Ink

The Gateway to the Rich World

September 30, 2013
By Anonymous

A new and unsuccessful scientist had been very curious about the locked door at the far end of the hall. One night he ended up getting the night shift. As he was the only one there his curiosity had got the best of him. He had found the keys to open the door and discover what secret had been haunting over the man for many weeks. Once he had gotten the door open he was very unpleased with his findings. He had just found some kind of weird machine and a computer and a control panel with flashing lights. Still, the man unpleased knew there had to be something much better to this. He decided once again to get copious and explore his imagination. Once he was on the computer he found a program called "open alt. universe 2". He had to see what it did. So once he had started it, the machine roared and and huge black hole opened right in front of him. Uncovering his uncompleted mystery he still had to find out the rest of it. Walking into the hole he found himself outside of what looked like the lab he had worked in. He walked around for a while and found that everything was there just like outside the hole, except one thing. There were no people at all. Just stores filled with merchandise and car lots with nobody to watch over them. As the unsuccessful man thought up one a plan for him to hit it big. Filling all the merchandise at a mall in bags upon bags he just dropped them all in the room where it all started. Dropping bags one after another he decided he had enough things from the 2 universe. After putting all the things back in his car he left to go home after his shift just like any usually night. Once home he decided he would sell everything he had brought back. Once he sold all the items he thought, why not do it again. He ended up working another night shift for the same intent and followed though as he did last time. After time and time again from doing this he started to wonder where all of the people actually were in the 2nd universe. The next time he had the night shift he went through all of the files looking for any written errors on where they could be. Finally he stumbled across a file titled "universe 2 error". Once it was opened he read everything for where his explanation could be he finally found there error that helped him hit it big. There was a mix up on where all of the people would be placed. The lab experts ended up putting them in the 3rd universe instead of the 2nd. He knew he could continually. In which he did. It had been a while since he had gotten his next night shift and felt the need to sell more stuff. So during the lab experts lunch break they had left the machine running. So the man told himself he would do it quick and not grab a lot. He ended up taking longer than he thought and while he was in the 2nd universe the lab experts had found a way to correct the error on people. Everyone popped into place while he has leaving. People seeing what his scheme was they all went after him and demanded his reasoning for his doings. Once he told them his whole story they all agreed they wouldn't be upset with him anymore as long as he returned everything he has taken. Once he said "ok" he left and went home like any other day and once he was home knew he couldn't get all of that stuff back. He knew he had to sell everything he had bought with the money he had gotten from stealing. The man, back to nothing like before had all of the items he needed to return and once he had returned them he sat down and knew he had less than what he had started with all from stealing and taking advantage.

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