The Tale of Pugsly | Teen Ink

The Tale of Pugsly

October 9, 2013
By rlord4 BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
rlord4 BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Pugsly lives the noble life of a sheep. She enjoys the finer things in life, like eating some nice wholesome grass. All of the other sheep see and accept Pugsly as one of their own. Pugsly is in possession to a dark gray colored coat almost like smoke, with dark black skin. The farm that Pugsly lives on is in Gresham, OR. Next to Pugsly’s pasture is another farm owned by the family of Pugsly’s owner. She is owned by a man named Michael Powers. Michael has a wonderful son named James, who also lives at the farm. Michael owns about 20 other sheep like Pugsly. Pugsly has always been different than the other sheep. She always has thought much deeper than the others. About everything. Everything she’s accomplished in life, she overthought tremendously. When Pugsly was just a little lamb, she witnessed an accidental murder of one of her stalemates. This sheep was getting shorn as well as the others. This is the tale of how Pugsly finally realized her true identity.

“Pugsly! Come here Pugs!” I am alarmed as the sight of Michael instantly, waking me up. As I arise, the scent of food draws me towards the barn, where Michael is standing. I slowly taste the grain off of Michael’s hand. I am in heaven. He pats the top of my head with joy. Soon enough, he calls over one of my fellow sheep.

“Come here Lucy!” the rather large sheep waddles over to the fence where Michael has opened it. After Lucy enters the old red barn, I trot over to my favorite undercover place by the tractor and fall into a deep slumber.

When I woke up, Lucy was lying beside me beside me in horror. All of her wool has disappeared!

“Lucy! What happened?” I exclaimed. I felt extremely worried for Lucy because I deeply cared for her.
“Come here Barry…” called Michael. The sheep crawled over to the barn. I didn’t see him for at least a couple hours. When I did, he was bald. His whole body shaved, all the way to the skin.
“What happened to you?” I asked.
“That man… he took my wool!” a tear gracefully fell from the corner of my eye as I watched the small sheep tremble in fear. My mind was racing, knowing that I could be next. At any minute he could take my wool as well. I need to stop this.
As the sun fell, all of the flock was sound asleep. Except Lucy and I.
“Lucy, we have to do something about this! He can't just take all of our wool. How will we stay warm?”
“I don't know Pugsly.” Lucy replied.
“We need to get out of here! Come on Lucy, let's go.”
“But we can't just leave Pugs, this is our home.”
“Whether you stay or go, I'm leaving. I will not stand for this.”
“Please don't! It's very unsafe in the outside world.” stated Lucy.
“Alright, I'll stay...” I said. “But I'm not happy about it, and I'm going to bed. Goodnight.” I rolled over and shut my eyes to go to sleep.
After what seemed like forever, I opened my eyes from my fake slumber. I noticed that Michael had left the gate open and the barn door just barely open enough for me to squeeze through. My hooves were treading on the thick hay that covered the ground of the shelter. I stealthily peered into the barn to check for any humans. There were none to be found. I've decided that I'm not going to sit and watch as all of my friends lose their wool. I'm going to escape the farm. I will have to find a new home.
Once I arrived to the barn, everything appeared so foreign. There were wooden structures that blocked off various objects. Under some tarps were these strange 4-wheeled, metal things. I believe that James referred to one of these as a car. These cars are covered in surface rust, and various logos, and parts inside. It's obvious that none of these have even moved in a long time. While discovering the barn, I noticed that in all of the blackness of the inside of the barn, there was a small section missing from the wall behind one of the cars. As I traveled closer, I had become aware that this small hole was just barely large enough for me to crawl through. I peered into the hole and saw more of the cars to the left. But it was apparent that I would be on the other side of the fence. I could run free.
Upon going to the other side of the barn, I heard screeching of owls, and had a great feeling of unsafeness. Although I didn't necessarily feel safe, I felt free. It was the best feeling in the world knowing that I could do anything, go anywhere, or live however I wanted. I'm a free sheep.
Shortly after sprinting through the grass, I heard a noise from the house. Michael heard my escape. I need to get out.
“James! Wake up. Something’s outside!” shouted Michael. There is a smaller shelter about 30 yards from the house. I ran as fast as I possibly could. Just in a matter of seconds, James was outside walking to the barn. I couldn’t get caught. I knew that the only way I would get out of this horrid place alive would be to leave now.
“Dad! Pugsly got out of the stable!”
“James, you know we need to look for her! She could be anywhere. I’ll call Uncle Gary to keep an eye out. But until then, I’ll get the gun. And we’re going to find her!” while James was momentarily distracted, I felt a pulse of bravery flowing through my body. In an instant I dashed down the long rocky driveway. I noticed more cars ahead of me. These were different from what I previously saw in the barn. These ones were moving. I would see them, then in a split second, they would disappear. These cars looked similar to the ones in the barn, in the sense that they were all relatively the same shape, but these were way less rusty. They all varied in size. Some were big, small, short, and long. Without thinking, I had wound up standing next to these cars. All of them were moving extremely fast. But they only came about every 10 seconds. Getting in between the cars to cross the street would definitely require some skill. Luckily, I've spotted a small green fellow. He's about the size of a small rock.
“Hello sir!” I exclaimed.
“What're you doing here?” asked the small green creature. I realized that this little animals throat would swell up, and he would make a weird croak noise about every 30 seconds. The small creature was rambling on about how he's never actually made it across the street without almost getting hit by a car.
“How would I get across?” I asked.
“Honestly, you'd just have to take a chance, hope you're quick, and wish for the best!” he has a lower toned, somewhat raspy voice. It makes him sound really tough. By now, I've made up my mind that if I really was going to be free, I would need to take the risk. So, without warning, I jolted across the 30ft of concrete. Luckily, I made it safely.
Off to my right in the distance, I noticed another sheep in a pasture I thought to myself “what if I can live here? I must discuss this with him!”
Hopefully I could sneak over to the sheep standing by the fence.
“Hey! You over there!” the closer I got, the more I could see the sheep through the slight fog.
“What do you want?” he scoured.
“All of the sheep in my pasture were getting shorn, so I decided to leave in search for freedom. It would also be nice to keep my wool, you know? So do you... think I could stay for a while?”
The sheep sat for a moment pondering whether to let me in their farm or not.
“I guess you can stay here for a while.” I slipped through the wire fence into the new pasture. “This is where you'll be sleeping while you're here, and over to our right will be where all the eating is taken place.” this time, he spoke with less hostility. I wandered over to the crowd of sheep that were sound asleep undercover. I felt exhausted. My eyes had no choice but to close.
After the sun rose, I was laying in my spot thinking. This could be my new home. I felt the need to go eat some fresh green grass. As I was walking, I took a glance at all of my new mates on the farm. I was petrified when I spotted a single sheep off in the distance without wool. I need to go home.

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