The Monster | Teen Ink

The Monster

October 3, 2013
By MichelleA. BRONZE, Brookyln, New York
MichelleA. BRONZE, Brookyln, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be kinder than nessesary for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

One August morning, I was looking through Glamour Magazine with Jennifer Lopez on the cover. I was sitting next to my brother, Jake. Jake is 30 years old and just got out of a really bad relationship. He was about to marry this mean and ugly girl who only loved him for his money. He’s been really depressed and I want to help him, but there’s no way I can. As I flipped through the magazine he stopped me as I came across a beautiful girl wearing a tacky navy gown. He gaped at the girl as if she was a goddess. “She’s beautiful.” Jake said under his breath. I let him stare for a while then I ripped the page out of the magazine and I gave it to him. I continued looking through the magazine when I over heard my parents talking about the huge storm coming tonight. I looked back at Jake, staring at the page, and I laughed a little. Then I had the best idea to make him happy again.

That night when everyone was sleeping, I stole the page back from Jake. And I ran to my basement where no body ever goes. I set up a bed and a cable that connects with the satellite dish on my roof. That cable has two metal pliers. “If my plan doesn’t work that’s it. Jake is going to be depressed forever.” I put on my rubber gloves and I laid the page on the bed. Then I connected the two cables to the sides of the page. I waited a while for lighting to strike my satellite. I fell asleep but I didn’t let go of the cables. Suddenly at exactly 3:19 am, lighting struck and the electricity traveled threw the cables into the magazine page. Tons of sparks and smoke filled the room but I didn’t lose my grip on the cables. Ten minutes later the commotion slowed down and there was the beautiful girl lying on the bed. I couldn’t believe this was really happening. “Did I really do it?” I said to myself. “Did I really just create a person?” I touched her arm to she if she was real. She looked perfect, like a Barbie doll. I let her sleep a while but I got very impatient. I woke her up at 4:00 am. “ Your name is Alicen. You are Angelic, Loving, Intelligent, Caring, Energetic and Nice. Your 23 years old your birthday is December 26th 1988. You attend NYU and your studying to be a nurse. You work part time as an intern at a big company. You just got out of a bad relationship.” I told her. “You have to be at a party tonight and have fun. You will have to talk to a man named Jake.” She nodded. I wondered if she even knew what I was saying so I told her to repeat it. “ My name is Alicen. I am Angelic, Loving, Intelligent, Caring, Energetic and Nice. I’m 23 years old my birthday is December 26th 1988. I attend NYU and I am studying to be a nurse. I work part time as an intern at a big company. I just got out of a bad relationship. I have to be at a party tonight and have fun. I will have to talk to a man named Jake.” She said. I was very surprised and I’m confident that she will do exactly what I asked. I gave her clothes to wear and through away that tacky navy gown. Jake will be blown away when he sees her.

I went back to sleep and I woke up the next day. When I came downstairs Jake was acting weird as if he had something to hide. I realized this how he acts when he meets someone he likes. He told me that last night he met the girl of his dreams. “ Her name is Alicen and she 23 years old. She is studying to be a nurse.” he said. I was proud of her. She did exactly as I asked. My job was done. Jake started asking her out on dates, and she came over to meet our parents. He even gave her nicknames like Ali and Sweetie. Two months later Jake told us that he wants to marry her. He soon proposed to her and the wedding date was set. Things where going perfectly.

She came over one day to discuss wedding plans. I was prepared to show her my dress and tell her some of my ideas. Alicen walked in criticizing my ideas and telling me my dress, shoes and hair style ideas where nasty. I was shocked. Then Jake walked in and she acted like a totally different person. I was so confused as to what happened. What kind of monster did I create? Alicen was Aggressive, Ludicrous, Improper, Cruel, Evil and Nasty with me but Angelic, Loving, Intelligent, Caring, Energetic and Nice, with Jake. She stomped around like a bridezilla. She demanded the most ridiculous things for no reason. She was acting like a four year old and I was more mature that her. Everyone had to stay out of her way and not tell her what to do. She totally transformed and Jake was oblivious. I tried to confront her but that didn’t work. I tried to tell Jake but he sided with her. I couldn’t stand the thought of her being apart of my family. Then I figured that if I created her I could take her life away too. But how can I do that to Jake? I can give him someone else but I can’t create her. But the wedding is in a month so I have to work fast.

I called up one of Jakes old girlfriends, Sophia. Sophia and Jake where high school sweethearts and weren’t ready to get married. I know deep down they still love each other. I set them up to meet one day and Jake came home really confused. I feel bad for causing all this confusion for him but Alicen has to go. Jake told me that he made a mistake by proposing to Alicen without closer from Sophia. “I still love Sophia” Jake said. “And she loves me too.” My mission was accomplished. Jake broke off his engagement with Alicen and a year later married Sophia.

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