The Night of The House of Fear | Teen Ink

The Night of The House of Fear

December 16, 2013
By Crasherjay BRONZE, Dagsbro, Delaware
Crasherjay BRONZE, Dagsbro, Delaware
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This night was no ordinary night. A thick fog lay over the place like a great cloud. An ethereal feeling hung over it. This night was the night three friends would have to face their deepest fears. It was a dark night, late in October, the trees were swaying slowly, morning past losses. The three friends, Jacob, George and Abby, were walking up the stairs to a house they had heard was haunted. No one had lived there for many years, and no one dared to enter the house since the day screams came from it. Everyone in the town heard the bloodcurdling screams, then the next in instant, they saw blood, seeping out from the walls, so the whole town left the adjacent area. Only one house has stood for all the years to this day, the House of Fear.

Jacob, a boy of 19, woke up five hours before they arrived at the house, he had the idea the night before and only two of his friends, George and Abby, were daring enough to go. He wanted to see why the house of fear was called the House of Fear and why no one lived close to it. He ran to George's house and told him it was time to go. They both jumped into the car and drove to Abby's house and grabbed her. Then they arrived, only a few miles away from The House of Fear, there was no turning back for any of them, if they did they would be cowards. As they drove down the road, they saw a sign that read, "don't go any farther or you shall surely die".

Then Jacob said, "That's a weird place to put a sign."

"Yeah, let's just ignore it" said Abby.

"If you say so sarge" said Jacob as Abby rolled her eyes.

They kept driving and then they saw something in the woods, something coming at them. Jacob pressed as hard as he could on the gas pedal, which was just fast enough to escape the mysterious beast.

"That was so scary, I peed my pants" said George.

"I don't think that's the scariest thing we'll see tonight," said Abby "wait, you were scared?"

"Yeah, how weren't you, ohhh wait that's right you want to be mrs. Braveheart" George said staring angrily at Abby.

"Well, at least I am not afraid of...."

"Stop fighting you two! It's getting annoying," growled Jacob. "Let's just pay attention to whats ahead and get to the dang House of Fear."

They drove the next few miles in silence, until they saw the sign welcoming them to fright town, the scariest place on earth.

"Interesting name for this town, considering it is the home of the famous House of Fear, where I hear no ones ever come out of not screaming, or dead," said Jacob "now It's our turn to go in there."

"The House of Fear is the only building still standing in this town, reports say that it can't be destroyed, or added onto for some reason" said Abby.

"There it is," Jacob said as he parked "You guys ready, or do we have to go back home because one of you needs your mommy."

They all said nothing as they got out of the car and walked up to the building, it doesn't look old because no cobwebs have formed and there is no damage to the building. Jacob lead them up to the front door and slowly, and shakily, opens the door. They all stepped in the door when it slammed shut, George ran and tried to open it but it didn't budge. Then a ghost appeared, the ghost of Aden Peary, the old owner of the house. Jacob, Abby and George all scream.

"Come on a walk with me through all your deepest fears," said the ghost.

"Why our deeeeeepesst fears, why not ouuurr knownn fears," Jacob said shakily.

"Because, this is the place where your fears will either kill you, or you will overcome them." Said the ghost.

"What do you mean our fears will kill us, do you mean mentally?" Said Jacob.

"No, it will not be just mentally, it will also be physical, you could die in here, just like I did, many years ago" Said the ghost.

"Well I guess that means we can't leave, and if so, we would all die." Said Jacob.

"Yes, there is no escape now, almost no one makes it out of here alive, so it will most certainly be the end of your lives, if you live, you can leave and love your life" said the ghost, "good luck."

"Ok, well, let's get started, I would rather die now than listen to the fact that I have a good chance to die." Said Jacob "lead the way ghost of Aden."

"Only if you are sure your ready" said,k the ghost.

"Are we ready group?" Asked Jacob.

"We guess," said both Abby and George.

They walk down a hallway which seams almost endless. George started shaking.

"This hallway is endless, just like endless fire" said George.

The ghost smiled"Well, well,well, looks like someone's Afraid of fire, aren't they."

"How did you know?! No one knows that I have the fear of endless fire, fire that never ends, no matter where you go."

"This is the house of fear," states the ghost, "I know all fears, and the first one that we will face is yours, ready or not, it begins now." Fire spread throughout the hall except for where they stood and George started to flip out.

"To much fire, to much fire, I don't want to be here, make it stop!" Yelled George.

"I cannot stop what has begun, it only ends when you over come this fear, or die" said the ghost, "so if you want it to stop and you are really afraid jump into the fire."

"I think I will try to overco....... Agh!" Said George as he catches on fire, "I guess this is it for me guys, always remember me." George fell into the fire.

Abby and Jacob both break down crying, sad that George died. The fire stops and the hall is back to normal, except, George is gone.

"let's move on" said the ghost as he started walking "it was obvious he was going to die."

"Well, I guess if we move on we can try to face our fears and beat them for George, like he was going to do" Proclaimed Jacob.

"Yeah, let's go"said Abby

They all keep walking when suddenly laughing and horns went off.

"We are at the next area, which is for you Abby" said ghost.

"Wait don't tell me that...." Started Abby as honking started in the distance.

"It is Abby" said the ghost. Clowns appear in the distance with honking guns and other clownish weapons.

"You might want to watch out" said the ghost as a shot ring and a blast flies through the air nearly missing Abby.

"Why, why, why, why must it be clowns" said Abby.

"Calm down Abby" calmly said Jacob "it will be all right if you face your fear."

"Easy for you to sa..... Watch out!" Yelled Abby as a blast hit Jacob's shoulder.

"Just fight your fear, please Abby, please" said Jacob.

"You know what clowns, you are annoying, come get me!"shouted Abby as the clowns disappeared.

"Did you just fight the fear because it hurt someone that you love, or because you got courage" asked the ghost.

"Both" announced Abby "What's next?"

"Jacob's fear, which I find kind of funny" said the ghost

"Wait, what fear do I have, I don't have any except, no, not that one" said Jacob.

"Yes that one Jacob, so come on, let's get it done and over with because I'm bored of you two" says the ghost sarcastically.

"Who's that" asked Abby.

"Someone taking charge, becoming the leader, in place of Jacob" said the ghost.

"That's his worst fear, losing his leadership role" said the ghost

"That's not scary" commented Abby.

"It is when someone's always had a leadership role and is just now losing it after a long time" replied the ghost.

"Ok, I see" said Abby understandingly.

"Get out of my position boy, it's mine!" Yelled Jacob.

"No, you got voted out, and I got voted in, so, deal with it" said the leader.

"But I have always been the leader" says Jacob "So, you should back off". Jacob shoved the leader.

"You want to fight, well we'll fight. Come on, follow me to the ring" said The leader with an evil smile "win is leader and loser has to leave" the leader and Jacob start to walk to the ring.

"Deal, loser leaves, and never returns" smiled Jacob "Where's the ring?"

"Right here" said the leader as he presses a button and a door opens "it was stored away for things like this."

"Ok" gulps Jacob "let's fight" said Jacob as he started to walk towards the ring, but Abby held him back.

"Don't fight him and just back down, it's less chance of you ending up dead, and also, your shoulders hurt" Abby said calmly.

"True, but I want to be the leader, and if I back down he will think I am a wimp" said Jacob.

"Just do as I say, please, I don't want two friends to die in here" said Abby cautiously.

"Ok, I won't fight, just so no one else dies in this place of horror, and so we can both say goodbye to George before we leave" said Jacob "Hey new leader, come over here I have something to tell you."

"What is it fool, I'm ready to fight" said the leader.

"Well, since I'm injured and one of my friends died recently, can we call this whole thing off and you be the leader and I stay here" said Jacob "Also, with that said, can I be one of your friends."

"That is so polite of you and you can be one of my friends, I also kinda don't like to fight so, it's good that you don't want to, and yes the deal is called of since you backed down and didn't lose" said the leader.

"Thanks," said Jacob as the scene disappears,"That was a good lesson."

"Yes it was" said the ghost "hope you both learned some lessons, and also, I am quiet impressed that both of you made it through, normally after one dies they all end up dead in their own fear." The ghost smiled"I will now let you guys go, I hope that you will both live happy. lives" the ghost went to the front doors and opened it as Jacob and Abby walked out the doors. Then the doors shut behind them.

"Glad we're out of there, should we pay our respects real fast to George before we leave" asked Jacob.

"Yeah we should say our final goodbyes to George" replied Abby as she and Jacob kneeled down.

"God the most high, please be with George as he is most likely up there with you, let him rest in peace and let him live forever with you, amen" prayed Jacob as he and Abby sat there in silence. After awhile, they both quietly got up and walked to the car, and drove home.


The author's comments:
Original and took me weeks to write
It's about overcoming fear

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