Prologue to War | Teen Ink

Prologue to War

January 6, 2014
By Joel Miller BRONZE, Battle Ground, Washington
Joel Miller BRONZE, Battle Ground, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

70 years ago, God split into two, independent halves. The holy half, named Hyperion, controls all of the planets in the universe. His home is the Sanctuary of the Living where the nice people live when they die. The darker half named Helio, controls a group of evil, sinful, dragons named Hieratics. Helio is pure evil and is the most powerful tyrant in the entire universe. Helio had met his fate in front of a mystical magician. Helio is now concealed into a sphere.
70 years passed, and I just started my freshman year in high school. My name is Fred Fred Burger. (Yes I have the same middle name as my first name.) The first day of school was a bad Day. The school food was disgusting as vomit. My Algebra teacher assigned homework the first day. Worst of all, my nose got injured, and I could not smell a thing courtesy of a bully.
The next day happened like a flash of light. On this day, my potential was unlocked. I was involved in another fight with the bully, and he was winning, until, a person in a purple outfit appeared and threw a zap and knocked him out. Before I could thank him, he vanished in a blink of an eye. Later that day, I sneaked out of detention, and went for a walk. I found a dozen of police cars going to a restricted area. I ran to the scene. Once again, I have encountered the mysterious figure in trouble by the government for introducing in a government owned, property. We did not stand a chance against several police officers, so we surrendered. We were put on trial by Admiral Trent.
Trent explained that he was going to call our parents , the mysterious figure is in jail, and all of my scholarships and awards will be taken away. However, Trent would ignore the punishment, if we do community service with the military. The Hieratics were attempting to resurrect Helio from the concealed sphere in Arizona. We both did not hesitate to agree to the assignment . The mystery figure was a magician from Endymion. Endymion is a world where the Hieratics left the world in ruins 70 years ago. The magician’s name is Mahad. Mahad used his magic powers to make us fly. We immediately became friends.
In Arizona, there was a circle full of dead bodies. Mahad charged with all of his magic and passed out after being defeated by a group of Hieratics. The Hieratics managed to resurrect Helio. Helio started the show with sending Hieratics all across the planet. The Hieratics managed to go to my town in Missouri and killed my entire family in the process, the news of my family’s death made me enraged. I need to avenge my family, because my family was hopeless, and I am only full of hope.

The author's comments:
This piece fiction is based of off a group of cards from a card game known as Yu-Gi-Oh!

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