The Wizard Guild | Teen Ink

The Wizard Guild

January 15, 2014
By wertysean BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
wertysean BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Wizard Guild

“It should be right ahead,” exclaimed Mongo as he took off in an excited trot.

“The map says we have another 2 kilometers Mongo!” Tiki shouted down to he master below.

Mongo ignored his wooden celestial spirit that was shouting to him from the clouds above. Mongo knew how close they were to the guild. He had been there before.

The sun was beginning to set on the grass-covered hills. Mongo knew this meant trouble because of the road they were traveling on. If Tiki and him did not reach the guild by nightfall, the shades would be upon them.

Mongo couldn’t help but think of the events that unfolded since that very morning.

This whole situation was his fault. If he hadn’t been so intent on leaving the academy, he would be sitting at home peacefully eating ramen noodles with his family. As he envisioned that morning, the sunset vanished from his thoughts.
He was back at home. He looked across the table at his father, who was drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.
“Dad imp done with the academy. I can’t take those spoiled brats anymore, all they talk about is what new car they want or where they’re going on vacation next.” he complained to Jamal, his father.
“You only have two more months here and then you’ll go off to the business college over in Cons worth. If I here anymore about this I will take your key ring away for a month.” Jamal sternly replied.
Ignoring his father’s threat, Mongo stood up in frustration.
“I turn 18 in one week, I can do whatever I want.” he yelled.
“ You cannot do what ever you want. You are an Evercool and you must uphold our family name.”
Jamal walks to the enormous window on the other side of the room anxiously.
“That’s it, you know I am not fond of your little hobby. Hand over your key ring and go to school.”
Frost spread from where Mango’s hands were clenched on the table. Although it was a very warm day in the valley town of Dafilia, you could see Mango’s breath as if it was the dead of winter.
“Its not a hobby.” he said viciously. “They are my friends.”
Unaware of what his son was about to do, his father blindly screamed, “They are nothing more than mere pets and they should be treated as such.”
Mango snapped.
The table shattered from the cold and Mango raised his hand towards his father.
Jamal turned around and saw what was happening to his son.
“Mango calm down. Don’t do anything rash.” he ordered.
At that moment Jamal reached for the phone by his side. Before he could grab hold of it, a razor sharp icicle obliterated it.
“What are you doing?” asked Jamal sheepishly.
“Goodbye father” whispered Mango.
Mango slammed both his hands on the floor. In what seemed instant, a thick layer of ice shot up from the ground in front of his father’s feet. It expanded wall to wall and all the way to the ceiling.
His father’s shadow could be seen pounding on the ice barrier as Mango walked out of the room.
Mango had never been on his own before because his father usually had a bodyguard watch over him at all times. The bodyguard called in sick that morning for the first time in years. Mango had seen taken the perfect opportunity.
He went through his drawers and closet gathering only the essentials he would need for the long journey ahead of him. As he was walking out of his room, he caught a look of himself in the mirror. He was a young man, tall and thin yet he had an abnormal amount of strength. His long brown hair covered most of his face, but his sharp blue eyes could be seen the tangled mess.
All the thoughts of the morning had Mango so distracted that he didn’t notice it was completely dark outside now. He was afraid for a moment, but then realized he could see the guild up ahead.

“Mango!” Tike shouted. “Look out!”

Mango turned around to see a dark figure approaching in the distance.
“Tiki I’m closing your gate” he yelled

“Alright, be safe” the flying golem replied.

Mango grabbed his keying from his side and chose one. The key had the symbol of a scorpion on it, surrounded by gold and jewels. Mango lifted the key in the air and yelled, “I call upon you Scorpio, protect me!”
He turned the key clockwise until a bell could be heard ringing from it. In a burst of florescent colors, a golden circle appeared on the ground in front of Mango.
In a matter of seconds a gigantic scorpion rose from the golden circle, cutting off the path between the figure and Mango. The scorpion was a deep red with green venom oozing from its tail. The shade didn’t stand a chance.
Before Mango could even see the face of the shade that would have sucked away his soul, Scorpio had stabbed the shade straight through the back.
Scorpio was not a very kind celestial spirit. He always was grumpy and never talked much. The only thing he said this time was “You’re welcome” in the deep ominously voice he had. Mango thought he always has good intentions though. Scorpio had not failed once.
As Mango approached the guild, he heard shouts from up on the wall. He looked up to see that the wizards on the wall we not in fact shout. They were applauding Mango. He could not believe it. He had not stepped foot into this guild and he was already getting praise. It raised his self-confidence ten fold.
He was approaching the front gate when a he heard a voice from above.
“Stay right where you are” a quivering raspy voice said.
An old man floated down from the top of the wall towards Mango. He was wearing all white with a beard almost down to hid knees. Scorpio made a move towards the old man but Mango quickly shut the key’s gate.
“I apologize” Mango said, “He usually isn’t that abrupt”
“Its okay, I have been greeted by much worse before” the old man chuckled “What is your business here, and who are you?”

“My name is Mango, and imp the best celestial ice wizard you’ll ever meet.”

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