All for Sam | Teen Ink

All for Sam

January 15, 2014
By Anonymous

A wealthy family, concluding a mother and a daughter live in the suburbs of Detroit. The mother’s name is Suzie, she is 85 years old and she is very ill with cancer. The daughter Sam is 32 years old and is deformed. After Sam’s father David died last year of a heart attack, Suzie was left alone to take care of Sam. Their neighbor Lucy is Suzie’s best friend; they have known each other seen they were kids.

One afternoon Suzie was making dinner for them when all off the sudden she fainted. Sam didn’t know what was wrong with her. She screams for her neighbor Lucy to come help her.

Lucy comes rushing through the door, and sees Suzie lying on the floor. “What’s wrong with your mom?” asked Lucy.

“I don’t know I was in my room watching TV, when all of a sudden I heard a load “BOOM!” So I ran from my room and saw her on the floor,” Sam told her with a worried look on her face.

“Okay, don’t worry everything is going to be O.K.” Lucy starts to check Suzie’s pulse. “Just go get the phone and call the police.”
Five Minutes later the police and the ambulance arrive. The paramedics checked Suzie’s pulse, and start to ask Sam and Lucy questions. The paramedics then carried Suzie on to the ambulance, and tock her to the emergency room. Lucy and Sam followed the ambulance to the ER. A few hours later after the doctors ran test on Suzie. They come out to the waiting room to tell Lucy and Sam bad news the doctor says, “I am sorry to tell you but Suzie has cancer, and only a few months left to live.” Sam and Lucy start to break down.

A few weeks later the doctors send Suzie home. Lucy goes to pick Suzie up from the doctors. On their way to the house Suzie is worried about Sam. “I don’t know how am going to do this, am all Sam has in the world! She will be like a dog without an owner, lost in this world. What will she do without me?” cried Suzie. “I have to find a way to fix this! Don’t you know of someone that can help me? Please Lucy help me I will do anything.”

“It’s going to be okay, and as a matter of fact I do know of someone that can help you get exactly what you want.” Lucy tells Suzie. “Her name is Betty; she works at a little story called Your Choice, it’s near the mall. She is known for working miracles.” Lucy assures Betty. “I’ll give her a call tomorrow to let her know that you’re going to stop by.”

“Yes, thank you that sounds great and will you watch Sam while am gone?” asked Suzie. “Yes of course,” Lucy told Suzie.

The next day Suzie goes to go check Betty to see just exactly what kinds of miracles she can work. Suzie enters the store and sees a tall little skinny old lady. She asks for Betty. “Yes that’s me. What can I help you with?” Betty questions Suzie.

“Will see Betty my name is Suzie and my friend Lu….”

“Oh yes Suzie. Lucy told me about you. And I know just exactly what you need for your problem.” She tells Suzie. “But are you willing to pay the cost”

“Yes, yes money is no problem whatever it takes to help my little girl.” Suzie assures Betty. “I will do anything to make her become a beautiful lady that won’t need to depend on anyone!”

“Yes I see, but what you’re asking for can’t be paid with money. No, it can’t be paid with all the money in the world; it will cost you your soul.” says Betty.

“My soul,” Suzie questions her. “But I thought you said you could help me with my problem?”

“Yes, but what you are asking, only The Devil can give you what you want,” Betty explains to Suzie.

“But how will I tell him what I want?” Suzie wonders.

“Just call him and ask him what you want, and he will give it to you but with a cost. Nothing is free in this world, you know,” Betty tells her.
On her way home she is thinking weather she should do it or not. She starts to feel bad and decides to pull over for a while. She can’t take it anymore, knowing that one day she won’t weak up and her daughter won’t have anyone else left in the world to take care of her. She decides to do it. Then the devil appears, “Yes, I knew you couldn’t reject my offer,” says the Devil.

“Okay I will agree just let me know how this will benefit Sam?” she questioned him.

“Oh yes benefit her it will, very much, she won’t need you or anyone else. She will look beautiful and become a totally new person.” He answered her, with a grin on his face.

She agrees to give the devil her soul and Sam becomes a beautiful woman and takes advantage of that. After Suzie dies, Sam is lost without her mother and she kills herself.

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