Seeing Slate | Teen Ink

Seeing Slate

January 19, 2014
By catcheressintherye BRONZE, Richardson, Texas
catcheressintherye BRONZE, Richardson, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I know nothing with any certainty, but I know the sight of the stars makes me dream.”

Eyes. Even with my back turned I could feel them on me. I contemplated walking away and escaping the increasing anxiety this person was causing me, but suddenly the urge to turn around and find the individual, who had apparently taken an interest in me, hit me so hard I nearly lost my balance. Against the protests of my brain, my feet moved slowly, mechanically, in a circular motion, until I faced the being whose stare sent shivers up my spine. Though my discomfort must have been visible, her steady gaze never faltered. They were gray, I discovered, not the color I’d expected. I pictured someone who stared so shamelessly with blue eyes I suppose. They were pale though, almost transparent, too strange and alien to be pretty. But there was something in them I couldn’t place. Determination, perhaps? Cruelty? No, that took place in her smile. Her grin held no warmth or amusement, only the smirk of a predator that spotted its prey. The whole situation was so unsettling, it chilled me to the bone. What was it about that leer that left a pit of fear in my stomach and a hollowed out feeling in my lungs? Was it the way it didn’t quite reach her eyes? Or the cold, calculated expression that accompanied it? Or simply the fact that her teeth were unnaturally perfect and white? No matter what objections my head held, I was drawn to her. It was like two people were battling in my mind for control of my body and eventually one had to win. One desire was stronger than the other. So once again, I felt my feet move forward. Toward the woman with the odd gray eyes and my inevitable doom, I trudged on.

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