The Zombie Appocalypse | Teen Ink

The Zombie Appocalypse

January 23, 2014
By vmoney BRONZE, Capon Bridge, West Virginia
vmoney BRONZE, Capon Bridge, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The beginning

It has been three weeks since August 18, 2000, and the first zombie outbreak. Everyone is a flesh eating zombie. Let me introduce myself, my name is Allie Hansen. I have dark rich, flowing brown hair. I have buzzing forest green eyes with a bit of gold in the green. I am eighteen years old. I am a very skilled with guns. It helped with my dad being currently in the army. I don't know where he is or if he is still out there.
Right back to my current situation. Currently there are zombies tearing off my door trying to eat me. The funny thing is I am just sitting here spaced out explaining everything to you guys. I get off my bed, and go to my closet. Then I grab all my weapons, food, water, and ammo. This place was a good little pit stop for the night. Currently I am in Fort Allen, Texas. I have to get to Dallas, Texas. I am going to Dallas to check for any survivors. I am currently on the roof getting ready to throw a bomb which is also something I learned how to make from my father. After I bombed the zombies surrounding the house, I climb off the roof and started for the road.
I did not get five feet on the road before a stray zombie came hurtling towards me. I do not want to attract any more zombies ,
so I choose a silent weapon. I stabbed the zombie with a knife a couple of times ,before doing a double tap. Always do a double tap. I guess it is time to start my long journey on foot to Dallas, Texas.
About three hours later I arrived in Dallas, Texas. I am walking around the top part of the city. I am carrying the old ratty ax I found; close by and ready to swing. You know if any zombies try to eat me? Yea that would not be good. Anyway I was walking in and out of the once happy and loved homes that are now just empty houses. Looking around some of the houses, you can tell they put up a good fight. Some have rooms that the door was taken off ,and replaced by more wall plaster. To be honest I felt sorry for those people that were just trying to help their families survive. There were pantries built into the wall and jugs and jugs of water lining the floor. Some even having cots in them, those people who were paranoid about the zombie apocalypse were right to be paranoid. Looking through a couple more houses I arrive at what looks like a zombie proof house. It had thick metal sheets on the windows and doors, the house was covered in plexiglass. Looking for a way to get in I spot a chimney. I wonder why it had not been covered with the glass. I climbed up the tree beside the house. While climbing the tree, I discover a fort type thing where you could sit and shoot at the zombies. Hmmm should I stay in the treehouse or go into the chimney? Of course the chimney! After getting on the roof, I find a way to easily slide down the chimney. When I got into the house ,I looked over to find a gun beside my head.
“Well thats no way to treat guest. Now is it?” I said as the man made me get up. He looked about 21. He was attractive with brown eyes and sandy blond hair. He looked like he just stepped out of a teen boy surf movie.
“ I was not expecting company. Why did you just climb through my chimney?” he said in a sleepy voice.
“ Well I was definitely not going to get eaten by what was once was our fellow humans , but now are zombies.” I said in a duh voice.
After sutting in a room, with lots of tension I decided to break it. ”Well my names Alley.”
“My name is Zack.”
Breaking what seemed to be a little less tension I spoke again.

“So its umm it is getting late.”
Zack cut me off “ You can sleep in the bed I will sleep on the couch.”

“Thanks for letting me stay and giving me your bed to sleep in.” I said.

“ What kind of person would I be if I let you get eaten by zombies?” Zach had said.

“Well the mean kind. You know I would have slept in the tree fort if you kicked me out.”

“Thats good to know.” He said in a sarcastic voice.
“Well good night.”
With that I layed down on the bed and passed out.
The next Morning.
Bombs are not the best thing to wake up to. The loud banging noise of bombs woke me up. I was starting to get a headache. I woke up fully and stretched. I looked around and remembered I was at Zack's house. Yay I found another human! People might be annoying, but I missed them. That makes me wonder if theres other humans out there. Well my next step is to go to Austin, Texas.
Walking out of the bedroom I look around for Zack. I found him in the kitchen.
“Morning.” He mumbled then went back to fusing his bomb.
“Good morning .” I said grabbing my gun and the rest of my stuff.
“Where are you going?”
“Austin, you wanna come?”
“Yea I guess I could just depart my busy life here.” Zack said with a laugh.
“Well can you shoot?” I asked.
“No but I can fuse bombs.”
“Good enough for me.”
“ Okay lets go.”

Three hdours later. (In Austin)
“Hello Austin!” I said cheerfully.
"Yep” Zack said popping the “P”.

After we looked around ,I started searching all the houses. We checked about twenty houses before we came up to what looked like a laboratory. We looked around it to find away in. Bingo! There was an opened cellar probably a trap for zombie. Oh well, I motioned for Zack to follow me as we jumped into the cellar. As we fell in ,we landed in a net. Thank god there were not any zombies in it, I knew it was a trap. At least someone will come check the net. Right as I thought that an alarm went off signaling something was in the net.
A guy who looked like he was in his early forties came towards us with needles. Probably a sleeping medicine inside. He just kept circling us. I guess he was waiting for us to attack. Is this guy crazy? We were not going to attack anytime soon. Zack cleared his throat.
“Will you let us down now?” He asked the scientist.

The scientist looked at us funny.

“Other humans!” He exclaimed.

“Last time I checked I was.” I said sarcastically.
The scientist let us out. After that he put the net back up. I explored the lab a little bit. There were test tubes everywhere, and pieces of paper covered the walls. There were medicines everywhere and a wall full of rat cages. The glass was thick and I could tell the rats were zombies. I watched as the rats tried and tried again to break the glass. They all failed though. The glass was way too thick to break through. There were a few dead ones. I presume that they were given some type of medicine that failed, and just killed them. I kept looking through the rat cages and there was one normal. Hmmm. I wonder what kind of medicine he was given. Whatever it was it was working. Maybe this will cure the zombies. All my hope faded away when the rat fell over dead. Pore thing so close to being cured. Walking away I had seen another room making sure no one was looking I walked into the room. I was met with a zombie laying strapped to a table. She had IVs plugged into her. She looked so calm and peaceful. Her skin was a normal pale color. Unlike the greenish color other zombies had. I think the cure was working in her. Her facial features were almost normal to. It was amazing.
“She is the only one to respond this way to the medicine. I think I found the cure.” The scientist said. He scared me because I thought I was Alone.
“So if she survives this ,than you have the cure?” I asked.
“Yes uh um, what’s your name again?”
“My names Alley.” I replied for his loss of words.
“My names Cooper. How long have you known Zack?”
“Only a couple days.” I replied
With that I exited the room and explored a little more. Looking for Zack I called out his name. There was no answer to me doing so. Then I heard the moaning and groaning I instantly recognized as a zombie. Rounding the corner towards the net, I seen Zack with a stick poking a zombie in the net. Where did he get a stick?

“Whatcha doing?” I asked with curiosity bubbling.

“Poking this zombie duh.” He said in a bored tone.

“So when this thing virus cured ,what are you going to do?” I said.

“I am not sure, but I have a question.” Zack said calmly.

“Whats your question?” I asked.

“Well we are both in this together right?”

I just simply nodded.

“Well I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend?” He asked.
“Yes I will, but you asked me that while poking a zombie with a stick how wonderful.” I said and we both laughed.

After night fell we ended up sleeping on the floor. Well the guys did I slept in Coopers bed. I layed down and began to think. I wonder what I am going to do when this thing is cured. Will it ever be cured? Who started this thing? Soon my eyes felt heavy and I drifted off into a dreamless slumber.

The next morning.

I woke up with a massive headache. I heard very loud snoring coming from both sides of the floor looking over I saw Cooper and Zach. I got out of the bed and walked around the room purposely stepping on the both of them. I heard sleepy groans and that was it so I came up with a plan. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a Bucket of freezing cold water and walked back to the bedroom. I threw the water on them both. They jumped straight up.

“Good morning boys.” I said sweetly.

They both gave me dirty looks and then looked at each other. After I had seen their evil smiles ,I ran. I only got a couple feet before Zack tackled me to the ground.

“Get your fat butt off of me please and thank you.” Is all I said before I pushed him off with great force.

He rolled off and started laughing. Ugh guys I will never understand them. After he sobered from laughing, he jumped up and sat on me and started tickling me to death.

“Get… Off... Of…. Me.” I said in between laughs.

“Why did you pour ice water on us?” He asked

“You would not wake up when I stepped on you so yeah.” I said.

“Because that makes lots of since.” Zach said in a sarcastic tone.

Thats when we heard the alarm signalling that a zombie was in the net. Zach jumped off of me and grabbed his pistol. He was blocking me in a defensive position. I guess he realized it was in the net ,and not running around because he stopped blocking me. He then grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the net. When we got there ,we had seen Cooper strapping the now sleeping zombie to a bed. The zombie looked sick and starved. That would explain why was so skinny and sickly. The zombie was obviously a guy. As soon as he was in the glass room, he inserted a type of medicine in him. Once he was stable, Zach and I walked out. I let go of Zach’s hand and walked towards the rats. Three looked normal. I looked at there eyes and they were normal.

“Zach come quick!” I exclaimed.

“ What is it Alley?” He asked worried.

“The rats are cured.” I said.
With that I ran to the female zombie. She looked like a regular human! She had regular pale skin, blond hair. I checked her eyes. Blue! She had regular blue eyes. She started to stir. She mumbled a few english words.

“What.. What happened?” the human girl said.

“Cooper Cooper!” I shouted.

Zach and Cooper ran in at the same time.

“Holy…” That was all Zach said.
Cooper began checking her up, taking her temperature and checking her eyes.

“She is one hundred percent human!” He exclaimed.

“You did it Cooper. You found the cure. ”

The End

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