The End of The World? | Teen Ink

The End of The World?

February 27, 2014
By wooleysheep BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
wooleysheep BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When given the choice between death by fire and death by ice lemmings choose to take the matter into their own hands.

In August some intelligent dolphins who found a home on Earth when their world was destroyed, told the lemming king about the aliens who were on course to destroy the Earth. By September the news had spread throughout the entire lemming society; there were a variety of reactions. Many lemmings accepted the awaiting termination and chose to accelerate its arrival by hurling themselves off cliffs. Another group tried to reach out to other rodents to find an escape. Some of the more compassionate lemmings wanted to spread the word to the few other intelligent lifeforms on Earth.

In October, the lemmings stumbled upon a human called Disney who could help them transmit their message about the oncoming alien attack. At first they were uneasy about this man, but their alliance with a mouse demanded the lemming’s trust. This human featured lemmings in his film, White Wilderness, but sadly their message about the destruction of Earth was misinterpreted by the (supposedly) intelligent race.

After this failed attempt, the lemming king decided to take a new approach and create a Special Forces Unit disguised as a human girl, their goal: to warn the humans about their demise. Operation ANDREA (Army Notified to Declare Really Eminent Annihilation) was enrolled in a large middle school located in a suburb near the west coast of North America. The operation turned rogue after spending a month with the intolerable students and malevolent teachers. Instead of saving the race, ANDREA began plotting its revenge on the short sighted humans.

The stress of constant failure sickened the lemming king, thus he lost all hope to save anyone on Planet Earth. In November he was sighted jumping off a cliff with the remaining heirs to his throne. Lemming society fell into complete chaos. Some lemmings attempted to team up with mice, but the mice they found were too caught up in their research and experiments on the human beings to worry about informing them of the destruction of their planet. As a last resort the lemmings looked to ANDREA, the king’s legacy, for guidance.

ANDREA began creating plans to enslave the world with the help of the remaining members of lemming society. The first step was to take over the United States Government, to do this, they needed a way to distract the citizens of the country. In late September they began an alliance with a beaver named Justin, they had never met him but he had potential to be the distraction they needed. It turns out that he was not a beaver but a Beiber, Justin Beiber the Canadian pop star; this served their purpose even better. The next step was getting to know their enemies. After months of surveillance they determined the threat was minimal and could be easily bribed and corrupted. They decided on the best attack route and gathered the necessary equipment after spending more time touring the capitol and learning about the historic accomplishments of the human race.

In February, ANDREA led the lemming herd and flooded the streets of Washington DC with small fuzzy rodents. The unprepared nation did not understand the gravity of the situation. Instead of bringing in the National Guard; secretaries, senators and all the diplomats in sight were squealing on top of tables and jumping up and down trying to get away from the rodents. ANDREA easily gained control of the entire US government.

Arguments immediately broke out between the lemmings; some wanted to use the vast powers of the US Army to rule the world by force, others wanted to use their diplomatic relations and peacefully pressure the world into slavery. The lemmings quickly regretted their decision to invade the US government when they realized that its nuclear weapons were inferior to the North Korean stockpile and deserted ANDREA. They hitchhiked across the Pacific Ocean on the backs of dolphins and began plotting a new plan called DENNIS RODMAN.

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