The Insider | Teen Ink

The Insider

March 6, 2014
By alexis avent BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
alexis avent BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What if YOU were in a world filled with all the scariest things you can think of, and when you do think of them they all come true?
What would YOU do?
t was a beautiful day of October 14, 2003. The clouds were gone and the sun was out. It was a perfect day until something terrible happened. It’s your birthday and you’re turning 21 years old. Your name is Jenna, your 5 feet and 7 inches tall. You have Dark blue eyes that change colors whenever you want them to. But most of all… you’re a witch. (?)

Today you go to college. You go to one of your classes and when you do EVERYONE stares. You walk down to your seat, and sit your books down. As soon as you sit down you get a phone call… It’s your mother Susana. You don’t answer the phone without knowing it’s your mother, but you still get a funny feeling. You take your books and leave the class. As you walk out, a picture pops in your head… your mother hold a knife to her throat. You drop your books and run to the car. “THUD, THUD, and THUD” you’re in your timberland boots. Your shoe unties and your right shoe falls off. You don’t bother to go back and pick it up, this is an Emergency. You make it to your black and purple mustang. You open the door, get inside and take off your left timberland boot. You shut the door and stick the key inside the car. You forget about the seatbelt, and turn on the radio. Your favorite song comes on “Shut up and drive.” You do exactly what it says and go 75miles and hour, changing gear as you go. Your mother’s home is 2 ½ miles away and you get there within 20 min.
You open the garage door .When you are done, you run inside the house as fast as you can and catch your ONLY mother with a knife up to her throat ready to kill her. You scream “NOOO!” and she drops it. You walk over to her and give her the comforting hug that she needs and you cry. You cry till you have no more tears left. You say “I’m sorry” and tell her that you’re taking her to an asylum for her mental disability. You walk her to her bed room and help her get changed. You put on her a pair of gray sweatpants, a blue shirt, and a pair of air Jordan’s. You walk her to the car ad help her get in. You put a seat belt on her and shut the door.
You walk over in front of your mustang and get in. You start the engine and click the garage door open. You backup out of the garage and start to drive. You’re going 45 miles an hour. On your way to the asylum your mother goes into cardiac arrest. You don’t know what to do. Your heart is racing, your mother is the only one in your life and you can’t lose her now. You make a quick “U” turn and step on the pedal to the hospital. But before you make it, your mother dies. Right there… right now, and in the worst way possible you stop the car, run the passenger seat open the door and shake her but doesn’t come back. You drag her out to the street. Put your hands on her chest and start pumping. You pump as a colorful tear runs down your face. It turns red, blue, green, pink and black. You start to bawl .Suddenly all your tears turns black. And when they do the clouds turn all into gray. Thunder rumbling, lightning striking everything in its path. Trees being set on fire. Nothing you can do about it…

he storm has passed and your mother is dead. You haven’t gone to school because your afraid people are going to look at you weirdly. So you just stay inside in your apartment .You walk to your room and lay down but as you lay your head on your pillow, someone… something puts their arm around your waist. You scream and startle them. You hop out of the bed and look around you see that’s it’s your boyfriend James. He came to tell you “Happy Related Birthday” and bring you a dozen roses. Yesterday you were supposed to meet him at a fancy restaurant but didn’t because family always comes first. You say you’re very sorry and that you need to go. And as you walk away, he grabs your hand and pulls you close. You stand there. Staring into each other’s eyes. And finally something real happens, the most amazing kiss in the world. You say to yourself “I’m a very lucky girl” and say out loud to James “your mines forever and ever you know”. James says “And I’ll never let you go?”. You just stand there, you and James. You tell James that you love him with all your heart, and that you want to marry him so you propose to him. You get down on one knee and say will you marry me. He looks into your eyes and smiles and as he smiles you look past his shoulders and you see that a zombie is right there, in your face (WHATTT!!!). A tear rolls down your face and James asks you what’s wrong .Your hair turns into flares of fire and your face turns red. The zombie opens its mouth to bit James, but James turns around and moves out of the way, you look at James because he’s not scared, then look back at the zombie. You run towards the zombie and you to starts to fight as James sit there and eat popcorn. Towards the end of the fight, you jump onto the zombie’s body and rip its head off (B.A.M.!!!) The corpse drops to the floor and as it does it shatters…
You turn back to normal, slowly as James gets up from the couch. You burst out into tears again everything that has happened to you for the past few days are coming back on you. You wish that you were not the way that you are, and could be normal as you once was as a kid. James gets up and hugs you but you don’t want to be hugged. You walk away, and go to the kitchen. You pick out the biggest and sharpest knife that you can find and it all goes from there.
James couldn’t bear to see you like this. You feel like you are worth nothing more than a penny. Everything you have known to be alive is dying. Everyone around you is dying, but James…. And why is that? You put the knife down and find your way out of the kitchen. James is sitting on the couch, and you walk up to him. You ask “what are you?” No answer…. You ask again and he says in a sigh, “I’m not like you” “everyone you have ever known as human isn’t what you think they are …” “What I am, you don’t want to know.” “You’ll get mad at me” Your temperature and body heat starts to rise. And as your face turns red once more he answers you. And says “I’m half demon half human...”

The author's comments:
What has inspired me to write this story was my teacher telling me that I can write anything i want and that even if i mess up i can always try again.

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