Angel of Darkness | Teen Ink

Angel of Darkness

March 31, 2014
By TheseLonelyOldSouls BRONZE, Fredricksburg, Virginia
TheseLonelyOldSouls BRONZE, Fredricksburg, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Writers don't live one life, they live millions or more. every character they make is another self they have to keep in line.

Heavy breathing accents the rough screams beyond the shadow. The last of royal guard hides deep in the shadow, trying to control her breathing. She shivers even now, wondering what exactly she has unleashed upon the once peaceful kingdom. She hears heavy steps outside of the narrow slats of the royal gardens. Her breath catches as something only describable as a demon thunders past. A cold something slides across her shoulders as another travels searching for prey. A hand grips her and she looks down at the princess. The young girl, more than a few years younger than her is scared. ”I must be brave, for Rosaline.”
“Hey little one. You’ll be fine. I’ll protect you.” She whispers to the 7 year old reagent. The girl looks at her with wide eyes, scared and innocent.
“Remember when we played hide and seek?” The golden circlet bobs yes.
“This is like that. We don’t want them to find us.” Because if they do, both our lives are forfeit.” A demon pauses in front of their hiding place and she can hear deep sniffs. The guard draws her sword with a quiet ring, and pushes the princess behind her. A large clawed hand swipes aside the flimsy lattice, and the demon lets out a large roar. The guard sidesteps the blow and plunges her sword into its eyes.
“Go!” She shouts to the princess, dancing forward into the light of the fires. More demons swarm to her, eager for flesh. Her sword flashes in the low light, cutting heads and limbs. Sweat and black ichor soak her tunic, and her sword fast grows heavy. Still they pour on, in a blood rage for her flesh. She presses on, desperately buying time for the princess to get away.
Her guard slips for a second, and a crawler bites her calf. She reverses and cleaves it in two, but her leg pours blood. Still she has to press on, to pay recompense for her sins. She fights with renewed vigor, her blood pounding in her ears. Sweat starts to wash into her eyes. She blinks away the salty fluid and fights on. Another demon hits her left shoulder. Its bite stings and burns. She takes a moment to check her shoulder and her fears are confirmed. The bite is poisoned.
She presses forward on the attack, driving one of the larger ones towards the fire. A small one bites her ankle, but she doesn’t feel it. Her resolve is strong, and she presses on. With a shove she throws the demon into the flames. It shrieks as it is consumed by the fire.
She turns and sees the horde behind her. She pales and spies the one thing that may be her saving grace. She kicks a few burning beams into the horde and grabs a small shield and another sword. The sword goes in her belt and she shrugs the shield in place just in time to block a slash. She advances back into the horde, backdrop by the roaring flames she seems to have light emanating from her. The demons shrink back, and her reserves are bolstered. She spins into a thrust, parrying a clatter of claws with the shield as she dives forward into the midst of the ranged beasts. Her sword flashes out, and many of them fall to pieces.
A large blow smashes across her shield and she stages back. The metal is warped and twisted from where an underworld beast smashed down on it. The beast stands back up, towering over her. The other demons shrink back from this master. She throws the shield and pulls the swords.
The shield pings off of its hide, doing no damage. She strikes at its arms as it recovers from smashing the ground around her, but her swords bounce off. She catches its eyes, and attempts to stare it down. It stares back its pupils reflecting the chaos of its home, the whirling flames and tortured screams.
It swings again and she steps inside its reach, attempting to plunge her sword into its shoulders. Her sword bounces off again, and she rolls out to avoid it body slamming her. She takes a step closer to the flames and it roars. Somehow she understands its roar of “Coward!” She narrows her eyes and runs at it. She collides with its swing in a massive crash. His force shoves her back. She charges again. He expects this and rears up to smash down on her. She narrowly rolls past it as it crashes down, springing to her feet as it turns. She dances away, making room to react. It charges at her this time. She is ready, and jumps forward.
She is caught by its head, but manages to plunge a sword into its unarmored back, and swing on it to stab the other sword through its eye. Its momentum carries her through the horde and into the ruins of the chapel. It bellows in its death rage and tries to throw her off. She pulls it forward and jumps off as it embeds itself on the cross. Its flesh and ichor sizzle as they contact the holy metal. It finally dies and she lets out a terse prayer.
Dear lord,

Please don’t let me die. And help these murdered souls find rest. As well as the princess. Keep her safe.

Without the right to say so,

She steps to the hole in the wall and bares her swords in front of her. Her armor is bloodied and has holes punched into it. Her legs have numerous bites and scratches. Her shoulder is turning green, and she has a nasty scratch above her eye. As she stares out at the crowd of demons they stare back. It starts with a smaller demon, looking much like a chicken. It squawks and runs. Others follow it and soon the entire demon army is in retreat. She leans exhausted against the wall.
“Bravo.” A voice calls out and a girl close to her age walks over.
“You!” the guard growls and moves to grab her swords. The woman waves a hand and the swords fall from her grip.
“Its no use resisting. Besides, we had a deal.” She coos.
“I don’t deal with traitors.” The guard hisses, straining against the magical bonds. “Our deal was the king. He was corrupt, but the queen and prince weren’t!”
“If I left any of them alive, they would seek my head. I couldn’t take that chance.” The sorcerer says.
“So what happens now?” the guard asks.
“Well, unlike you, I honor my promises. You’ll live, but you killed both of my lieutenants, and saved the princess, so…” she thinks for a moment.
“I know just where to put you.” she smiles cruelly. The sorceress starts to chant under her breath, and a dark glow starts to rise out of the ground. Desperately, the guard pulls her dagger and stabs the sorceress in the side as she is distracted. She cackles, coughing up blood.
“You can’t stop it!” she laughs and coughs as the blood fills her lungs. The guard desperately takes up the chant, straining to say the ancient words. She desperately tries to bend the spell. Her strength drains, and she falls to the ground. A light rises up from her body and swirls in the dark, smoky air. Dark shapes of energy attack it, and pieces are splintered off. A sliver falls into the swords, and ancient characters burn into the metal. Another sliver breaks and falls into the ground. A small piece of dark energy seizes the chink in the armor. It rushes in and melds itself to the soul as it begins to travel.
A long distance away a baby opens its eyes. It stays silent for a moment, and then lets out a piercing cry.

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