The Following | Teen Ink

The Following

May 28, 2014
By samanthap2117 BRONZE, Loveland, Ohio
samanthap2117 BRONZE, Loveland, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was driving. Way too fast. But someone was following me. I don’t know who it was or how fast I was driving. I kept looking back seeing if they were still there. They were. It was three men in a big black van. I look back for the final time and I crashed into a tree.
“Ma’am, can you hear me?” I hear a muffled voice say. Someone must of seen that I crashed and called for an ambulance. My mom, brother, and three nurses were in the room. “Thank God she’s awake!!” I hear my mom say. Suddenly there was a quick burst of pain. “Oww!” My head was starting to spin and everything was going blurry. I look to my left to see a nurse injecting a needle into my vein, “This is going to help for the pain. In a few minutes you might want to go to sle.....” And everything went black.

The next morning I wake up and the three men are back. “HELP, HELP!!! They’re back!! Nurse!!” A nurse walks in and they fade away and suddenly they’re gone. “What’s wrong??” The nurse questions. Not wanting to sound completely insane. “Ummm, never mind just a dream,” I said as an excuse. “Let me know if you need anything,” the nurse says. As soon as she looks over to me her eyes go black. My eyes widen as she walks out. “You’re dreaming,” I tell myself. My mom came in with breakfast for me. Following her is two policemen. “Great,” I mutter under my breath. “Hello, Nicole. We just want to ask you a few questions.” Their eyes go completely black too. “What is happening??!?” “What’s wrong sweetie?” cooes my mom. It happens to her too. Suddenly her and the cops are normal. “Can we get started?” I plead to the cops.
“Sure. Okay, so you said something about three men?”
“Yes. They were in black suits in a black van. But I didn’t get a good view of their faces.”
“Okay...” The cop trails off, “Did they hurt you?”
“No. I was walking down the street around midnight. I heard footsteps. They were following me. I instantly ran to my car because they had guns-” “That’s all we need,” the other cop cuts off.
“Can I speak to you in the hall Mrs. Holland?” The cop questions. “Of course.” I hear mumbling and them my mother scream “She’s not crazy!!!!”I roll my eyes then go to sleep...


Me and my brother, Jared, are hunters of the supernatural. It runs through the family, my dad was one and so was past generations in the family of Milligan. I grabbed the newspaper to see another incident. It was a 19 year old girl who swears she saw two men following her and they just vanished out of thin air. They thought since the accident that she had gone insane but we knew it wasn’t just her mind playing games.

“Jared get in here,” I called.
“Did you find something?” Jared curiously asked.
“ Yeah, this girl saw three men following her in a van, they disappeared, into thin air. “
“You know what we have to do right?” I asked. Jared grabbed the keys and nodded.


I was watching the television when two men walked in. “Umm, who are you?” I questioned. The tall awkward one said, “Jar-” before the other guy elbowed him.” “We are with the FBI.....” he stuttered. “Ha! Doubt it.” They concerningly looked back and forth to each other and got nervous. “Who are you? For real this time,” I asked trying to sound as brave as possible as I scoot up back into my bed. “Okay. Our names are Jensen and Jared,” he says. I kind of give them a glare still wondering who they are. “We saw the article in the newspaper, that you saw three men follow you then disappear?”
“You think I’m crazy don’t you??” They exchange questioning glares. “We think you’re experiencing something supernatural...” Jared trails off.


“We think you’re experiencing something supernatural....” Jensen and I glance at each other because we know how she is going to respond. “You’re crazy” or “Yeah right” or “I won’t believe it until I see it.”

But we were wrong.

“I think you’re right,” she says with big eyes and an open mouth. “How do you know?” Jensen asked.


I tell them about the nurse and the cops and my mom not leaving out any details. I don’t know what can help them so everything is spilled. “Jensen, you know what this means.” Jensen nods his head with a large grin. “What?? Am I going insane? Am I seeing things??” I continue to ramble until Jared cuts me off. “No. It’s a demon. Well multiple....demons...” I guess I looked confused so Jared says, “ You’re not going crazy. I promise.” Jared says when his emerald eyes fade away and a smug grin appears on his face. “I’m back,” he sings. Jensen screams “ Hold him down!!!!” Instantly, I take the needle they put in my arm and stick it in his neck. “We need to get out of here.” He picks Jared up like he’s as light as a feather and carries him straight out the door. Without a care about what just happened and the looks he is getting. From carrying a man. Over his shoulder. I follow Jensen to his car.

As I carry Jared to the car the girl gets right in. I take them to an abandoned hospital and walk to the basement.
“Oh yeah, Nicole?”
“This isn’t the first time this happened.” I turn back around snickering at her reaction. “What do you mean??” she questions. “I’ll explain later. Come on before he wakes up.”


As we finally reach the basement, Jensen sets the unconscious Jared into a chair with ropes and ties him in. Tight. “What’s that? I ask.” There is a symbol on the ceiling that looks like a star inside a circle. “It’s called a devil’s trap. It makes the demon unable to escape him or the room.” Jared wakes up. His eyes still darker than the midnight sky. He is pushing and pulling, moving around, trying to get out of the unrealistically tight knots. There is a box by the wall that Jensen is searching through. He suddenly gets out a shotgun. Scared to death I widen my eyes. “Don’t worry, Princess. It’s just filled with rock salt,” he sarcastically scoffs.
“Don’t call me that.” I firmly say.
“Sure Princess. Okay, watch out.”
I roll my eyes and step back.
He pulls the gun up to his brother and I scream “WAIT!!”

“WAIT!!!” I jump back at her sudden noise. I shoot her a glare. “What now!?”
“Will it hurt him?” She asks with a concerned look.
“No, I told you it was just salt.”
Suddenly Jared’s head shot up. “Hey old boy you have a problem?” he spoke with eyes darker than ever and a smug grin on his face. I cocked my gun and brought it up to his head.
“I’m not afraid to do it. I know it won’t hurt Jared, just the nasty demon that is you,” and I pulled it. Jared flew back against the wall and slammed against the floor. Jared slowly got up and his eyes weren’t the color they should be; still as black as the night. He closed his eyes and they slowly faded back to normal. “What just happened?”


“You think I’m gone but guess what. It’s not that easy.”

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