The Unknown | Teen Ink

The Unknown

May 28, 2014
By billiejoe BRONZE, Goshen, Ohio
billiejoe BRONZE, Goshen, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It started last week. I noticed that I was changing, and I didn’t know if it was good or not. An unknown feeling of power began in the back of my mind and grew with each passing hour, no, each passing minute. That’s when things began to get weird.

It started with my sight. I could see well before, but when this started I could see better than everyone I knew. I could read the words on billboards from three miles away. I could see colors I didn’t even know existed. After my sight changed all the other changes began to fall into place, and I never could have guessed what those changes would do to me, or how my life would change after the changes began to take over my body.

Before I go any further I should probably tell you who I am. My name is Brandon Allen. I am 17, and I live in New York City. Sounds exciting, right? It’s not, at least not where I live. I live in a tiny, shabby house alone with my mom in one of New York’s less popular areas. Anyway, back to what I was talking about. After the sight, I developed what has become my most favorite ability, telekinesis. The morning after my sight changed I woke up and I knew something was different. I could feel it in my bones. Literally, my skull was pounding.

The pain was so intense I stumbled to my bathroom and threw up. I tried to pick myself up off the bathroom floor but I couldn’t move, and the pain in my head had gotten worse. I thought about using the towel rack to heave myself up off the floor. As soon as I thought that the towel rack came off the wall and smacked me right in the face. My face hurt but the pain in my head was gone. After that I tried moving other stuff. I didn’t think I would be able to and maybe I just imagined what ever had happened in the bathroom. I tried it again on a book sitting on my desk. I
thought about the book in my hand. I saw it float up and then across the room into my hand.

Some of my other changes that are not as exciting such as my running ability. I can run faster than a car. My skin is now bulletproof and I have no fat on my body whatsoever, not that I had much in the first place. I looked in my mirror and all my muscles were bigger or more defined than they ever had been. I discovered this all in one morning. I got to school earlier than usual, considering I ran there, and that’s when things began to go wrong. I had always been bullied at school. I don’t know why. I wasn’t a geek or anything. It just seemed that the quarterback of the football team didn’t like me, and I guess that means no one liked me . I got to school so early that no one else was there, at least I thought no one else was there.

I walked into my homeroom class which is weird since it’s supposed to be locked.When I realized why the door wasn’t locked it was too late to leave quietly. The quarterback was sitting on the teacher’s desk and he was looking right at me which I think is weird since my footsteps no longer made a sound, and that’s when he started talking to me.

“Hey, Brandon, what are you doing?”
There was nothing wrong with what he said, it’s how he said it. He had a look in his eye like a rabid dog looks before he pounces on whatever prey he has set his eye on. He got up off the desk and slowly walked toward me. He was soon right in front of me.

“You know what? I’m in a good mood today so I’m gonna go easy on you.”
With that he brought up his fist and threw the first punch. I’m used to feeling the pain so when the pain didn’t come I opened my eyes, not remembering when I closed them. I was surprised when I realized that I was the one holding his arm away from me. I was even more surprised it took me no effort at all. Something started building inside me. It was the power I felt this morning after I picked up the book. Before I even knew what I was doing I had picked up the football player and threw him across the room. His head hit the corner of the desk and then fell limp in the floor. I ran to him. I already felt bad for what I had done. I hadn’t meant to hurt him. I didn’t know what had happened to me. He wasn’t breathing. I couldn’t feel his heartbeat when I put my hands on his chest. I killed him. I felt so guilty for what I’d done I started to cry.

All of a sudden my hands started to glow. A bright light was pulsing through my veins and into the football player’s chest. He started to stir. I knew I had to get out of there, but the shock made me almost unable to move. I finally came to my senses and ran out of the classroom and into the bathroom.

I looked into the mirror. I thought I would look different, but I looked exactly the same. I looked down into the sink. Then I felt a hand close over my mouth. I started to panic and thrash around, but whoever had grabbed me was stronger than I. I felt myself tilt forward and my head was bashed into the sink. Before everything went black I heard a voice say,

“I’m sorry Brandon.”


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