The Twisted Tale of Thumbelina | Teen Ink

The Twisted Tale of Thumbelina

July 8, 2014
By MariTheVampireQueen BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
MariTheVampireQueen BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
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"The Twisted Tale of Thumbelina"
There is nothing more beautiful than that of a love story filled with many troublesome situations which lead to the "happily ever after" of the prince and princess. I should know, I've experienced it. I remember the whole thing as if it had just happened yesterday. Wait a minute. . . Did it happen yesterday? Well anyway back to the story. It all started with a wonderful day, one of the last days before winter. I was flying my daily routine and then I heard the most beautiful sound coming from a window sill of a house in a clearing of the woods. I flew to the roof and you won't believe what I had seen. I seen this small maiden sitting on a tulip leaf, as if it were a boat, rowing herself on a plateful of water while singing a sweet song to her guard dog. Listening with great attentiveness, it never occurred to me when the older woman had taken the tiny girl back into the house. I thought to myself, I wouldn't mind living around here for the little maiden has the voice of an angel. I built a nest in a nearby tree so I can listen to her sing as she went on about her business.
Darkness crept in like a thief in the night. As I was getting ready to lay my tired head to rest, I took one last look at the window sill. It was sealed shut, keeping the little woman inside safe from the dangers of the outer world. I yawned and soon the heaviness on my eyes took over, slumber was in progress.
The next morning was a bit odd. There were no animals scampering about nor was there any dancing flowers. Not even a pin dropping onto the floor could be heard. Silence. Silence was all that surrounded me. If the silence were graced with the presence of the little maiden it would be filled with merriment. I immediately flew to the window sill and found the furniture knocked over with everything out of order, it was a mess!
"Oh dear, what might've happened here? Where's the small maiden?" I questioned. The old woman soon came into view. She was teary-eyed with grief written on her face as she laid down a small dress in a little baby rocker, perhaps for the girl.
"My dear little Thumbelina, where could you have gone? I hope you find your way home soon," said the old woman.
So her name is Thumbelina. What a beautiful name for such a sweet girl as she. After long moments of thought I knew what I had to do.
"I'm going to look for her day and night and I shall not stop until I do so," said I. A huge creature came up to the window and growled at me. At first I was startled but I remembered he was Thumbelina's fellow protector. I told him "Don't worry for I am going to search for your precious Thumbelina and I shall return with her. Keep the old woman happy, tell her what I am to do for she shall not worry her head about it." And with that I took off in search of the girl known as Thumbelina. This will not be easy for a person her size, but I must keep an eye out for the little woman. She could be in serious danger if I don't find her soon.
Hours have passed and I still haven't found her or any sign of her. Suddenly I hear something.
"Help! Help me please! I'm going down the river! Help!" exclaimed the unknown entity. I scouted from above and saw a small figure stranded on a lily pad.
"Thumbelina!" I exclaimed, "Hold on, I'm coming!" I hurriedly swooped down and grasped the edges of the lily pad. I tugged in the opposite direction of the current but it was too strong. I knew I was going to need some help if I wanted to save her. I called out, "Beetle bugs! Help! Fish! Please help us!" Soon enough the fish from below and the beetle bugs from above had come together to help us get to shore. When we had arrived ashore on the dry land, we dried off and Thumbelina had thanked us for our services.
"Oh my, thank you all so much," she said, "But I need to get home now. I don't know where I am and I don’t know where to go. Those nasty toads had taken me from my home to marry some frog prince but I had refused for I do not love him one bit and that is truth. I seek a way home, can you help me find my way home?"
"We will go with you!" exclaimed the little beetle bugs.
"That is sweet of you but I don’t even know where I'm going."
"Keep your head up, follow your heart!" I sang.
"What? Why are you singing. . .?"
"You're sure to do impossible things, if you follow your heart!"
"I-I don't understand. How is that supposed to help me? I don’t know what my heart is saying! I don't even think hearts can talk! I just want to go home to Mother!"
"Your dreams will fly on magical wings, when you follow your heart!"
"Oh, oh. . . Oh! I think I know what you're saying. Thank you Mr. Swallow! Thank you, thank you!"
Off went Thumbelina into the tall grass, following the path her heart had made just for her. After that incident I had flown around for a bit, you know, just to kill time since I trusted she could get herself home safely with the company of the beetle bugs. I had almost forgotten that
my mother was to visit me. Oh mother. . . such a crazy woman you are. I took off not wanting to deal with her judging me of not having a fellow ladybird. I sailed through the sky looking about for a sign of Thumbelina. Nothing. That poor little beauty, I hope she is okay. That very moment I had turned my head forward and something hit me. I completely blacked out.
Suddenly, I had felt someone. . . or something place a cover over me. I groaned as I tried to move but a sharp pain stopped me.
"Hello? Mr. Swallow? Please be okay, please be okay," said Thumbelina. I opened my eyes and looked around then our eyes met. "You! It's you! You're okay! Oh dear I thought you were dead but you're okay!"
"Yes my dear, I am fine but would you please check my wing. I feel a sharp pain on my left side." I asked her.
"Oh dear it's a thorn. Let me help you." She pulled out the thorn which made me feel so much better.
"Thank you my dear! Oh! I almost forgot! I have to go! See you around Thumbelina!" I took off because I had just remembered before I left my home in the tree, my mother had been on her way to visit me. She is going to be really angry with me but on the bright side I know where Thumbelina is so it can't be all that bad.
After a brief lecture from my mother I decided to fly back to the last place I had seen Thumbelina. Wait... what if I can't remember? Should I do what I did before and run into a random object and black out so I can find the place? No... that's a bit extreme don't you think? But it kind of sounds like fun... Get it together! Oh down there! That's where I got knocked out and that's where I landed! I flew down and Thumbelina was climbing out of a small mouse hole.
"Thumbelina! So glad to see you!" I exclaimed.
She replied "Today has got to be the strangest day I have ever experienced in my life! And all I've wanted to do is go home and guess what? I couldn’t even get that but instead I've been kidnapped twice and was nearly forced into marrying a mole that can't even see an inch in front of his own face! I mean seriously, the guy ran into like three walls withing the short time I was there that has got to be a record or something."
"Thumbelina! Would you like to go with me to a place of great beauty that is much warmer than it is here?"
"Sure I'll go with you. But have you not been listening to what I have been-"
"Great lets go!" Then I flew off towards the wondrous place.
"We are here!" I set her down and she looked around, observing the place as she hummed a song. Well what do you know, it just so happens Mr. Prince Charming shows up to steal her heart. Guess what happens next! As you could've guessed they got married, she got herself a pair of fairy wings (not sure where from), and they lived happily ever after. Hmm... not sure if I'm grasping the meaning of these fairytales and their cheesy endings but anyway I hoped you liked this tale as much as I think I do. What is it that they say? Oh right, the end.

The author's comments:
My own little fractured fairytale and rewritten version of the tale of Thumbelina.

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