Gracious Earth | Teen Ink

Gracious Earth

September 18, 2014
By user101010 BRONZE, San Diego, California
user101010 BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There's stuff all around us, it doesn't matter what it is, it's only stuff.

Earth is being taken over.

Chapter 1: Gracious Earth

It was a bright day for the Lemurians, a wonderful time for gathering and spreading love. The Lumerians were peaceful female minded beings, they had otherworldly powers such as telekinesis, empathy, and mind reading, but lived on a planet called Earth. Earth was the Lumerians vessel through an infinite, benefiting off of each other in many ways. The Lumerians used Earth to live, and grow, along with learn, while Earth gained the knowledge and experience the Lumerians created.
Several planets over, male minded beings, known as Martians, are creating something beyond human construction. Martians live on Mars, and being male minded, they have a tendency for construction, along with destruction. Mars is very similar to Earth, the only difference is the beings that inhabit each planet. The Martians have found a way to transport energy to different locations, but they created a synthetic version of their experiment Merkaba.
  “How are preparations going Admiral?” questioned Zorf.
“We’ve run into some trouble sir,” replied Bork “as we feared our Merkaba is going to need to be synthetic.”
“Damnit, Bork!” proclaimed Zorf “This is terrible, we can’t let anyone know this is what has to be done.”
Zorf pulls his ray gun out and blasts Bork as if he were only a practice target.
“Wubalubadubdub!!!” screamed Zorf covered in Bork chunks.

Back on Earth, Chooly and friends gather to discuss their day.
“This is a great day friends.” Chooly told her fellow Lumerians.
“Agreed!” they replied.
“It is always a treat to relax after sharing our experiences and collecting the resources we need for tomorrow. But I cannot help but feel something wrong” cautioned Chooly.
“I’ve felt the same since I woke up today, it is almost like the heavy stomps of the mighty beast from the west.” said Dox.? “Me too, I do not fear this feeling much though.” stated Morph.
“My readings have been off today as well.” added Chi.

Zorf is pacing back and forth, avoiding contact with the body of Bork.
“What do I do, what do I do, what do I do.” panicked Zorf.
Suddenly the metal doors leading to the lab, where the Merkaba was being built, slide open.
“Zorf! What have you done, he was our best scientist!” shouted Commander Kilsa.
“I realize this, but once you hear that he could only produce a SYNTHETIC Merkaba I trust you will understand.” calmly reported Zorf.
“Jesus Christ Zorf, we are in trouble.” Kilsa stated anxiously.
“You’re telling me, this is like murdering your only scientist when you need a Merkaba! How are we going to take over Earth and those foolish Lumerians with near all our civilization gone.” pondered Zorf.

“I guess we could trick them into thinking we are friendly and give them the tools we have, then over time we take over!” Kilsa told Zorf.
“This is brilliant my brother, who can resist help and new technology. Then after we can destroy them, pew pew.” said Zorf making a hand gun at Kilsa.
So the brothers began preparing for their journey, they planned to bring several other members of their comity.

With an amber flame lighting the kitchen, Chooly is preparing dinner for her family, while the thing she feared is still growing inside her.
“I am not too sure what it is, but something dangerous is coming our way.” Chooly said as she place her families meals down.
“We can only hope for it not to occur, you shouldn’t be worrying so much right now, it can stray you away from what you know.” Morph told her.
“You are right Morph, I will continue being positive and go about my day. Nothing wrong is going on now so it will be okay.” Chooly said.

That next day, on Mars, Zorf had a final message to his people.
“Friends, the day has come where we recreate our Merkaba!” shouted Zorf.
The crowd roars with excitement.
“In our efforts of creating the Merkaba, we ran into some difficulties, unfortunately we could only create a synthetic version.” Zorf told the crowd.
“My brother and I are proud to announce, that we will be leaving without all of you!” said Zorf sinisterly.
“With this synthetic Merkaba, we can only bring a set amount of people, and upon use, the world’s atmosphere, along with all life, will be destroyed.” Zorf said.
Suddenly, Kilsa comes around with a ray gun to Zorf’s head and shoots him.
“That was for Bork you fool!” shouted Kilsa.
Kilsa and the comity then enter the Merkaba and are teleported to Earth. Mars is soon engulfed in an electromagnetic wave that disrupts the atmosphere, which creates an explosion larger than anything a nuclear weapon could accomplish, throughout Mars.The planet is then left without an atmosphere, while the ground is covered in a crude rusted sand.

Kilsa and his crew arrive on Earth, they see lands past their sight, the men take in the view.
“This is nothing like Mars, I cannot wait to control this world!.” Kilsa exhaled as the soft breeze rustled his hair.
“We must rest now friends, there is much ground to cover. Along with any inhabitants we could encounter.” proclaimed Kilsa’s advisor, Kree.
“Kree is right, at dusk we rise.” said Kilsa.

The night grew still, a fog arose several hours later, and a light dew formed on the soft blades of grass. Kilsa chose to stay awake in case they were ambushed and fail their mission, along with civilization. Day breaks, and Kilsa wakes his comrades.

“Kree, we must wake everyone.” Kilsa insists, and nudges Kree.

The members begin packing for their travel, and after set foot to the west.
Soon the Martians run into the fabled Earth beast of the west, the beast creates thundering roars and stampedes at the men with mighty speed. The men are killed and offered as a peace offering to mother Earth. Every so often, someone tries to come to Earth and destroy her beauty. Little do they know, the beast of the west will not stand for such crimes! The Martians failed their mission, leaving the Lumerians to grow and enjoy peace like they always will.

The author's comments:

This was a homework assignment, but I wrote about a civilization that is said to have been the first on Earth, along with their encounters with another species. It is really beautiful knowledge.


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