The Guardians | Teen Ink

The Guardians

September 29, 2014
By Noah Durrance BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Noah Durrance BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the very beginning of colonization of America, there was a Native American tribe called the Cherokee, who lived in the Western United States. These people discovered an otherworldly portal that only opened on solar eclipses. It led to an alternate dimension civilization. When they entered the portal, they were greeted by a less then welcome reception. The people in this dimension that they encountered were violent and war-like, yet advanced at the same time. No match for these war-driven people, the natives quickly fled back through the portal to the safety of their home. From that point, the Cherokee established the Guardians; an elite group of warriors dedicated to keeping anyone or anything entering the portal, and prevent anything from coming out of it. Yet, the portal was always a threat, and they waited for the day when someone came out of the portal.
It is 2055. The Guardians know that one day, a war will break out between this world and the other dimension. They are on the hunt for new recruits, and two young souls, Drake and Synthia, will change the world forever.
They both came from modest families. Rarely anything exciting happened in either of their households, but all of that changed when Sharon, the Guardians head recruiter, came knocking at the door. Drake’s interview started off by Sharon saying,
“Hello, may I speak with your son Drake?” which then was followed by some of the most uncomfortable minutes in his life. Sharon stated,
“I come from a secret organization called the Guardians. Our sole role is to protect this world from the looming threat of an otherworldly attack, for there is portal her in the United States that leads to an alternate dimension. We are looking for new recruits, and we believe that you would make a fine Guardian.”
“But I don’t have any special abilities, or powers, or anything that you’re looking for” blurted Drake. This made Sharon smile.
“We are not looking for people with special powers, we are looking for someone with unique character traits. You in your lifetime have done many commendable things, like saving that dog from being run over, or when you told the local authorities about the crime that your friend was about to participate in. These are what makes a good Guardian. Selflessness, bravery, and a sense of honor. We come to you with a chance to become a hero, and be remembered as one of Earth’s saviors.”
This was what emboldened Drake and helped him decide to agree. He wanted to be recognized, appreciated, and just being an average person would not yield that type of respect. A similar conversation ensued with Synthia. Sharon, once again, told her about the organization and why she would be helpful.
“Your loving heart and unique sense of what is wrong and right will make you an excellent Guardian” said Sharon. Eventually, Synthia too agreed to become a Guardian.
The next time we see our characters, it is at a secret training facility on a remote coast off the Atlantic Coast. Drake and Synthia, expecting hordes of new recruits to be there, find that they are the only two there. The trainer, an animated yet tough man named William, took amusement in their shocked expressions.
“Yes, you are the only two here. The Guardians are extremely finicky with who gets the honor of becoming one, and you were the only ones to pass the test. From now on, you two will train, train, train, until you become fully-fledged Guardians.” This sentence could not have been truer. Over the weeks, William put them through extensive exercises to build up muscle, stretching to improve flexibility, and weapons and combat training to improve effectiveness and skill. However, he always reminded them to stay you they are, for it was their personalities that made them be worthy of this training. A month later, William announced that their training was finally complete. He said that they were the most hard-working people he had ever know and was in the middle of telling them how they had taken to training with zeal, when a massager they had never seen before, came sprinting at full speed to William. He had a piece of paper in his hand. William took it, and in a few seconds, he actually cried out in surprise, he wordlessly handed over the letter to the  two youngest Guardians, which said that The Guardians stationed near the portal in the last solar eclipse were found dead, and traces of unknown organic matter was found not so far away from the corpses. The Guardians quickly put together the truth. Inhabitants from the alternate dimension had found a way through the portal.
They had never seen William so nervous and so incensed at the same time. He was shouting about how worthless those soldiers were, the next talking in a fearful tone about what would happen if the entity was not contained and more came through the portal. He calms down enough to tell our new recruits,
“You must be the ones that will solve this. No one else is young and powerful enough to take on this task. You must prevent this war from escalating.” This inauspicious news rocked both of them to the core.
“There must be someone else, someone powerful enough!” yelled Drake.
“You can’t really expect only two people to stop this, can you?” said Synthia right after. William simply hung his head.
“I’m so sorry, but yes, you two are the only ones to do this, and if I must remind you, calamity will befall us all if your fail!” He added in a louder voice. These people are far more advanced than us, and could destroy the planet within days, or even hours!”
“Drake”, said Synthia, He is right. We can, no we have to go into the alternate dimension and find the source of their power. If we don’t, Earth will be lost to a destructive race of people.”
“I don’t know how to extinguish their power, which leaves us running around in the dark!” Drake exclaimed.
“I can help you with that, chimed in William; we have an intelligence report that says that they are being led by a warlord nicknamed “The Blood General”. If you destroy him, you destroy their power over the portal and the moral of his fighters. To do this, you must enter the portal and find wherever the Blood General is hiding out.” This made the mission feel possible, and it was with an extreme measure of bravery that they both agreed to take on the mission. They were ushered across the country to the coast of California, where the portal resided. A military team equipped them with high-tech weaponry, but still felt vulnerable compared to what lay in store for them. Being a mile-stone for both of them, they took deep breaths and calmly stated that they were finally ready. William and Sharon were standing next to the portal, and wished them congratulations, before they left. The both took one look at each other, and then briskly walked into the portal, but was the lifted off their feet, and thrown forward, and never experiencing this phenomenon, they were afraid, unsure of what would happen next.
After a chaotic minute or so, both Synthia and Drake hurtled headfirst out of the portal. Dazed, they both took a while to take in their surroundings. The ground beneath them was dry and dead, no plant life was evident, and in the distance, they could see massive factories belching black smog into the atmosphere. It probably caused the red shy, and the cold temperature, for the sun was completely blocked out.
“So this is the reason they want to invade our r own planet” breathed Drake; they need natural resources and ran all out themselves. Without another word they both changed into clothing that was provided by the Guardians to blend in to the environment as an innocent civilian. They walked, perhaps five miles, before they came across another being. The people from here looked like humans, and were practically physically the same. But personality-wise completely opposite. They all were mean, violent, and unwelcoming, and had a tendency to get into fights with others over nothing. This demeanor made 5the two heroes walk a little faster towards what looked like the largest and most dubiously placed of all the buildings, the one next to a gigantic military compound. Using invisibility generators provided for them, they slipped past the armed guards in the building and made their way into what looked like an n entrance hall. It was decorated with the military’s achievements, and showed pictures of the triumphs they had had. Shuddering bat the thought of what they would do to the planet, they both changed into their military outfits they were given, and walked nonchalantly towards a staircase that led to a meeting room, or so said on a sign. They followed this path, reprimanded by only one guard, which they quickly disposed of. After a while, they came to a gigantic, decorated door that said, Command Centre. They knocked once, and were greeted by a small man with a lined face.
“Ah, good, he said. These are the new people the General ordered to help him,” he said. They were allowed entry into what was the most advanced room they had ever been in. Thousands of buttons and levers and screens stood before several dozen workers, all concentrated on their work. In the center, a man stood before a massive screen, showing the advancement of his troops through Earth. But this man was no normal man. He was a massive, 6’5 giant with muscles on every inch of him. When he turned around, there was no lines of his face. A cruel, tactical face showed at them. This man clearly knew what he was doing. When he spoke, a booming, deep voice resonated throughout the room.
“Excellent. I merely wished more people to witness my success as my troops first come into contact with the humans.” 
“So you are the Blood General, said Drake. You have masterminded the attack on Earth.”
“Of course, he said in mild surprise. Surely you knew that. Even then, why do you care?” Deciding there that this better be over sooner rather than later, Synthia said,
“Because we are from Earth and have come to stop your invasion.” After this remark, Drake drew a weapon from underneath his uniform, and fired it straight at the General. He reacted so fast that the bolt missed him, and instead started a fire on a desk. Screaming, the other military operators fled the room, as the fire increased. The General stayed behind though, still battling with Synthia and Drake. He dodged all of their attacks, but finally tired when they persisted even more. Before he collapsed though, a wicked gleam in his eyes alerted them that something was wrong. In his hands he held a detonator. His last words were;
“I will blow all of us up, and then my army will take over your world an\d no one can stop them!” The heroes had not time to react. He pulled the trigger and the last sound they heard was a massive explosion. The Command Centre was blown to pieces, the General and Synthia and Drake along with it. The heroes had accomplished the mission, but given their lives in the process.
  News of their deaths spread quickly to Earth. The portal was closed off, but those who remained were still a problem. However, as predicted, the death of their leader disheartened the invasion force, while Drake and Synthia served as a martyr for the Guardians, which led to their victory. They celebrated their win, but did not forget the two young heroes. They gave their lives sop the Earth could be free, but there are some things that are worth dying for.

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