Liquid Sorrow | Teen Ink

Liquid Sorrow

October 23, 2014
By Anonymous

I laid there, almost blinded by the light I saw in front of me, just above me. I was laying down on a cold, hard, bed, which I thought was for operating on people who were dying. And there were people. Not ordinary people, but living things who seemed to be rubbery, maybe not rubbery, but, just different than us humans. I was terrified, even horrified at what I had my eyes fixated on. They had huge eyes, in oval shapes. The eyes of these creatures were completely black, their skin an off blue green color, and their bodies a slender, very skinny, flexible structure. They were looking over me in an ominous, death-wishing manner. These—these…people, had huge needles in their 3 fingered hands, each and every one of them had them. Each syringe had a clear liquid in them, you could just tell it was some sort of death potion.

They seemed to have wanted me, in a way that I was going to be gone from this Earth, and any life I had ever known, was to be gone. I didn’t really know what to think as they were standing over me, in that ominous position. I knew they were going to inject me with some kind of sick, made-by-them liquid. I tried not to face it, but I couldn’t help but be terrified with what was happening in my life, in this moment, right now.

I knew I was never going to see my wife and kids anymore. The last time I was at the house was just this morning, I made my two lovely little girls breakfast, gave them a kiss on the top of their heads, and sent them off to school. I also gave my wife a short kiss as I was leaving the house, heading for work. That was the last time I’ll ever get to do that, the last time I’ll ever get to express my love to them. These weird, disgusting people obviously didn’t feel love, didn’t express love, probably didn’t even know about love.

My mind came back to me, the adrenalin had worn off, and my brain had stopped racing around my skull. The thoughts, ideas, wishes, and mistakes that I had made had disappeared, and I finally remained calm as I was hooked up to various machines and had chords all over me like I was some kind of wall plug-in. I felt a rush of cold from inside of me, but I didn’t think it was their “death potion.” It just didn’t seem like the color it was when that potion was in their syringes. The color of this potion was a faint red color. It seemed to be a drink, of some sort. I think this only because I felt much better after it was in my system. I felt hydrated, and ready to get up and walk around. Maybe even escape. I saw my shirt sloped over some sort of chair, and my shoes just under it. The creatures had disappeared, so I figured that now was my chance. I got up, unhooked myself to everything, put my shirt on, and got my shoes on my feet.

I headed for a hall that seemed to be a way out. Walking further, I discovered that there were just small rooms, not a way out. So I went back to the place I was laying and saw a door that was almost directly behind the bed that I was on. I opened it, to find the Earth. The ground had never looked so good just sitting there in its soft pebble and tiny grain of sand form. I jumped out of the ship-looking structure, onto the hard ground.

I got home obviously much later than I normally would have, but it wasn’t pitch black, dark outside, just soon enough for me to see the very end of the sunset. As soon as I walked through the door, my wife greeted me with a kiss on the cheek, like she always had after a long day of work. I had gotten to my home after they had dinner, but Margret, one of my daughters, had wrapped some up, and stuck it in the fridge. I went up to their room to find them playing with their fragile dolls, and kissed them both on the top of the head and walked back down to enjoy my wife’s cooking.

A few hours later, around 10 o’clock, I heard screams. There was a man in my house, and he stabbed my wife, several times. Of course, waking me up, I bolted down into my kitchen. I found my wife, sitting in a puddle of blood, which seemed to be coming from her neck, laying there, on the floor. She was motionless, cold, and very, very pale. I knelt down to kiss her hand and tell her I loved her if even her spirit could hear me. I ran up to my daughters’ room, they were sitting up in bed, staring at each other sobbing to themselves. I obviously did my fatherly duties and calmed them down, as for they were too scared to function their 8 year old minds. I didn’t know how to erase their memory, obviously. I felt terrible that I had exposed them to the sick world, but it wasn’t my fault, and I knew that. I didn’t want to tell them someone had killed their mother, but I think they expected it. They heard the gun shot, and the screams. I wish they hadn’t. But mostly, I wish it had never happened. That was my wife, my love, my life, my world.

I flung myself down the stairs as quickly as I could, and saw a peculiar man standing there. I froze, completely paralyzed with fear as I looked into the barrel of a cold, metal gun. It would be used to kill me, I would be gone, from any life I had ever known. The last thing I heard were the screams of my daughters, who were directly behind me. Then a gun shot, then silence.

              I was dead.

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