Fire Burns Blue | Teen Ink

Fire Burns Blue

October 22, 2014
By lillyragan3 BRONZE, Quakertown, Pennsylvania
lillyragan3 BRONZE, Quakertown, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a Monday morning. Monday October 5th to be exact. I strolled into school and opened my dingy half- smashed in locker. Despite the fact that I had just entered the hellish world of high school, everything is going good for me for once. I mean, what could go wrong? Junior year of high school has just started, I have a perfect boyfriend, and my parents are actually interacting again. The first bell rung, so I headed off to first period. Ugh Math. We were doing quadratic formulas today, which I couldn’t care less about. The only formula that could possibly solve my problems is my mum’s recipe for chocolate chip cheesecake. Holy Yum. There really is nothing like tasting that sweet and creamy cake that seems to demand utter indulgence. “Holly, what is the answer to question number 5?” Oh god it was my teacher, Mr. Demino. Mr. Demino truly has a face for radio, since his voice is deep and booming, but his body is short and thoroughly stocky. He has a big nose, and a squished in face that I could only compare to a pug’s, completed by half a head of black spiky hair. “Uhm the cube root of 7?” Everyone just stared at me blankly as I slowly but surely turned the shade of a ripe June tomato. “Holly the correct answer is the square root of 9, which would be 3.” “Now please pay attention before I fail you for this marking period.” Great. As if I didn’t suck at math enough. I nearly failed geometry because I could never really get the hang of triangles. It’s not my fault that I kept thinking that their sides added up to 180?. Well, I’m not going to let anything dumb like that ruin my good day. I dozed off a little bit again. And yes, my name is Holly. It’s not very common, so my name is always thought of with my face. I was named after my mother’s favorite plant, which is pretty much this spiky bush with 6- sided leaves and little red berries that I would never in my right mind suggest eating. I’ve never really understood my mother’s attraction, but I’ve come to good terms with the name. I guess it kinda makes me unique. Also helping the unique factor is my long black hair, that has lots of different tones of blue mixed throughout. From teal to dark blue to a baby blue, you name the color, and my hair has it. This collection of blue curls often reminds me of a waterfall, the way that it flows along my back, with that beautiful mix of colors glistening wherever it hits light. My hair also matches my eyes, which are an pale and icy aqua. People often actually describe them as burning, and if the eyes are the window to the soul, then I guess my soul must be on fire. Just then the bell rung, disturbing my train of thought, but also bringing relief that I could leave. At long last, it was time to go to second period. And with second period comes a chance to see him. I do a giddy little half run to my classroom, and see that utter perfection that I have been waiting for. Tommy, with his long flaxen hair that ended directly at the bottom of his ears, his tall form with those dark brown eyes and that smell that just engulfed all of your senses and made you want to fly. I had met Tommy through science last year, he was my partner and we successfully broke at least one test tube together, but since then he has become so much to me that I don’t know what I would do without him. I ran up and grabbed him in a full- hearted embrace and dug myself into his chest with a delighted hello. I was in my happy place at last. He did his little chuckle of a laugh and kissed me as we swayed back in forth in lighthearted hug. “We should probably go to class” “Okay lab partner” 

The author's comments:

I'm starting to write a book about a girl who commits suicide, and then comes back as a ghost and realizes that what she did was very wrong and that it caused everyone around her a lot of pain. I would appreciate some comments/ criticism on what i have started with. Thanks!

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