December 9, 2014
By Tyrique BRONZE, Stockton, California
Tyrique BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


                     It was a gloomy day with a little breeze and sunlight poking out of the dense
grayish clouds. Jon was fatigued from carrying boxes down the stairs and before he could say that he needed help, the enforcers came to his assistance. The Enforcers were robots that took control over humanity after World War III ended in 2332. They were about 6’5” and dark gray in color; they had huge sleek metallic design which was similar to the texture of a rope. They aided Jon  even though he didn’t ask for assistance. Jon yelled at them and said, “I didn’t ask for your help!” they looked at him with a lifeless expression, dropped the boxes, and then all walked away in a group together. Dameon shouted, “ Well at least they come in handy”. Jon clenched his fist then picked up the boxes and put them inside his truck.  Jon yelled ,“They’re always getting into someone else's business.”  “No one asked for their assistance; who needs help carrying boxes down the stairs.” “They think they’re so great;  we can’t even do anything ourselves anymore.”  
                     Eric mumbled, “You should watch what you say to those things because you don’t know what their motives are for us; they could be doing this just to report what we say and do to the Overseers who determine whether we live or not.”
                    “They can hear everything we say from a mile away so be careful about what you say about them,” said Dameon.
                      Jon cried, “We’ll I don’t care anymore because I’m sick and tired of not being able to do anything on my own in this Country.” “Ever since World War III ended, those things have increased tenfold in Utopia.” “I don’t like the fact that they run humanity instead of actual human beings like in the old days.” “The fact that they run everything makes me paranoid.” “They have more intelligence than us and can eliminate the rest of us on Earth anytime they feel like it!” 
                     Dameon replied, “Well just count your blessings that they haven’t already.” “Now lets pack the rest of the boxes in the truck so we can go home.” “It’s been a long day.”

                    Dameon, Jon, and Eric packed all of their supply cases and boxes, jumped into the truck, and hastily drove off. On their way home they saw a huge electronic poster that said in bright bold words, “Enforcers, the Peace Keepers of Humanity.” Jon mocked the poster and then said, “The world will never be at peace and some stupid machines can’t change that either.” “Humans will always fight against each other and a bunch of robots can’t stop that from happening.” “It's human nature for us to fight and it always will be.”
                     Eric replied with an attitude, “That’s so untrue.” “Besides, at least we have a powerful force looking after us and trying to promote peace between us humans.” “Without their rule humanity would have dissipated and been long forgotten.” “And their our creations you know!”
                    Dameon angrily looked at Jon and said, “Look, we’re not trying to suck up to them but they are doing right caring for humanity, even though they aren't to nice about doing it.” “Try not to be so negative and let that bother you all the time.” The truck pulled in their driveway.
                    “Now lets go inside so we can get some rest”,said Eric. Then they all went inside their house.

                       The next day came fast; Jon, Dameon, and Eric were all back at work, but this would not be a normal work day for them. While Jon was cleaning out an old abandoned apartment, he had found a bunch of old, dusty papers that were crumpled and thrown on the bathroom floor. Jon uncrumbled the old, raggedy papers that he found; to his amazement they were from the twenty third century. He gave them a closer look and found that they had a bunch of weird, mathematical numbers and designs on them. Then he found a huge full body image of what seemed to be an Enforcer. Jon figured out what they were; they were blueprints to the very first model of the Enforcers. Jon shouted,“Guys, come look at what I just found.” Then Dameon and Eric came running. Dameon and Eric gave them a closer look.
                   “They look similar to the Enforcers”, said Dameon.

                   “Not only are they similar to the Enforcers today, they are in fact Enforcers.” “They are blueprints of the first model of the Enforcers created by MegaCore Corporations in the twenty third century”,shouted Jon. “Guys, do you know how much money these are worth!?” “These are original blueprints.” “If we sell these to the right people,we’ll become rich overnight!”
                  Eric Replied,“But a long time ago the Overseers pronounced those illegal for any Utopian citizen to possess.” “They banned them from Utopia in fear that humans would find out their weaknesses from the blueprints.” “If anyone is caught with those it’s an automatic three years in prison for them.”
                “Bummer”, said Dameon. Just then , there was a knock on the door. They cracked open the door; a short Hispanic,scrappy looking man with black hair, along with two Enforcers were standing at the door. “Quick, hide the blueprints”, Dameon whispered. Jon swiftly hid the blueprints in a box beside him.

                         Dameon opened the door wide open. The Enforcers stepped in front of the hispanic man and he gave a calm down gesture.. The man along with the Enforcers were armed with two eighty caliber pistols. “Can we help you guys”, said Dameon in a rather rude tone of voice. The two Enforcers shoved Dameon aside and headed straight towards Jon. The Enforcers made no eye contact with John and ,instead were glaring down at the box beside him with a sinister look on their metallic faces. The Hispanic man then drew out his pistol. The men all flinched and raised their hands in the air. The Hispanic man spoke, “You have something the Enforcers and I would like to have.” “ I would hate to have to use this on anyone and report the scene to the Overseers, so give us what we desire.” Dameon shouted, “Jon just do what he says so no one gets hurt!”
                         “I agree”, cried Eric. Jon surrendered the box to the Enforcers. One Enforcer scrambled through the box for the blueprints while the other stood guard. The Enforcer finally found the blueprints and threw the box aside. Jon shouted, “That’s not yours.” “Give it back”, then one Enforcer dealt him a quick blow to the cranium and laid Jon out. “Thank you for your participation”, said the Hispanic man. Then him and the Enforcers walked out the door slowly across the street with their pistols out and took off.

                      Dameon and Eric watched in amazement as the Enforcers scattered off quickly with their find. Ten minutes later Jon recovered and was furious. “Dammit!!” “How did they know about the blueprints!” He then shouted , “I would have been set for life!” “We need to get the blueprints back from them.” “I won’t allow some lowlife and two machines make it off with my money.”
                      Dameon replied, “They were illegal anyway!”
                      Eric then said,“It’s not worth it to go after them.” “You'll only cause more harm to yourself!” Jon ignored them as he rushed out to his truck and angrily jumped behind the wheel. Jon then drove off to go after the Enforcers and the man, abandoning his friends. Jon zoomed through the streets of Utopia recklessly and angrily without care for others. The only thing on his mind was getting back the blueprints. Jon’s careless driving had attracted the Law Enforcers and he was now in a high speed chase with them. As he speed along the streets he attracted more and more of the Enforcers   who were now threatening to fire at him if he did not pull over and step out of his vehicle, but Jon ignored them as he kept on driving in search of the Enforcers that had his blueprints. He was very in denial and wanted to keep on searching for the Enforcers; but, deep down inside he knew that what he was doing had him in deep trouble and that there was no going back from it. After tens minutes of zooming through through the streets he finally came to his senses and pulled over his truck.

                      Because of his reckless driving and all of the damage he had caused to the city, Jon was now in deep trouble with the law. He  had to pay ten thousand dollars for the damage he had caused and was sentenced eight years in prison by the Overseers. After being sentenced to prison, Jon had lost all hope in ever finding the stolen blueprints. After a long, horrible, painful, and agonizing two years in prison, Jon went insane. “I have to escape from this crazy ,nightmarish place, but how?”, thought Jon. So he thought and planned his escape for ten more months. He studied the Prison’s environment, the Enforcers hourly shifts, the design of the prison, and much more until he devised a risky plan for his escape. His plan was for him to contact Dameon and Eric so they could help him escape. He would have them distract the Enforcers while he escapes out the courtyard. To do this would be risky for him, the Enforcers heavily guard the prison. They are always heavily armed and alert. But it was not impossible considering that they wear little armor which leaves them very unprotected; which is a bad thing for them because Dameon and Eric know how to use machine guns and are good shots. Jon then walked to one of the Enforcers and asked, “Where can I get paper around here?”  I would like to mail my kids;who I haven’t seen in twenty four months, a letter.” The Enforcer looked at Jon without expressing any emotions or saying a word. “Paper please?”, Jon exclaimed.The Enforcer then pointed out to the sign that said , “All papers,pens,and pencils will be confiscated if found in possession of prisoners.” Jon then realized that he would have to write his plan out on something else and mail it secretly. “Toilet paper, he thought!” So later later that day Jon secretly wrote his plan out on the small frail, pieces of toilet paper. This way, he would not be caught and penalized for having paper in the prison. Then he made deals with other prisoners that were about to be released to mail his plans out to Dameon’s and Eric’s address.  The next week the prisoners secretly mailed them his plan. Dameon and Eric agreed and wrote back at Jon to tell him of their agreement. Jon would receive the letter a week later through the ex-prisoners secretly in the courtyard of the prison. The ex-convict handed Jon the letter. “Here man.” “I've got to get out of here before I’m spotted and put back in.” “You’re on your own now”
                    Jon replied, “Thank you very much and here’s your cash”. And with that, the man quickly scurried off into his car and zoomed away undetected. Jon opened the letter and read it. Dameon and Eric had agreed to help rescue him with the help of a few others. They wrote when and how they were going to distract the Enforcers.  Then the The plan was for Dameon and Eric to drive up to the front of the courtyard at twelve o’clock a.m with a few friends and two machine guns and open fire on the Enforcers doing their nightly shift. All the meanwhile, Eric would help Jon escape through the courtyard and they would all drive off in two separate vehicles of the same type to a hidden location. Then they were to drive to a secret location, park their cars , detonate them, change their outfits, and make it on foot to another city all in one peace. They would plan the rest from there.

                            Twelve o’clock midnight had came; there was no sound except the sound of the wind whistling. It was pitch black dark with no stars visible in the night sky. Not a sound was made as Jon hid in the well guarded courtyard. He had managed to hide inside the courtyard for about six hours after his labor shift was over, and was awaiting his friends arrival. No more than about thirty seconds later there was a huge burst of gunfire. The thundering of the guns were loud enough to be heard from about five miles away. After waiting for the Enforcers surrounding him to be taken out, Jon made a run for it.The Enforcers were all very enraged and furious.Together they were a force to be reckoned with, but Jon’s friends were an even greater force. They Enforcers fought back hard with their loud and enormous weapons, but they were losing troops. More and more Enforcers fell one by one as gunfire blazed across the prison. The enforcers turned on the emergency alarm and were attempting to put the prison om emergency shutdown. No man would be able to get in or out of the prison. As time continued to pass by Jon was still on his way to the exit of the building. As Jon reached the closest exit out of the courtyard , the door suddenly slammed shut and was sealed. “Dammit!”, Jon yelled. “I'll have to take another route.” Just then the Enforcers had called for reinforcements over the speaker and announced that the attackers defeat was imminent. Jon had to escape out of the prison quick. If more reinforcements came, him and his friends would be slaughtered.  While Jon was escaping to another exit, he had to be stealthy,quick, and quiet. Many troops were on point all throughout the building, and were ready to open fire on any prisoner caught out of his cell. As he reached the next exit he felt a huge feeling of relief and let out a large sigh. Suddenly, there was a huge explosion at the exit that sent the metal door flying. The door had barely missed Jon by an inch and gave him chills throughout his body. Jon yelled out, “Still standing!” As in response to Jon’s taunt, an Enforcer jumped off of the ceiling and charged at Jon with two long, razor sharp metal bayonets..He lunged and sliced at Jon very swiftly hoping to slice.  Jon was sliced in the chest and legs a few times, but managed to evade the Enforcer until he was cornered. Jon had no weapons or means of defense except for his arms and legs, which were bruised and cut badly. He had little energy and couldn't dodge the Enforcer any longer.As the Enforcer approached him Jon accepted the fact that he wouldn't make it out alive; suddenly, there was a loud, ear bursting sound and metal bullets that came flying out of the smoke from the explosion, into the metallic walls and the ground.  The Enforcer was full of bullets holes the size of a soccer ball; it then shocked with blue electricity and fell to it’s knees, onto the ground. “It was destroyed, but by who?”, Jon thought as he slowly recovered. His question would soon be answered when he saw Eric’s face come out of the metallic debris.  He said to Eric, “Thought I’d never see you guys again, good thing you made it.” “Any second later and  I would have been dead meat!”
                          “Anything for a true friend”, replied Eric. “Now come on.” Lets get you out of this place.” Jon and Eric had managed to make it out of the courtyard in one piece before the reinforcements arrived. Everything was going according to plan until he stumbled across a room with a destroyed Enforcer that was shot up by Eric. It seemed to be holding a familiar paper. Jon had abandoned Eric to take a closer look at it. They were the long forgotten, stolen blueprints, the same blueprints that were stolen from him nearly three years ago. “But how did they get here?” “Where did they come from?”, Jon asked himself as he examined the blueprints.
                       “Come on Jon”. We gotta get outta here before more reinforcements come, what in the world are you doing!”, shouted Eric.
                           Jon stuffed the blueprints in his pocket and quickly dashed to the car. Jon’s friends all celebrated with shouts of joy as they sat in the cars. “We made it”, shouted Eric as he zoomed off. All seemed to be going as planned. Suddenly there was a low ticking sound that was coming out of nowhere. “What is that asked Dameon?” Dameon and Eric both looked back at Jon.
                          Jon replied, “I don’t know”, then slowly pulled the blueprints out of his pants. He examined them closely and noticed that there was a tiny square on the back of the blueprints. Before Jon could tell what it was , the device started to spark with blue electricity and detonated. The car exploded and there was nothing left but the fiery bits and pieces of metal scraps and rubber that flew in the air and fell on the ground. Jon, Eric, and Dameon had all died in the explosion. Both cars got caught in the explosion; technology had won.

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