Potestatem - Chapter 2: SHISITSU | Teen Ink

Potestatem - Chapter 2: SHISITSU

January 6, 2015
By Chari_Uchiha BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
Chari_Uchiha BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     During the war, most countries felt threatened by Asia, so they bombed them like immensely. The countries of Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, and Japan were evacuated, destroyed, or sunk below the ocean floor. As a result most of the Asian surviving populations migrated to China. Like most of the world, China is filled with gangs, societies, and organizations, but Asia is mainly controlled by the SHISITSU or the Death Eaters.
     Meanwhile in Beijing, some of the Black Crow Agents who were assisting Takumi had been captured by the SHISITSU. Eventually Takumi, Cort, Lewis, Dominic and others had arrived to free their comrades. Cort figured out where to find them because she can see into the future, although not always accurate, it is a very useful ability. Cort is a beautiful woman with brown hair, caramel skin, and emerald green eyes that could drive any man wild because they couldn’t have her, but her heart was set on another.
     Lewis teleported reinforcements in and told the SHISITSU men to let them go. Mokuboro, the very powerful boss of the SHISITSU and someone who once knew Takumi, commanded “Tell me where she is and you can all live freely and escape this place, if not, my men will slaughter yours. Now I’ll repeat, where is she, the solution?” Lewis asks Takumi to handle the boss while he, Cort, and the others helped him save their comrades. 
     Takumi sarcastically says to Mokuboro, “Nice to see you again Mokuboro-Sama.”  Jordan tries to convince Mokuboro that they have no knowledge about the solution or a girl, but Mokuboro could tell he was lying, so Takumi gave up and insists that he must save his comrades even if he has to fight his former master. He uses his super speed to charge towards Mokuboro. “Ha Ha,” Mokuboro cackled maniacally and commands the SHISITSU to kill every enemy even if it risks their own life. He slowly walks away and tells Takumi that he has a special opponent for him and a shadowy figure pounces over Mokuboro and lands right in front of Takumi, grabbing his arm and stopping him from attacking Mokuboro. But to Takumi’s surprise, it was a familiar face. Takumi frantically exclaims, “You? I thought you were dead!”

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