Tyranny | Teen Ink


January 7, 2015
By Ivan_Jara BRONZE, Thousand Palms, California
Ivan_Jara BRONZE, Thousand Palms, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

June 21, 2178

It’s been 3 years since the Natryny Corporation, or as we like to know as the Tyranny, has wiped out every single government in the world. They say that they united all of the governments for peace, prosperity,etc. But we know the truth. What we don’t know, like everybody else, is how they did it, or how they managed to gather such an army of followers. However we do know that we need to gather our own little army of followers. We need a force to fight back. We need insiders, spies, agents, whatever we can get for information. So I’m sending in the Rooker family as info gatherers. They may even get us people for our force. Who knows. As of today I, Robert Johnson, will be known as the founder of this force. We will be known as the Revolution. We will gain back our freedom. We probably won’t be able to revert back to our old lives. But I know we will get rid of the Tyranny forever. The Revolution will end the Tyranny’s reign of terror. It’s our move now.

18 Years Later August 17, 2196
My name is Jack Rooker. I’m a twenty years old living in the Capital of North America. Our continent is under the government and protection of the Natryny Corporation. Life is pretty good here. Well for my family anyways. We live in what is known as the upper class. We have fancy houses, gourmet restaurants, and everything else you’d expect in a good life. We’re a small number of fish in a pond.
My parents are well in touch with our leader, President Otium. Lots of people in what are known as the middle class and the slums, believe him to be a tyrant and very cruel person. I however don’t believe that so. I think him to be a very great and strong-willed leader, fit for his place in our government.
He has cut down how much people are permitted to eat and drink in order to conserve food and water storages. He has done all he could do in order for our forests and wildlife to flourish. One thing I strongly dislike, is education. And unfortunately, that’s also one thing that President Otium has put strong emphasis on. My sophomore year of college starts in two weeks, and I’m not happy about it.
I barely passed my freshman year with a solid B average. My sophomore year is obviously going to be much harder than anything I could ever imagine.

August 31, 2196
“Jack! Honey! You’re gonna be late for your first day of school!”
That’s my mom, Brittany Rooker.
“Come on son! If you don’t hurry up then you’ll miss the terminal!”
That’s my dad, Richard Rooker. They’re great guys, but ever since I turned 18, they’ve been going on business trip after business trip. The house gets pretty lonely at times. I never understood what President Otium needed my parents for all the time. I kind of wished he didn’t need them as much as he did. I guess being the President’s closest associates has it’s pros and cons.
One con in my opinion, is having to go to the strictest school in the district. I’m not going to explain exactly what happened at school, but I’ll just let you know that it involved a very horrific football accident. I had to be sent home early that day.
When I got home however I saw four shadows in my house. On a work day. If you don’t know what this means, it means my parents weren’t supposed to be home. So whoever is in my house is most likely bad news.
Right about now, I had one of the worst ideas ever. I decided to confront the people head on instead of confronting them with a stealthy approach.
At first I saw two men in black suits. One was a beefier looking man who was pretty tall. The other was shorter and had a geekier look to him. “Who are you and what are you doing in my house?” This is when I saw my parents. “Mom? Dad? What are you doing home? And who are these people?
“Jack,” said the taller man.
“No! Don’t ‘Jack’ me! I want answers!”
“We had to extract your parents from their stations,” said the shorter man.
“Extract them from what? A boring job with the president? What could you possibly have wanted from them?”
“You really think the life of a spy is boring? Your parents are the best moles we have ever had the honor of harboring.”
“Spies? What do you mean? My parents are just associates for President Otium. You are, aren’t you?”
“Look Jack,” said my father, “looks can be deceiving. It’s just our cover.”
“What I’m hearing Mr. and Mrs. Rooker, is that you haven’t told your son about your life as an undercover spy. We told you to start training him when he turns 18.”
“We know,” said my mother, on the verge of tears. “It’s just that we didn’t want Jack to get sucked into the dangerous life of a spy.”
“Well what good did that do? He found out anyways. Had you told him earlier, he would of been graduating from our spy training course two years from now.”
“Spy training course? A school that would teach me everything I would ever need to know about being a spy?”
“Yes. We’d be teaching you everything about being a spy. Disguises, gadgets, strategies, anything spy related. I’m pretty sure we still have the authority to recruit you, even at this age.”
“No!” Yelled my mother almost immediately after he had finished his sentence.
“What? I want to do this it’d be much better than attending my stupid college. I want to do something better with my life than keeping my nose in a book.”
“By the way, how was your first day? And why are you back so early?”
“Mom! Don’t change the subject. I really want to do this. I want to add some excitement into my life. Please. I need this for myself.”
“Brittany. I think we should let him do this. We did promise the Revolution we would tell him who we truly are.”
“Fine,” said mom hesitantly.
“Okay now that we’ve got that out of the way, can you please explain what is going on here and what are your names?”
“Well as you probably have picked up, we are a secret spy association known as the Revolution. We’re trying to take down President Otium.”
“Why? What could he have possibly done to oppose you.”
“You know how the Natryny Corporation has supposedly ‘united’ every government in the world? The truth is, they had to covertly eliminate every political in the world.”
“That’s a task,” said the beefy man, “we are told to complete if and when we have the opportunity. Regarding our names, my name is Shawn Lawrence. My colleague here is Oliver Mitchell.”
“Jack. Welcome to the Revolution.”

4 Years Later September 26, 2200
“So Jack. You excited about today.”
“Not at all Oliver. Today’s only the day that I graduate from the training course, and the day I could start helping you, Shawn, Mom, and Dad in taking down the Tyranny. So no. Not excited and nervous at the same time.”
“That’s sarcasm, right.”
“Yes it was.”
“Well time to get to the assembly room. It’s a big day.”
The assembly room was as packed as a secret organization can be. There were only 6 other kids who graduated the course. All of them were two years younger than I was. I was the only 24 year old to graduate from the course. Ever. That made me the oldest spy to be recruited.
“Now,” said the instructor of the training course, Robert Johnson, “it is time to announce the class of 2200. First up, James Cook.”
A round of applause came up from only about 20 people. Even though that’s a relatively small number, it’s a big deal for someone who is about to become a full-fledged spy trying to take down the leader of a huge corporation, which coincidentally runs a country.
“Last, but not at all least, Jack Rooker!”
My mind snapped back to the present and I got up to the stage to get my reward. When I finally got up there, Mr. Johnson said, “Come meet me in my office when it’s all over.”
After the celebrations with my family ended, I went to go see Mr. Johnson in his office. Even after all the good that has happened, he seemed very stern and serious.
“Mr. Johnson, sir. You wanted to see me.”
“Indeed I did Jack. During your course you ranked higher than anyone in your class. You were outstanding in every field of the course. How would you like to be a part of an all-out invasion of the Tyranny’s HQ.”
“Really sir? That’d be great! But what about my parents? They would never let me go on a job that big.”
“Actually it was your parents’ idea. I thought it’d be a bad idea since you’re fresh out of your training course. But they thought it’d be a great opportunity for you.”
“That’s awesome! When is this invasion exactly?”
“Yes Mr. Rooker. I expect you to be in the debriefing room at ten o’clock. Good luck tonight.”
“Thank you. Have a wonderful evening.”
With that, I left. The only thing on my mind for the rest of the day was the invasion. The HQ is in the very center of the Capital. The Revolution’s HQ was set in complex underground networks, with the training course being at the very southern edge. It’s set so it’s the furthest away from the Capital.
At ten o’clock, I headed to the debriefing room. When I got there I was meeted by Mom, Dad, Oliver, and Shawn. Surprisingly, Mr. Johnson was also there.
“Mr. Johnson? What are you doing here.?”
“I’ve never told you this, in order to keep the leader of the Revolution classified but, I’m the founder and leader.”
“No way! So you’re going to debrief us on the invasion?”
“Indeed I am. So Brittany and Richard, you guys are going to have to go in through the sides of the building and plant explosive charges on the 30th floor. When you’ve set the charges, go up about 15 floors before setting them off. Oliver and Shawn, you’ll enter in through the roof. There should be a vent system that Oliver can easily crawl through. Shawn on the other hand is going to have to cut through the roof’s surface when the coast is clear.  You’ll have to provide help to Brittany and Richard. Your actions will lure away any guards that are present. Jack you’ll go in through the front entrance once the guards have been lured away. President Otium’s office should be on the sixth floor.”
“Wow, the leader of a huge Corporation has put his office on the seventh floor of a 60 story building.”
Ignoring me, Mr. Johnson went on, “You’ll have stunning rifles that should be suppressed when you fire. You’ll have access to tear gas, tranquilizer darts, and holocommunicaters, in case you need to talk to each other. Everybody knows what they’re doing?”
Everyone nodded.
“Good. Okay everyone. This may be the biggest and longest night of your lives.”
I got dropped off about 20 meters away from the front entrance. Enough to get to the building quickly and enough to be able to see the explosions.
I waited for about 15 or 20 minutes before I saw the explosions go off. I gave the guards 5 minutes to run off to the 30th floor and investigate, before I made a run for the entrance.
With my rifle in hand, I ran up the flight of stairs to floor 6. Quietly, I opened to door a crack to check out the area. When I saw that the coast was clear, I creeped through. I had encountered 3 guards before I approached the hallway that harbored Otium’s office. I was nervous at first and missed on the first shot. He was alerted, and put up his guard. He was about to call other guards, when I shot him straight to the chest.
Shooting the next two guards was easy. When I had reached the hallway which contained Otium’s office, it was crawling with guards. I had to use multiple doses of tear gas on them, before they were subdued. When I had approached the door to the office, I knew it’d be only a matter of seconds before the nightmare ,which was dressed up to look like a happily ever after, would be over. I opened the door to find Otium’s appalled face.
“What’s going on? Security!”
“There is no security anymore.” With that, I shot him in the chest. “Mr. Johnson, the threat has been subdued.  Ready for evac.”
“Good job Jack. The rest of the team also reported in with news that every guard in the area has been subdued. Carry Otium out of the building for interrogation. We’ll be waiting outside.”
“Understood. 10-4.”
Back at the HQ the interrogation team later found out that Natryny was originally a branch of government that worked for the United Nations. One of the leaders however, wanted to gain entire control of the UN. So he set out to unite every nation under his rule. Nobody knew his name and called him by his codename of Osiris. President Otium became imprisoned, with Mr. Johnson becoming president himself.
“So Mom, how do you think this is going to turn out?”
“Well Jack, I think Mr. Johnson will do just fine. How about you?”
“Yeah. Maybe someday I’ll be president.”
“That’s a thought.”
That’s a thought. And what a thought it was.

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