Invisible Footprints in the Snow | Teen Ink

Invisible Footprints in the Snow

January 15, 2015
By Anonymous

He stares at her with willful eyes through the window as she gently strokes the dog. I’m clearly not the only one who finds it easy to love her, he thinks to himself as he leans against a tree and crosses his arms. He knows he could go closer, but pretending she’ll see him makes him feel more real, more present. It hurts him to see her hurting, but it’s moments like these, seeing her smiling with a dog curled up on her lap, that make him remember why it’s her. Why it will always be her. Why she is the most lovely and yet shattered girl in the world, and why that’s the reason she’s the only one for him, even if she doesn’t know it. Yet. As the dog darts up to go berate the window, she smiles, amused, not knowing the dog is coming to bark at something invisible. Him. As she pops her headphones in, and the dog returns to the comfort of her lap, he wonders what it would be like. To feel her warmth. To feel her heart beat next to him. To just be with her.
Little does he know, she’s wondering if there’s anyone out there who cares about her as much as him, even though his existence is a total mystery to her, and always will be. Even though if they met, if she became aware of his presence, it would create a super nova, caused by two catastrophes colliding.

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