othe planet | Teen Ink

othe planet

March 11, 2015
By Anonymous

As I awake I notice that my mother is not in the house. I wonder why as my eyes fall on the calendar that we are forced to keep in our house. Of course, today is execution day. She should be in the center of the town getting everything and everyone ready. Since father died she has made it her life’s goals to help others. Her energy has gone from never ending to non-existent. She was a complete optimist now she never can see the positives. Her physical features haven’t changed. The yellow eyes and blue hair that I got from her are still the same, but inside she has been shattered. All of this because of the humans. All I have wanted is to join the rebellion and fight for what is right, but if I do they will hunt down and kill my mother, which is something I must prevent. This one thought is the sole reason that I have not joined the rebellion. These thoughts are always in my head, but today they are much more vicious. I have always dreamed of killing the humans, but today I am thinking of ripping out their heads, making a smoothie, and feeding it to another human. These thoughts are all active in my head as I leave for the circle where the execution.
Our planet, Quaza, was a very peaceful planet by most intergalactic standards. We quazians had never heard of war, and had no need for weapons. This may have seemed appealing for some species, but it was our downfall. When the humans came to invade our land we had no way to counter them, and were demolished by their resistance. Those that went to talk peacefully came back without body parts. Those that resisted with force never came back except for AZ1. He attacked the humans and escaped and started the rebellion, which the humans are too stupid to realize. They think they have the planet but we will soon overtake them and get back our land. But right now we are still in danger of being wiped out. Half of our population was wiped out when they invaded, and we are slowly being destroyed by the strange diseases they brought with them. Even though we are twice as smart as them they are 5 times as strong. While they are amazed with a 200 IQ, 200 is the lowest we have ever recorded. While we wish to be 4 feet, they are all at least 6 feet. We may look similar, but there are no other similarities between us and those killers. The humans hold an execution every year, in which 5 people are killed, just so that they can remind us who is in charge of Quaza. This is the event that killed DX1, my father, and DXQ, my little sister. I still remember my father’s last words, the 3 words he barely got out before he died.
“Be brave, DX4” he said before they chopped of his head.
My thoughts are interrupted by the gong that signals the start of the killing. A huge man who is around 6’4 with massive muscles and strange black hair with black eyes comes up to start the killing.
“B4P” he calls.
He is an old man, but he has helped us a lot. Since he is 48 he would die soon anyways, but it is still sad. In my thoughts I miss the next 2 but here the final 2
“DX2, QW5R”
Quazians turn and look at me sadly and I am momentarily confused. Why are they looking at me? Then my mind suddenly stops. DX2! That is my mother. I rush forward trying to stop the humans from taking her from me as well, but it is no use a red head steps forward and shoots me with a needle. I am losing conscious as I hear the slight, barely audible whisper I believe in you, and the downward swing that ends my mother’s life.
I awake in my house and am suddenly relived, it is all a dream! I get up and go to find my mother. She isn’t here. I am scared but remember it is execution day so she will be in the center of the town. I go back to my room and my eyes fall on the calendar. Suddenly my heart sinks and I collapse. Execution day was yesterday, my mother is dead. And the other thought I am alone in this world. For the next 2 days I can’t do anything I am stuck in the house, because I fear if I see a human I will attack him and kill him. Then I realize that is what I want to do, join the rebellion. I spent 2 days to plan and then I start the journey. The base in underground in an area the humans haven’t realized exists. After I get there I tell the guard that I want to join the rebellion. After the routine scans he lets me in to the simulation chamber with a terse nod. In the chamber they give you a simulation to see if you are cut out for the job. If you are they accept you, if not you are mind-wiped and sent home. I enter the chamber of my future and the door shuts. I get halfway and nothing happens. I walk a bit more and the roof explodes. Humans come streaming in. Before I attack I notice how real they are, just how we see them. I notice the blonde who killed my mom and the redhead who attacked me. Then I leap forward and attack. IT is 1:10 but I am so angry at the humans that in 1 minute I have killed 5. Suddenly 5 more quazians stream in. I am confused, but then realize it is teambuilding. We easily kill the other 5, but one quazian is killed. I wait for the simulation to end, but after 1 minute I know something has gone wrong, since the simulation hasn’t ended. I wonder about this fact out loud and one of my teammates in the simulation hears me.
“Simulation?” he asks” that wasn’t a simulation the humans actually attacked us.”
“Thanks to you we survived” another exclaimed
“We thought you were sent in before us”
“That was a lucky coincidence, but you are sure to be a member of the rebellion”
I am awestruck as I realize the significance of what they just said. I had killed humans, and I didn’t feel bad. WE are going to see AZ1 the legendary leader of the rebellion, and I will be able to fight for what is right.
“Good job, get some sleep” someone says “We will talk to tomorrow, and welcome to the rebellion.”
Someone comes to take me away and I fall asleep right away. I have the first peaceful sleep for as long as I can remember. No dreams of killing humans, and none of death. I am at peace with myself since I know that my job is beginning. When I wake I can only=y think of one thing. I am part of the rebellion, and I will fight until all of the humans have been driven out of Quaza. I am clear minded as I walk to AX1, and to the future that I finally have in my reach.

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