Regret | Teen Ink


May 7, 2015
By dcassilly BRONZE, Saint Louis, Missouri
dcassilly BRONZE, Saint Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Close your eyes and jump.


The clouds race across the changing sky above, the sun and moon take turns orbiting around the planet, passing on through the slightly glared skies. Seconds, minutes, days, weeks, years. It all rushes past without a single word. The plants surrounding my dead body die and regrow along with the passing seasons in the blink of an eye. As if it wasn’t affected by the time lapse, I hear sounds. Laughter - that of children. Full of love and ringing with joy. The skies turn dark, and the laughter is soon replaced with screaming. Screams filled of hatred and pain. The sun begins to blur away, speeding faster and faster around the Earth. Time stops. The skies blend into an unnaturally red color, that of blood. A shattering line quickly spreads across. Dark blood begins to seep through the cracked image. The drops of blood which escape dissolve into tiny, red flakes. The air clouds and the blood begins to dry out above. The screams fade. All is still, all is silent. The air would dare to flow. Suddenly the sky breaks apart, as if struck by a bat. The shards of the universe rain down upon the surface. As they fall past my consciousness and the shadowed field, the space in which a sky once filled stood nothing. Pure emptiness. I then see an outline of my body, my own body. The outline glows with a dim white light. From the outline emerges a small cube, glowing with the same light as the body. It floats up a little ways, and the lines of it’s shape disconnect and dissolve. The light carrying the cubed object fades, and soon does the body. What happened? I cannot see anything, there is nothing left to see. The earth, the sky, the moon, the stars. They all have ceased from existence. All matter has been rid of. My mind. It tries to find it’s source, it’s true meaning to keep going. I try to remember the face I wish I wouldn’t. Her. Yes, her. The girl. My mind strains in the silence. Eight lines slowly begin to glow in the space ahead. Eight lines slowly grow brighter, and drift towards each other. They rotate, and form the same cube as before. The thin lined cube drifts downward towards where my body once was. An outline begins to draw itself in the same place as before. This time however, the outline shapes itself into a different person. Her, the girl. Her laying figure glows in the same faint white light, her body laying still and motionless. The cube rests there inside of her outline of her chest where her heart would be. I will stay, with this image of the girl in my mind and heart. She is dead now, and I am to blame. I could have saved her before, but chose not to. I am now destined to stay here forever with what is left. This is my fault, and I wish I could at least let her know I’m sorry for what I’ve done. A single word is carved into the empty space above her silhouette. This word never fades, this word cannot be masked over. This word… This word is:

“ R E G R E T. ”

The author's comments:

Prompt writing activity for school.

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