the wolf boy | Teen Ink

the wolf boy

May 8, 2015
By tyler101 BRONZE, Berger, Missouri
tyler101 BRONZE, Berger, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Long ago there was a boy who lived with his grandpa, they lived out in the middle of nowhere. His grandpa has kept  his grandson in this house for years he is 15 now and ever since the full moon grandpa Don has chained him on these gloomy nights of mystery, his grandson tyson is so confused he doesn't understand why Don does this every month. Well the night had passed and my month went on and on. My mind was going around and around again and again. I just cant figure out why he has been acting so crazy lately; said tyson.

Grandpa was always bringing home silver silverware and silver things to burn and he was always thinking of ways to build these massive traps big enough to  hold a big brown bear in. I am really getting worried about him though. Soon after he was burned out of doing that he was crafting bullets now, that really freaked me out. I am starting to think that hes going to try to kill me or something. every night since the first moon I have had to stay in the cellar with the door shut behind me and with a hug lock and chains  tied to the door.

It is all most my 16th birthday i have been with  my gramps for 10 years now and it has been crazy i never knew my real parents and don't know what they even look like or if their personality is good or dreadful. Well Done made me a cake with a big 16th on top of it, and I blew the flame out and made a wish a wish that i have always wanted, a wish to see my parents and to find out why they left me when i was so young and why they never wrote me telling me why this had happened to me! Thats what i wished for.

About 4 days later there was a knock on the door and there was a huge man woman and child they were all very strong looking and they said is my son tyson here and Don said your son, your son is not here and they said yes we dropped him here 10 years ago. so they talked and Don called me in and told me what was going on and then my mother and father told me what i really was a ( werewolf ) and that would've made a lot of sense because Don would have to kill me if i got out of control if i couldn't control the first transformation.

Well this is the 1st transformation i will partake because you turn when it's your 16th birthday. and well i turned into a huge beast with claws that could slice through butter. After that my parents talked to done to let them take me back so they can teach me the way and how to control this curse. Don said yes!  And we left and lived with my parents.   The End!!!!!! 

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