my second stoy | Teen Ink

my second stoy

May 27, 2015
By golferchickmac BRONZE, Akrom, Ohio
golferchickmac BRONZE, Akrom, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone has two stories about their life. The one they want you to know and the one they don’t. I wonder why that is sometimes. We make it harder on ourselves by keeping all the secrets. Tony and I told each other everything. Tony knew me better than I knew myself. We would never feel the need to censor ourselves when we were together. Last Tuesday seemed like just another typical day. After school Tony and I walked down to the corner store and bought a soda; the same as every other day. Then we would walk to a pond in the middle of Deer Pass park. Every day we would sit at that pond and drink our sodas while we did school work. Tony and I had the same classes just at different times. I never really would see Tony in the halls between bells so after school would be the only time we would get to see one another. Once we were finished with homework we would sit under a tree and talk. Sometimes it would be mindless chatter. Other times we would have deep and meaningful conversation. We were so similar and so connected, it would be  like talking to myself. That day we left the pond when it got dark. We said goodbye to each other then headed home. Like I said, it was just another Tuesday; until what happened next. The details are all still very fuzzy. I can’t remember what the men looked like or even what they were wearing. All I do remember is three men forcing me into an ambulance and putting restraints on me. They then forced a syringe needle into my arm. I assume that's the reason why I can’t recall much of that incident. I woke up a few days later. After seeing nothing but the back of my eyelids for the past several days, my eyes were blinded from the brightness of the room. Once my eyes adjusted, I found myself in a white room with a white floor and white ceiling. Hanging from the ceiling were bright, fluorescent, white lights. I would be force feed pills everyday but, no one would tell me why I had to take them. I was very lonely while I was in that room. Tony never came to see me which made me even for frightened.  One day a man walked into my room; it was Tony. I was very excited to see Tony but he was mad. He said that the people holding me captive were trying to poison me. Tony said he was going to help me escape. Tony ran over to the window and managed to take one of the bars off of it. The opening was just big enough for both of us to squeeze through. I had one foot outside of the window when a man walked in. Tony quickly grabbed the metal bar and started to beat the man with it. The white floors and walls now were splattered with red. We both scattered out the window as fast as we could. Tony told me to meet him at the park at nightfall. Later that day when I got to the park Tony was nowhere to be found. I walked over to the tree and found the bloodied bar leaning up against it.I reached down to pick it up when I noticed something. Tony was the one who murdered the man; but why were my hands covered in blood?

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