Downhill | Teen Ink


June 4, 2015
By Chris781 BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
Chris781 BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Drip. Drip. Drip. Drop by drop, James collected water to drink from the pipes.
“Hey James”, His friend Dean started.
“What do you think life uphill is like? I heard that they get drinking water in streams”. Downhill. Where the people can’t afford to live on higher ground.
“I don’t like to think about it. Just makes me mad how much we’re treated like trash down here”. The society James and Dean live in exists on one island. That being so, the lower ground is often used as landfills as well as housing for the money insufficient.
“What about outside the island, James? Haven’t you ever thought what’s beyond the ocean?” James smiled. It’s not fair. Someone as brilliant as Dean living down here just because he wasn’t born up there.
“Why do you think that is, Dean? That no one has ever tried going beyond the island?”
“Some people have tried… But no one has ever come back. But just think. There could be a whole world out there. With space for our types so we don’t have to face the waves constantly”. Being on the lower end of the island, tidal waves came often and they only had tiny shelters to take cover in.
“Imagine that. I bet there would be plenty of water and food too”. James thought out loud.
“Do you think James… That WE could be the ones to find new land out there?” Dean asked.
“Ha! Us?” James started. “No one’s ever came back from venturing too far out. Much less two kids”.
“Maybe they did find something. They just can’t come back.” reasoned Dean.
“Well even then it would take us our life’s savings just to get a small boat”. Said James. Dean thought about this for a while.
“I’d rather be without money than to be stuck here knowing I could’ve done something better.”
“You’re right, Dean.” James agreed. Everyone called them crazy for spending all their life saving for a boat to go to a destination that potentially didn’t exist. But they didn’t care. So they sailed off into the unknown rather to lose everything than to stay there.

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