Violet Reaper | Teen Ink

Violet Reaper

July 6, 2015
By Carolane Mendez BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Carolane Mendez BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I wake up for school early, I don’t have an alarm clock so I’m used to the time by now. I take a quick shower and get ready, putting on all my layers making sure to put on my hat and sunglasses to hide my eyes and hair. Since, they lock up the food I just leave and get on my motorcycle, riding to my first day at my new school. Before you start to think no I didn’t buy it  but I fixed the motorcycle up at the garage I work at, and because someone left it there and never came to pick it up my boss let me have it, especially because I did such a good job on it. But none of the foster parents can know or they’ll take it and sell it. As you guessed it though I’m at a new one, I just spent my first weekend here and it’s the same as all the others if not worse but now it’s Monday so off to school.
When I get to school everyone is in groups talking and laughing, I just can’t wait ‘till I make enough money to leave this place. I walk up the front steps and I can hear little whispers. When I make it inside I go straight for the main office, well hopefully I can find it. I finally walk into the office and ask the lady in the front for my schedule and she tells me I have to take off my hat and sunglasses. Then I give her the doctors notes I have given to every school as an excuse to keep these things on, so that no one knows I’m different and how much of a monster I really am.
You see since my mom was an angel and my dad a werewolf, their love was forbidden in the world but they kept it a secret and then had me, and you know what I am a demon. I am half-werewolf, half-angel, and I have vibrant violet hair with two streaks in it; one gold, one silver. Also two different color eyes one gold and one silver and both have specks of violet in them, that is how different I am from people and why I stay invisible and why I’m known for being a monster. So, the lady finally tells me she’ll notify all my teachers so they won’t say anything about my hat and glasses, then she gives my things.
Then she says, “Welcome to East Side High, Kat Gonzalez.”
So far my day has gone fine, I’ve stayed hidden and kept my head down. That was until last period.
I’m walking to my last period of the day then I run into something hard and fall to the floor, and because of the beating I got last night, it hurt way more then it should have.
The guy that knocked into me asked me if I was okay but I just waved him off and got up as quickly as I could, but staggered a bit because I felt a little dizzy. Then I just rushed off to my last class
School finally let out, so I went to my motorcycle. I drove to the gym since I don’t work at the garage or tattoo shop today. I go into the locker room and get my stuff out my locker as usual and get changed. 
I go out onto the floor and start to punch on the punching bag after an hour I go into the ring because I want to do a fight. In this gym if you’re a fighter you can volunteer to fight all the time and get cash if you win, so you can say in a way I’m a street fighter. Anyway we both warm up and as we are about to fight , when the doors to the gym slam open. It was none other than the guy that ran me down today in the hall. This is not going to end well.
He looks up at me and he has a curious yet intrigued look on his face. The bell rings and the fight starts.
The guy throws a punch to my face and I dodge; I get a good left hook right to his jaw and he stumbles. The fight goes on, and by the end of the fight the guy known as Taz is all bloody when all I have on me is a split lip. Then I throw a right jab, and he is knocked out.
After the fight I go to the locker room and change. As I walk out the doors to the gym the guy from school pushed me up against the side of the wall.
“Oh my god, what are you doing?” I yelled at him
All he did was stare at me like he was trying to look through my sunglasses to my eyes, which made me look to the floor.
“What are you?, What are you doing here?” He asked me
“First of all I don’t know you so I don’t have to tell you anything and second of all what are you doing here? ,I told him.
He just stared at me a little while longer before he backed up a little then he said “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to be rude, I’m Jace and I come here sometimes to work out and watch the fights. And you are….”
I looked at him for a minute then said “ Kat, and I work out here all the time and fight here, well anyway thanks for the chat but I have to go.”
Then he said the one thing I though no one would ever say, he said “I know who you are”.
There is no way he could know, I just moved here I’ve only been out as the Violet Reaper a few times since I got here. There is just no way he could have found out, I have to see if he really knows or if he’s lying. I have to know.
“Oh really who am I since you know me,” I asked him, hoping he won’t say what I think he will
“Oh I think you know what I’m thinking and if you want me to keep your secret you will come with me,” he said, smirking.
Ugh I really hate this guy, but I follow him any way because I can’t let my secret out. Then everyone I know will be in danger, even if it isn’t a lot of people I still don’t want anyone dying because of me.
I follow him on my motorcycle because when he got into his car there was no way I was leaving my baby behind. Anyway when we got there I was standing in front of a humongous house, then he just walked inside so I followed him.
Once inside the mansion of a house he said “Welcome to my home”
“So wolfy whatcha want? I asked him
He looked at me in surprise
“How did you know I was a werewolf?” he asked me
“Obviously your scent, and the way you act” I said
“Wait if you didn’t know, about me knowing about werewolves how do you know my secret?” I ask full of curiosity
“Well you see I knew if I said something like that it would convince you to come with me. I mean, who doesn’t have secrets?” he said with a little shame in his tone
“You don’t know me okay, you have no right to trick me like that, let alone make me follow you into your house. You made me late to go home, and YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I’M LATE, NO YOU DON’T, NO ONE DOES BECAUSE NO ONE CARES.” I yell as I fall to the floor
Jace comes and picks me up from the floor and puts me on the couch with him. Next thing I know I’m crying into his chest. When I’m done crying I look up at him, then he wipes away a few of my stray tears and looks at them.
“Kat your tears are sparkling, do you know that?” he asked
I looked into his eyes even though he can’t tell with my sunglasses on, and I said “Yes, they’ve done that since I was born. That is why I never cry, until I can’t take the pain anymore.”
     Jace looked at me but not in pity, but something I couldn’t quite place
“I don’t know what happened to you but, I want to help you.” Jace tells me
“Why, why would you want to help me, you hardly know me.¨ I say to him
“Because that’s what you do, you help people when they need it” Jace says
“Well that’s a first for me” I say
“Well maybe you need to start meeting some better people” Jace says
     Well maybe he actually does care about me even though he doesn’t know everything about me. I just hope by trusting somebody I don’t get hurt, again. So all I can really hope for is that I don’t get more scars and that maybe for once I can have a real friend or more.
“Well, not that many people want to get to know a girl who hides everything about herself, and I don’t blame them. Everyone I care about or cares about me, gets taken away from me.” I say sadly
“You know what, forget about all those people. Don’t let them get to you you are an amazing person as far as I can tell. So, what you hide, that’s your secret to tell why and you don’t have to feel ashamed about it. Just feel comfortable being you, and when you’re ready to show who you are I’m here, no rush.” Jace says
“I am comfortable with who I am, it’s just if people know who I am they would get hurt and get put in danger because of me. That can’t happen, people can’t get hurt because of me, I’m nobody. I hide to protect people and to hide from who I am.” I said while tears flow slowly down my face
“Well I can take care of myself, so don’t worry about me. You though have to stop running. You are never going to be free if you don’t. Especially if the main thing you’re running from is yourself. Let all those doubts and bruises bounce around in your head stop, just believe that who you are is for a reason. Just believe that.” Jace told me
“How? How can I stop when all my life all I’ve heard is; you’re a monster, you’re ugly, you’re fat, you should die, you’re a demon, you’re a murderer, and more. So, after all my years with that, well you start to believe it.” I said quietly, but I knew he heard me clearly
“Well that’s easy, you surround yourself with people who dont. Who don’t believe that. Who believe you’re more, even though you don’t.” He says
“Who, who could possibly think that about me. I mean look at me. I’m just me, no one cares and I’m okay with that as long as everyone is safe around me.” I tell him
“ME! I believe in you, you are coming with me. I am not going to let you go back with those people and I’m not leaving you alone to believe all there cr*p, so you’re coming home with me to my family.” He told me like I was blind to it
“What, no I am not putting you in danger! Plus you’re family won’t like me. I am not good for people like you, you’ll just get hurt.” I said to him
“What do you mean not good for people like me? What is people like me?!” He says a little loudly
“GOOD PEOPLE!” I yell “Everything I touch get ruined, get taken away from me. If you help me the same will happen to you.” I say to him
“Will you stop, why is it so hard for you to let people care about you, huh?” He say
I pause for a second and he sees this and I know he knew he said something that hit a nerve.
“Because, no one ever has before” I say softly

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