Just Know That I Know | Teen Ink

Just Know That I Know

October 15, 2015
By AbbieKeller14 BRONZE, Leesburg, Indiana
AbbieKeller14 BRONZE, Leesburg, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

March 14, 4035
I know more then you could even imagine. I know the past, present, and I know what will become of our future based on facts alone. I might just be the smartest person in my world today. Yes, I said my world. See, I know that I’m talking like the people before me are going to read this. If they would be, then I would tell them that they ruined everything. The people excluding me think that everything we have was just here and it was “free.” People today are stupid, and that’s putting it nicely.
Now you are probably wondering who this person thinks she is, talking smack about the “great world” we live in today. Well, my name is Adelina Rose, but my family and friends call me Addi. I’m sixteen. Yes, I said sixteen. I am stubborn and if there is a secret about society you think that I don’t know, well then you’re wrong.  People might say that I am arrogant, well they are right, but I don’t see the problem with thinking that you are smart. 
       People think that I’m stupid just because I’m blonde. That’s not true at all, in fact they are so infatuated with the color of my hair that they miss that I do indeed have grey eyes. You are probably thinking to yourself, what the heck is she talking about grey eyes for? Is she insane?  Actually, I am not!  If you have grey eyes, it is scientifically proven that you are more intelligent than most people.  I did the experiment myself.
I break the rules all the time. I really couldn’t care less what society thinks about me. I know that they watch my every move. They are probably watching me right now, and frankly I don’t care. I want them to see what I am writing; I want them to know everything that I will write down on this piece of paper, which I took out of the archives.
        See things here in the year of 4035 are a little different then what they were 2,010 years ago.  Paper is now only available to certain people and only for very important things. I take it anyways because I love everything to do with history.  The feel of the paper is so raw; it feels so clean and pure.  But it’s mostly because others don’t know about the history of our world and that makes me a lot smarter than them. If you couldn’t tell already, I really like to beat the crowd when it comes to knowledge. Anyway the government, as I was saying, loves to keep an eye on me.
I graduated college at the age of sixteen. I am considered a prodigy. That means that I am already watched because they consider me dangerous, not because I have connections to any bad people, but they feel that I am dangerous because of my brain. Which I could be but, I chose not to be because I don’t want to make anyone suspect my plan yet. You probably want me to tell you my plan, but you will know soon enough. I’ll give you a little hint: it deals with the government! Maybe overthrowing it or just making some minor or major changes.
March 17, 4035
Sorry I haven’t written in a while. It’s been hard to find time in between being the biggest genius to walk this Earth and Adam. Adam is my person. He knows everything about me and sometimes he knows me better than I know myself. He has beautiful, and I mean beautiful, blonde hair. He has bright greyish- blue eyes, which means he is almost as smart as a pyrid. A pyrid is what we in our society call a person with grey eyes. It is meant to give us a “different meaning” in society. It just accentuates our difference. Anyway back to Adam, he is really tall which I absolutely love! He is broad and muscular, but not like a meathead or anything. I’m absolutely besotted with him. I never thought that I could find someone that I love so much. I was positive that before Adam came along there was no such thing as love. But, I think I’ve found it.
  Even though I say “before Adam came along” he was always there. We grew up together being best friends. He understands me, and I guess before we were actually old enough to have real feelings, I had never thought of him in that way.
Enough about me blabbing on, I have to go now before Aunt Meg catches me with paper again. Last time she caught me, she told me the next time she catches me with paper she would report me. You can totally see how much love is in that relationship. Oh well, right? Anyway, night.
March 20, 4035
If you couldn’t tell already I live with my aunt because my dad is an idiot and an alcoholic, which is why my mom got full custody of me, but when I was thirteen she died because of President Bass.  He knew that I was his biggest threat to take away his never-ending rein. He thought that if he killed her, he would figuratively kill me too. Which, he did for a while, but then I decided that instead of just sitting around like a lump on a log I should fight back. He killed her and wanted to kill me, so now I’m going to kill him and this stupid country that he thinks everyone adores.
My anger for him is very vast. I’m really sarcastic, so I think that just might be why people don’t like me that much. I have attitude and a lot of it. I could probably break Bass with just my words, if I had the chance to get close enough to him.
        He always sends these letters, wanting me to come to the Capitol. He thinks that if he offers all of these luxurious things that I will come running to his door and bow down to his feet. Sorry buddy! That isn’t going to happen, your way. It’s going to happen my way! Like my mother used to say, “It’s Adelina’s way or everybody better run and hide!” Goodnight. 
March 21, 4035
     I’ve been talking to Rosie lately; Rosie is my absolute best friend. We’ve been talking about how I’m going to bring down Bass. I have to find a way to get into the Capitol the way I want to. I have to make him believe that I will be by his side and just give into him. I’m not, of course, but I have to make it believable without actually believing my fake persona, if that makes any sense at all.
     So Rosie is gorgeous, she has shoulder-length dirty blond hair. Bright grey eyes, she is also a pyrid, and she is pretty tall about an inch or so taller than me. A very loving person and my “better half.” She keeps me from hurting people too much. She is the optimistic one while I’m the one who can always find something bad in anything, even if it was a rainbow with a pot of gold at the end of it; she thinks that I could find something wrong with that “perfect situation.” I’m pretty sure I could, but the point is, is that she makes me the best I can be, and I don’t know how I would survive without her.
March 31, 4035
My Aunt Meg is the closest thing I have to actual family. Which kind of stinks because we don’t get along that well. She thinks that I am just a rebellious teen who is drinking and doing drugs, when I’m actually at the library researching the past. I try to tell her that, but she is so certain that I’m just trying to make up excuses for drinking. I guess it does sound like that because I mean, how many teenagers actually go to the library at 3:30 p.m. and don’t come home until 9:30 at night. It’s my safe place. The simplicity of the silence helps me concentrate on probably the most destructive thing since WWX.
Our world used to look green and blue from space, but now half of the planet is black, and the water is a murky brown. My side of the planet, the Western Hemisphere, is still a shade of green and blue. The other half of the planet, which we call “Nuceast,” was demolished during WWX, which happened about 150 years ago. 
Our country is now called Land of the United or for short (LOU). The country used to be called “The United States” which is where our name, I’m guessing, originated from. We don’t have “factions,” or “provinces,” but we have “statuses.” Which by the name, you can guess, it is used to sort out who has a higher status or a greater value to the country. I’m a classman. A classman is the closest you can be to a president. It’s really just because of my smarts, which I’m thankful for because I wouldn’t want to be poor and live in a shack.
I want to move out of Aunt Meg’s stupid little penthouse, and actually have something of my own. Her penthouse is on top of what used to be called “The Sears Tower.” It has been rebuilt so many times, I can’t even tell you. It’s big but suffocating at the same time. I’ve only been here for three years and I’m over it. It’s too colorful and sparkly. I just need something in my life to be neutral.
The Capitol is in Washington, D.C. I hear that the city has been there for forever! President Bass lives in what we call the Grey House. It used to be called the “White House” because it was obviously white, but ever since the word “pyrid” came around, he freaked because he isn’t one and he thought that if he painted that stupid museum house thing grey then we, as society, would believe that he was smarter than all of us. Sometimes I just have to laugh at him because when he tries to be smart and powerful, he ends up looking like a total idiot. 
April 3, 4035
Since I don’t go to school anymore, I work in one of the government offices here in town. I love what I do. I’m a prodigy in math, science, and devious plans! My math and science skills are what got me this job. I figure out the budget for all of LOU. Also, I’m always doing experiments in the lab that they provided for me. I spend most of my time in there because after I complete my plan and actually go through with it, it’s most likely to diminish my chance of ever getting back in here again. 
April 4, 4035
The last letter came in a pure white, crisp, gold-sealed envelope. The presidential seal was on the back, and my name was gracefully written in cursive on the front. It looked better and more distinguished than the other ones had. Maybe it was just because I actually was opening this one that made it more beautiful. It was almost too perfect to open.
After about thirty minutes of talking myself into going to the Capitol, then out of going, I finally worked up enough nerve to open the letter. The sound of the paper ripping as I tore open the seal, made my heart sink. To think that I’m going to go through with such a gutsy plan, wrenched my stomach into knots. The paper was handwritten in ink, like they did with feather tips and stuff. It said, what I guessed all of the other letters said. Bass wants me to come to the Capitol, blah, blah, blah.  I’m reading this in my head thinking what a bunch of crap this letter is. How gullible does he think I am? I wasn’t sure if I would go with the plan before, but now the letter not just pushed, but more like it punched me in the face, drug me over 1,000 rocks and then shoved me off of a 300 foot cliff. I’m certain now more than ever before. Look out, here I come Bass! 
April 8, 4035 (8:30)
     Adam just graduated from college, so he can come with me on my trip to the Capitol. I’m so happy that he can come because I need his support. I’m actually going this time! I can’t believe it! I’m finally going to make him pay for what he did. Adam’s packed and I’m about done.  Our flight leaves at 10:30 a.m. It’s 8:30 a.m. now and I already have ants in my pants. Butterflies are fluttering in my stomach, and they aren’t the good ones. My anxiety is about to make me go insane.
This flight is so boring. Right now I’m hiding in the bathroom, so no one can see me writing. It’s so crammed in here. There is zero space to move. The jet is huge, but still I feel claustrophobic. It’s a good thing this flight only last like three and a half hours. If it was any longer I don’t think I would come off this plane alive.
Oh my gosh! I knew I hated him for some reason, other than the obvious. His look is so repugnant. He has little to no hair. He has green, beady eyes, and when he looks at you, he looks like he is going to cut out your heart and feed it to his little minions, he calls “the help”. He’s tall and lanky, and has a very disturbing smile. Even though he’s brutal with his words, I’m pretty sure I would beat him in any argument.  He tries to be polite but Adam and I see right through his little fake demeanor. He sickens me to no extent.
My room is on the third floor right below his. It has pearly grey wallpaper. A medium sized desk in the corner with a lamp. A huge bed. A full-sized bathroom with a walk-in shower and a porcelain tub! This is pretty nice, but I can’t get used to these fine accommodations. I have to keep my head in the game and my mind on the plan, and the best way to go about it.
April 9, 4035 (5:30)
Phhh! Today is the big day. I finally get to put my plan into action. I have to get ready to go to breakfast, that’s where it all starts. I’m going to stop writing in this journal. Now you’re coming with me.
My makeup takes longer than it needed to. My maid decided to put me in something wearable that looks amazing. Girls have to wear dresses, so mine is gray (of course) and has an A-line skirt with a halter. My shoes are white flats. I picked these out because they will be the easiest to run in.
I tell my maid to leave, so I can put my knife against my thigh. I slip it into the band, and prepare myself for the worst. I could die going into this, but hopefully it will change something.
I walk down, what seems to be an on going climb down a mountain of stairs. Finally I reach what I’m guessing is the dining room. There is a table that looks like it stretches out over a mile long. I take a seat next to Adam.
He whispers in my ear,” You ready for this?”
“Of course. Umm maybe not.”
He chuckles. He makes me feel safe, which is exactly what I need right now. How could he do this? He’s putting his life on the line for some stupid plan, which I thought of over a bowl of cornflakes!
“Don’t worry.” His eyes are so kind, but brave at the same time. To even think that I could make it out of this without him, brought tears to my eyes.
“I love you.” I choke back my tears. He knows.
“Love ya too.” He kisses my forehead and looks deeply into my eyes.
Bass comes around the corner and I make my move. I stand up and walk over to him gracefully. I had slipped my hand underneath my dress while I was sitting at the table. I now had the knife against my palm. My hands are clammy and my heart is beating a thousand beats per second. I come to him and he greets me with a warped grin.
“Well, good morning Miss Rose. Good to see that you have used the clothing department very wisely. You could be using that on a daily basis, you know?”
“Thank you. Yes, I am positive I will make sure that my maids use the prestige fabric very carefully.”
“Very well then.”
I move my hand up and grab the handle of the knife. He has a look of amusement despite what I had just done. Like he wasn’t surprised. I am going to make sure that the stupid grin on his face will melt off into a sorrowed frown.
I take the knife and hit him directly in the heart. He grabs his chest and looks at me with needy eyes. Just like I had wanted, the grin fades into a look of disbelief. It was like he thought I didn’t have it in me. It hits me hard that I am now a cold-blood killer.
     As he slumps to the ground I hear screams come from all around me. I look up to see guards’ running full speed towards me. I freeze. Adam quickly jumps out of his seat and races to grab my arm, to pull me away. We break into a full sprint towards the door. I don’t hear the guards behind me only the pounding of my heart…

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 21 2015 at 7:16 pm
jellinger7 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
I love your story Abbie. It's is AMAZING!!!