Overtaken | Teen Ink


October 21, 2015
By ClashLover24 BRONZE, Iuka, Mississippi
ClashLover24 BRONZE, Iuka, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Hundreds of years in the future, the Nazis have have unleashed their world domination plan. The Nazis had been planning their global takeover ever since they lost in the Second World War. Ten years before the world was taken over, a famous psychic named Paulinian made a prophecy that impending doom was approaching, and only one boy could save us. His name was James Smith.
James was just a farmboy on a ranch out in Mississippi. He didn’t know much about the outside world much less did he know that he would save it.
When the Nazis arrived in America, James was taken in, but his family was killed by the Nazis. James was put on an airship and was being taken to concentration camp in Berlin, Germany. Due to the Nazis having centuries to think, they had progressed further into technology than the rest of the world. Their concentration camps were encased in a blue orb that shocked anything that was not Nazi-made. The airship that James was on went through the blue orb and everything came into view. James saw all the innocent people from around the world who were practically enslaved. Everybody had pickaxes and shovels as they went into a mine. James had only one thought in his head,”I need to get out of here and save these people from their slavery.”
When James got off the airship, he was sent to a long hall with bunk beds lining the walls that felt like rocks when you slept on them. James had little time to settle in before they carried him off to work in the mines. As James walked into the mine, he noticed that a strange green metal was being taken to the entrance of the cave. The metal had a pulsing, eerie glow that no other metal had. As he kept walking, he pondered what the metal was and how it was used.
His thoughts were interrupted by a hard shove on the back and a hoarse voice saying,”Get to work!”
James grabbed his pickaxe, but he had a better idea in mind than hitting at the rock. James firmly gripped the pickaxe and swung the pickaxe at the soldier. The tip of the pickaxe went deep into the soldier’s temple, and the soldier collapsed.
James picked up the soldier’s pistol which was loaded with strange green bullets. James then realized that the green metal that he saw was the Nazi’s ammunition.
James put the clip back in and started toward the mouth of the mine. While he was walking, a Nazi tried to stop him, but James had no second thoughts and shot him. After a long walk, James made it to the cave’s entrance, but he did not see the sunlight. James saw at least 20 guns aiming at him. James knew he could not escape this, and he started to accept his inevitable fate. Just when all hope was lost, a mob of frustrated people from all over the world came out of the mine armed with just pickaxes and shovels.
They were inspired by James’ bravery, and they were tired of their hard labor. The mob then started to charge the Nazi soldiers with bravery. The Nazis opened fire, and a few of the brave men and women were killed by the gunfire. That did not stop them though. They reached the Nazis and started to take them down. There were too little Nazis compared to the mob, and all the soldiers were killed.
The mob let out a victory cheer. They were finally free from Nazi power, but that was not enough. The mob realized that they were just as strong as the Nazis, and that they could fight them.
From that point on, the mob, led by James,  took over many more concentration camps in Germany, and they started a rebellion. With every camp that was taken down, they became stronger and formed the rebel group known as The Order of the Old World.

The author's comments:

I wrote this story because I personally love futuristic stories. I'm sure that I am not the only one who loves this topic too. Somebody out on the internet will love this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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