Just a scene from the novel I'm writing for NaNoWrMo | Teen Ink

Just a scene from the novel I'm writing for NaNoWrMo

November 10, 2015
By Leon.S. BRONZE, Mckinney, Texas
Leon.S. BRONZE, Mckinney, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The men in blocking the way in front of Caius had a sinister look about them. A man stepped out from their ranks. He was wearing a breastplate and a dark cloak that partially hid a sword. On his head sat a silver circlet with a piece of jet set into the front. He had a thick mustache and beard that obscured the lower half of his face.
“We want to have a word with you.” the man who seemed to be in charge of the group said.
“About what?”
“Our employer would like you to come to his estate.”
“And if I don't want to go?”
“He said to bring you by any means necessary.”
Caius finally realized what had been making him uneasy about this man. He had a supernatural energy.
“You can try if you'd like but I am not going to some man that I don't know.”
“You sure? Because we could do this either way but it would be more fun for you to resist…. at least for me that is.”
“Yes i'm sure. It won't be fun for you though I can promise you that.” said Caius as he edged his sword out of his scabbard.
The man looked at his comrades and said “Get him.”
The men charged at Caius. The first man reached him and tried to slash his legs out from under him. Caius blocked the sword with ease and scratched the man across the chest. The man reeled back but had no time to recover because the sword was coming again and this time it wasn't a simple scratch. Two more men reached Caius but at this time he had adrenaline pumping through his veins and he was starting to feel his powers awakening. He dropped his sword as one of the men tried a over hand cut and caught the sword in his hand which at this point had started to glow blue. Then a black chain with a spike at the end of it shot from his hand and stabbed the man through the gut. Caius pulled it back through the man with a wet sound. He whipped it around and slashed the throat of the man about to attack his unprotected back with just the tip of the spike. This exchange only took a few seconds and in that time he killed half of the men facing him. The man in the cloak didn't seemed bothered in the least by the loss of life but his men looked reluctant to attack the man who just slaughtered half of them with ease.
“Attack him you idiots! Kill him!” The man in the cloak started yelling at them. “Fine I’ll kill him myself.”
With that he launched himself off his horse with unnatural speed. Caius had been suspicious that this man was not all human and this confirmed it. As he flew towards Caius he drew his sword and brought it up to run Caius through with the force of his leap behind it. Caius deflected the sword blow with his arm but the force behind it pushed him to the side. He launched his chain at the man but his adversary twisted in the air narrowly avoiding the chain slicing through his spine. As it was he still got stabbed in the arm by the chain forcing him to drop his sword. The man landed in a roll and his arm turned into a flail that he swung towards Caius. Caius was forced to jump back narrowly avoiding getting his head taken from his shoulders. He shot his chain at His enemy but it collided with the man's flail in midair. Caius charged him and using his chain as a distraction and slammed his fist into the man’s jaw. As the fist connected with his face Caius struggled to not allow the healing power to flood from him. The man spun around from the force of the punch and saw the chain coming around him and he was suddenly wrapped in the chain.

The author's comments:

Just a small little scene

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