The Virus | Teen Ink

The Virus

December 15, 2015
By johnhart BRONZE, Cave Creek, Arizona
johnhart BRONZE, Cave Creek, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

            Brady doesn’t stand out in a crowd, despite being runner-up for valedictorian in one of the most academic schools in the state of Virginia, as of 2080. In this year, the world population is six times that of today. While he struggles in none of his classes, the one most appealing to him is science. He has a natural gift for it. He had recently graduated and is now looking for a job in the “real world”. He know sits at a bus stop waiting to be taken to a lab where he will test cures for diseases.
            It’s a cold, gray-skied morning. Brady looks at the pines around him, knowing that this is day one of what he’ll be doing for possibly the rest of his life. He sees the bus from a few hundred yards away, ready to start his new career. When the bus pulls up, the smell of gasoline intrudes his senses. Brady compared the public buses as the big warehouse of driving. He knows that in a few months’ time, he’ll have enough money for a used car, so he stays calm for now.
            It was a long drive to the “Laboratory for Disease”, and could’ve appreciated a quicker ride, but he at least had made it. Before he walks in, he notices a van with the letters CDC spelled in big white print on the side. It puzzles him, but he continues on inside. He quickly wishes he didn’t.
            The receptionist was riddled with gunshots, along with a few in the hallways. As Brady tries to comprehend what’s happening, he also tries not to throw up. He soon realizes that that is not his only problem. He hears a faint gunshot, followed by footsteps getting louder, and louder, until the door creaks open across the long hallway.

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